10/5/2010 10:22:38 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
when a guys says he loves me and that he wants to be with me and marry me and then like 5 minutes later hes mean to me and calls me names and when i get mad and get upset i dont talk to him and then an hour later he says sorry and he loves me and all that and then he does it again. does he really mean that he loves me or what? im stuck please help me.
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10/5/2010 10:26:14 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

San Antonio, TX
age: 31
Nope. If he truly loved you, he wouldn't do that to you. He's just playing games with you.
10/5/2010 10:29:40 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Topeka, KS
age: 49
It sounds like you found a "bad boy" who will treat you this way for many years, and will likely get worse. If he is your age I suspect he (and you) need time to mature before seeking a permanent relationship. IMO, your comment that you get mad and don't talk to him supports this. Love is not about calling names, being mean, and not talking to each other...move on.
10/5/2010 10:30:24 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Longmont, CO
age: 52
Have respect for yourself, what do you really think? No he does not love you, he has issues.
10/5/2010 10:32:48 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 63
Border line psychotic---almost abusive by your description. Don't you deserve better than that?? Don't you deserve a safe sane respectful MAN? You are too young to be with a guy who is so nasty--let him be crazy with someone else. This man is sending signals to you--you have to really see what this man is capable of--or POSSIBLY capaable of. Not all men are verbally abusive --not all men are disrespectful--not all men are wasting your valuable young age. No law says that YOU have to stay with this guy--you have the right--you have the freedom to make a choice and decisison to get away from this idiotic man. Hope he doesn't start showing violence towards you--sounds like its the next step!! Be smart!! Good luck.
10/5/2010 10:34:57 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Petaluma, CA
age: 60
Run as fast as you can. He is not ready for a serious relationship, let alone know how to love someone. If he keeps flip flopping back and forth like tha; it sounds like he has some serious anger issues. From what you have shared; not only is he verbally abusive, but it is only short leap to where he becomes physically abusive. Use your head. Being in love with someone shouldn't be a frightening experience. Abusers are always sorry and promise not to do it again, until the next time. Is that what you want your life to be like? Stay safe.
10/5/2010 10:39:05 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
thanks everyone, i told him before that i didnt want to be with him if he is gonna be treating me like then i couldnt be with him, and im also pregnant with his baby so yeah im stuck. we arent together no more but he is asking for me back and saying he loves me and stuff and then bes mean.
10/5/2010 10:45:30 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


New South Wales
age: 48
Its usually the woman who say things but don't really mean what they say and then they expect a bloke to know what they want!
Piss him off 
10/5/2010 10:52:31 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 63
A BABY?? well--if it is his baby--you cannot keep him from it. I guess a serious discussion about support or even providing a married life for you two, would be in order. A baby changes YOUR STORY. That baby did not ask to be born--it deserves everything that you can provide for it. He and you have to now concentrate on the baby--and all this other crap is out the window. If he is treating you BAD--he may be trying to get thrown out so HE DOESN'T have to pay for support. It may all be an act. Any boy can make a babay--it takes a MAN TO RAISE IT PROPERLY!! Stop the arguing--tell him to grow up and start being a man--get a job or two and start getting ready to live AN ADULT LIFE. And you better get ready to be MOMMY!! Its all about this baby.
[Edited 10/5/2010 10:53:49 PM ]
10/5/2010 11:05:52 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


New South Wales
age: 48
A Baby 
10/5/2010 11:57:27 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Olympia, WA
age: 20
thanks everyone, i told him before that i didnt want to be with him if he is gonna be treating me like then i couldnt be with him, and im also pregnant with his baby so yeah im stuck. we arent together no more but he is asking for me back and saying he loves me and stuff and then bes mean. 
yep, you f**ked up.
10/5/2010 11:58:44 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Buellton, CA
age: 45
WTF are you pregnant? Where does your college degree fit into all of this? 
10/6/2010 6:20:32 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Asheboro, NC
age: 47 online now!
Maybe in his own twisted way he loves you and honey, that is not mature love at all.
You don't mistreat the ones you love. You appreciate them, respect them, care about and for them. You make them feel special and you cradle their hearts in your hand, not step on it and break it.
A friends daughter is a few years older than you and she is going through the same thing you are except she is not pregnant.
I have spent many a night talking to her, hearing her cry, hearing the conversations and reading text from this clown and I am appalled at what comes out of his mouth but even more shocked that she lets it continue and stays with him.
It absolutely breaks my heart because she is just like another daughter to me and I also know that I'm beating my head against a brick wall and even though I have told her to do whatever she wants with him it really hurts me and I will protect her no matter what.
You deserve so much better than this, this boy has some definite mental issues and needs help. Don't make his issues yours.
You have a precious new life to take care of and that baby needs and deserves a stable mother to raise it.
Get rid of him before it gets any worse.
Tell him if and when he can be a real man and show you what you mean to him and love you as you are supposed to be loved and he get some counseling that you will then consider taking him back but not unless and until he does.
Take care of yourself and your unborn baby and best of luck to you.
Hugs to you. 
10/6/2010 6:31:05 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Osage Beach, MO
age: 59
 when a guys says he loves me and that he wants to be with me and marry me and then like 5 minutes later hes mean to me and calls me names and when i get mad and get upset i dont talk to him and then an hour later he says sorry and he loves me and all that and then he does it again. does he really mean that he loves me or what? im stuck please help me.
DUMP HIS A** !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
10/6/2010 6:33:41 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Asheboro, NC
age: 47 online now!
If a man tells me he loves me I know what I should expect and verbal abuse is not it.
This girl I told you about in my previous response hears the same thing from her clown also.
He text and or calls and if she doesn't respond in a split second he calls her degrading, ugly names and then starts accusing her of sleeping with someone else.
Yes, physical abuse has been done too and in five minutes he is telling her how much he loves her and can't live without her.
She tells me I don't understand and that it's this generation, that is how young guys are nowadays.
I don't buy it for a minute. I don't care what generation it is, there is never ever any excuse for mean, cruel and abusive behavior.
We are products of our upbringing and in my eyes that is still no excuse.Grow up and do the right thing.
My ex husband was verbally and physically abusive to me also and he was arrested and I divorced him yet he claimed to love me so much. If that is how you love me I don't want and or need it and neither should you.
He is a controller and a manipulator, stay away from him and don't become another statistic.
Do you really want your child to grow up in an environment like that?
Children learn what they live and I thank my God everyday that my children are nothing like their father. I instilled different in them and they know his behavior was wrong and I don't care how old they are, if they ever treated anyone like that I wouldn't tolerate it and allow it.
10/6/2010 7:04:24 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Batesville, AR
age: 41
that is just awful get out and dont look back it will only get worse if you put up with it!    
10/6/2010 7:07:58 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Fallbrook, CA
age: 39
 when a guys says he loves me and that he wants to be with me and marry me and then like 5 minutes later hes mean to me and calls me names and when i get mad and get upset i dont talk to him and then an hour later he says sorry and he loves me and all that and then he does it again. does he really mean that he loves me or what? im stuck please help me.
Get OUT! I was married to this man. The evil cycle will never end.
10/6/2010 7:22:21 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Linden, NJ
age: 50
I just HAVE to ask this question: How could you allow yourself to become pregnant? There are very effective measures of birth control out there and don't even talk to me about expense because I was a broke college student myself who managed to find a Planned Parenthood.
I was going to tell you to RUN, FAST, as others have before me in this thread. But now you are tied forever to a man who is going to be abusive to you and, most likely, use the child as a bargaining tool to control and manipulate you even further.
He is abusing you. It may not be physical abuse right now but it's mental abuse. It WILL escalate. Is that the environment in which you want to raise a child? My advice would be to get yourself away from him permanently and put your child up for adoption where he can be raised in a stable, 2 parent family. Then you need to work on growing up, getting an education and growing some self esteem. If you had self esteem you would NOT need to ask us this question, you would already know that his treatment of you is wrong.
10/6/2010 9:33:33 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Houston, TX
age: 40
NO, it does not mean he loves you. Television and magazines has tricked everyone into believing what true love is. When you love someone you do not play mind tricks with them by being mean to them. This is an old child phsycology technique. When you love someone you don't INTENTIONALLY put them down. Love is only a word my sister. True love is shown by example. When you were a child and had a pet, did you love it? I'm sure you did not say or do mean things to it right. I woman is to be cherished (of course long as she deserves it).
"Don't Go There!" my latest book
10/6/2010 11:36:39 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Santa Barbara, CA
age: 20
he sounds like a b*tch excuse my language, a man like that you dont need in your life, you want someone who would make you laugh, gentlemen etc, it seems just very immature, playing little games, like that, ask yourself is that what you really want for yourself? a man who is disrespectful, and love if a man really love you hell show you his love and he would not mistreat you,think about it,
my opinion
10/6/2010 12:26:26 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Aurora, CO
age: 50
You CANNOT stay with this guy. Move on. I don't care if you are pregnant. Don't waste your time or your life with a douche bag like him. 
10/6/2010 12:29:04 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
yep, you f**ked up.
how did i f**k up?
10/6/2010 12:30:19 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
WTF are you pregnant? Where does your college degree fit into all of this? 
i dont have a college degree i dropped out of high school.
10/6/2010 1:29:45 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Linden, NJ
age: 50
i dont have a college degree i dropped out of high school.
Oh good Lord. So basically you are on here now looking for someone to foot the bill for you (and someone else's child) for the rest of your life.
What biz meant was, at your age you should be concentrating on getting a college degree and making something of yourself.
So if you can't find a wallet, what will you do to support yourself and your child without even a high school diploma?
10/6/2010 1:58:19 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |
Palm Bay, FL
age: 51
Have been there, done that. Broke up again today and need help keeping him away. He always comes back. I don't have the baby thing going on, thank goodness, just a broken heart. How does one get over the broken trust and belief? How does one ever believe again?
10/6/2010 2:58:33 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Sioux Falls, SD
age: 59 online now!
Tell him to buy a YOYO... The Boy is just Stringing you along 
10/6/2010 3:04:45 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Hollywood, FL
age: 35
Are you serious lil' mama ---he is a JERK there is no love there--all couple go through things but when a person calls you something other than your name (not a pet name)then i say to you actions speak louder than words -in your case they are both just as loud--you don't need that sweetie-- i'm sure you can do better than that
10/6/2010 3:37:30 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Litchfield, OH
age: 59
"i dont have a college degree i dropped out of high school." on your way to a bright future?
I never argue with women, beneath my dignity to get in a yelling or screaming match with any one, self respect? Never mean to a lady, unless you call walking out their door or showing them mine mean.
Just my view, establish early in a relationship what will or will not be tolerated, my line in the sand crosses the threshold, as you cross the line you exit my space.
10/6/2010 6:34:45 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Fallbrook, CA
age: 39
thanks everyone, i told him before that i didnt want to be with him if he is gonna be treating me like then i couldnt be with him, and im also pregnant with his baby so yeah im stuck. we arent together no more but he is asking for me back and saying he loves me and stuff and then bes mean. 
Why the hell did you get pregnant? You're only 20 years old!!! Now it's your choice to have the baby, so make the most wise choice for yourself. It's your decision, just know if you have the baby, you are stuck with Mr A-hole for a very long time, even if you don't get married.
Get your high school diploma and go to college!!! Don't ever put yourself in a situation where you depend on someone else finacially.
Good Luck
10/6/2010 6:42:32 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Valdosta, GA
age: 27
Stories like this one run rampant around here. 
10/6/2010 8:28:17 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Olympia, WA
age: 20
how did i f**k up?
The real question is how did you not f**k up..
10/6/2010 8:43:32 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Flower Mound, TX
age: 57
Wow! What drama...yeah, that sounds like fun..
10/6/2010 9:09:00 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |
Saint Paul, MN
age: 58
You're just a naive child who knows nothing of men!! "Men" say that because you want to hear it and will be impressed by it because you value the WORDS more than his ACTIONS. To understand the situation you need to judge a man always by his ACTIONS. if his words match then perhaps you have a winner, but judge a man by his actions. Or are you one of those silly women who can be beaten to a bloody pulp but won't press charges because he says "I LOVE YOU"! Yes, he cheats and lies, drinks, does drugs, distributes kiddie porn (Isn't it WONDERFUL he has the opportunity to work with children?!!) and makes the stuff too, has a prison record and is a vile and disgusting indiviual but you put up with it because he hugs you and says "I LOVE YOU"!! Let's sum. 1st, judge a man by what he DOES, not by what he SAYS. 2nd, when in doubt ask yourself "Does he act like a man who is in love with me?" If yes, excellent, if not, perhaps you need to dump him.
10/6/2010 9:15:39 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Milledgeville, GA
age: 31
verbal abuse is not love, it's abuse, find another man.
10/6/2010 9:59:03 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Tucson, AZ
age: 51 online now!
Focus on you and your child first. You can start a new relationship later when you get life under control. Get off this site and into school. You have a free ride in school now. Take advantage of it. Respect yourself so your child can.
10/6/2010 10:00:51 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Boerne, TX
age: 47 online now!
Sounds like true love to me!
10/6/2010 10:09:37 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Elgin, SC
age: 48
Sounds like true love to me!
Sounds to me like the guy could be bipolar! Get out while the gettin' is good! Baby or no baby. If he treats you badly, you can bet he'll treat the child badly as well. Just sayin'
10/6/2010 10:11:26 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |
Pittsburgh, PA
age: 30
I would have to say if he does all this kinda stuff, why would you want to be with someone who disrespects u like this constantly. Sounds like he has major issues, and I would be getting rid of him quickly. The sooner the better. As for you being pregnant with his child, he shouldn't stress u, so that should tell you all you need to know rite there that he doesn't care!
10/6/2010 10:58:33 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Anchorage, AK
age: 40
I would not want a man treating me like this. Love or not, cut your loses and find someone who will treat you the way you deserve.
10/6/2010 10:59:53 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Macomb, MI
age: 40
That's called "emotional abuse!"
10/7/2010 9:41:20 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
Oh good Lord. So basically you are on here now looking for someone to foot the bill for you (and someone else's child) for the rest of your life.
What biz meant was, at your age you should be concentrating on getting a college degree and making something of yourself.
So if you can't find a wallet, what will you do to support yourself and your child without even a high school diploma?
who said that i didnt hae any money? i work and i have the money to raise the baby on my own.
10/7/2010 8:02:42 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Fallbrook, CA
age: 39
who said that i didnt hae any money? i work and i have the money to raise the baby on my own.
Oh honey, you are in for a rude awakening. Children, even when you try to keep a budget, are expensive. Which is why you should plan to have children.
I'm so sorry you're choosing a hard life.
10/7/2010 8:37:55 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 62
OP, he has a screw loose somewhere....

10/7/2010 8:42:50 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 62
A baby???? WTH is the matter with you, girl???? Do you want to have him in your life the next 20 years, treating you worse and worse over time????? Either adopt the baby out or go to Planned Parenthood. DO NOT GO BACK TO THIS NUTCASE.
And why didn't you tell the whole story when you first posted??? Or is this a Grimm's fairy tale for us??? Huh huh huh????

10/7/2010 8:50:35 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Fallbrook, CA
age: 39
A baby???? WTH is the matter with you, girl???? Do you want to have him in your life the next 20 years, treating you worse and worse over time????? Either adopt the baby out or go to Planned Parenthood. DO NOT GO BACK TO THIS NUTCASE.
And why didn't you tell the whole story when you first posted??? Or is this a Grimm's fairy tale for us??? Huh huh huh????

Exactly what I was thinking...Thank You Susansheart.
OP has no idea what she is doing to herself and the potential baby. Life is only REALLY hard by choice. There are better and easier decisions!!!
10/8/2010 8:02:04 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Cheboygan, MI
age: 38
OP is young and unexperienced. She will have to endure these hardships to discover her true self,we all have to learn the hard way..."if we make no mistakes-we learn nothing" OP good luck and look for someone that will treat you well.
10/8/2010 8:10:16 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Linden, NJ
age: 50
OP is young and unexperienced. She will have to endure these hardships to discover her true self,we all have to learn the hard way..."if we make no mistakes-we learn nothing" OP good luck and look for someone that will treat you well.
No, some may consider this harsh, but dropping out of high school leaving herself with NO potential for a decent financial future, ALLOWING (yes, allowing, it WAS a choice) herself to get pregnant by an abusive man when there was NO commitment to a future together is not being "young and unexperienced" (and the word is inexperienced). It is being plain stupid.
And now, being on here looking for a sugar daddy, when she should, instead, be looking for a way to get her GED and advance her education because, if she continues the path she's taking as opposed to doing the smart thing and adopting the baby out to a loving couple, she's going to have to do a helluva lot better than "less than 25K" a year.
10/8/2010 8:18:40 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
A baby???? WTH is the matter with you, girl???? Do you want to have him in your life the next 20 years, treating you worse and worse over time????? Either adopt the baby out or go to Planned Parenthood. DO NOT GO BACK TO THIS NUTCASE.
And why didn't you tell the whole story when you first posted??? Or is this a Grimm's fairy tale for us??? Huh huh huh????

just because im having a baby dont mean i have to be with him for the rest of my life, yeah he could see his baby but i dont wanna be with him. and i didnt plan to have this baby, but im still gonna love my baby not matter what.
10/8/2010 8:24:07 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
No, some may consider this harsh, but dropping out of high school leaving herself with NO potential for a decent financial future, ALLOWING (yes, allowing, it WAS a choice) herself to get pregnant by an abusive man when there was NO commitment to a future together is not being "young and unexperienced" (and the word is inexperienced). It is being plain stupid.
And now, being on here looking for a sugar daddy, when she should, instead, be looking for a way to get her GED and advance her education because, if she continues the path she's taking as opposed to doing the smart thing and adopting the baby out to a loving couple, she's going to have to do a helluva lot better than "less than 25K" a year.
who said i was looking for a sugar daddy on here? im on here looking for a man that would treat me better and not brake my heart. i can raise my kid by my self. when i was 13 or 14 i raised my 2 nephews by my self when my sister was on drugs and didnt come home until a month later, i ever had to skip school to be there for my nephews.
10/8/2010 9:37:12 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 62
when i was 13 or 14 i raised my 2 nephews by my self when my sister was on drugs and didnt come home until a month later, i ever had to skip school to be there for my nephews.
So your drug addicted sister had two children out of wedlock???? Shoot me NOW, we are paying welfare for the whole freakin family here!!!!

10/8/2010 9:52:13 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Linden, NJ
age: 50
who said i was looking for a sugar daddy on here? im on here looking for a man that would treat me better and not brake my heart. i can raise my kid by my self. when i was 13 or 14 i raised my 2 nephews by my self when my sister was on drugs and didnt come home until a month later, i ever had to skip school to be there for my nephews.
And that's admirable that you stepped up to care for those kids. But did you support them financially or did you all live at home?
That is our point. You can have all the love in the world for your child but you still need the finances to care for him properly.
Work on your GED and work towards making something of yourself. Take advantage of any programs out there for you to get an education. Time to concentrate on yourself and your child and not worry about men right now.
10/8/2010 10:48:46 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

House Springs, MO
age: 22
no he dosent i married my husband and was married for two years had two kids with him and he did the same to me come to find out he cheated on me about two months ago with my friend and now they r living with each other a week after we seperated
10/8/2010 8:37:43 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
no he dosent i married my husband and was married for two years had two kids with him and he did the same to me come to find out he cheated on me about two months ago with my friend and now they r living with each other a week after we seperated 
ohh wow what a husband and a friend. im sorry to hear that, im kinda scared to get married. and im kinda scared to have this baby, but i know i would be a great mom with out there dad.
10/8/2010 10:32:32 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |
Cincinnati, OH
age: 27
10/9/2010 4:07:14 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 62
ohh wow what a husband and a friend. im sorry to hear that, im kinda scared to get married. and im kinda scared to have this baby, but i know i would be a great mom with out there dad.
Not unless you have all your priorities in order and right now you do not. You need to get your GED so you can secure a job that supports both you and your baby if you decide not to give the baby up for adoption. Are you living at home or on your own right now? I notice in all of your posts that your parents are not even mentioned. If you are depending on welfare and child care services through the federal or state government, be prepared to live at the mercy of the government who may take everything away without notice. May not be fair, but whoever said life is fair?
I know you think you know it all at 20, but girl, you do not. If you keep this child, when and if you find another man, he will now be making decisions about whether or not he wants someone else's offspring, along with whether or not he wants you for the rest of his life, along wth the father of the child. Many men would run in the opposite direction because they know of all the pitfalls, financial and emotional.
You are at a crossroads. Before you take the path left or right, please seek guidance from a professional, not opinions from a dating forum.

10/9/2010 6:14:17 PM |
Does he really mean what he says? |
Raleigh, NC
age: 26
RUN!! He sounds like u are a toy for him. He enjoys the power. I was in a bad realtionship where he would get mad all the time. At first it was seldom then more but he keept saying sorry... I belived him and 4 years down the road i left him after he physically abused me. RUN!!!!
10/10/2010 9:21:45 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
Not unless you have all your priorities in order and right now you do not. You need to get your GED so you can secure a job that supports both you and your baby if you decide not to give the baby up for adoption. Are you living at home or on your own right now? I notice in all of your posts that your parents are not even mentioned. If you are depending on welfare and child care services through the federal or state government, be prepared to live at the mercy of the government who may take everything away without notice. May not be fair, but whoever said life is fair?
I know you think you know it all at 20, but girl, you do not. If you keep this child, when and if you find another man, he will now be making decisions about whether or not he wants someone else's offspring, along with whether or not he wants you for the rest of his life, along wth the father of the child. Many men would run in the opposite direction because they know of all the pitfalls, financial and emotional.
You are at a crossroads. Before you take the path left or right, please seek guidance from a professional, not opinions from a dating forum.

i dont need a GED to raise a kid there is alot of moms out there that dont have there GEDs i have a job and money thats all that matters and IM NOT GIVING UP MY BABY FOR ADOPTION B*TCH SO GIVE UP ON SAYING IT!!!!!
i live with my dad, my mom is in mississippi, i been without my mom for 17 years. and i dont care if the guy i find dont wanna be with me cause of my baby, i dont ask them to raise my child, i got it ok. i know how to raise a kid. just cause im younge dont mean nothing, there is alot of girls out there that are 15 that is a mom.
10/10/2010 10:30:25 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Fallbrook, CA
age: 39
i dont need a GED to raise a kid there is alot of moms out there that dont have there GEDs i have a job and money thats all that matters and IM NOT GIVING UP MY BABY FOR ADOPTION B*TCH SO GIVE UP ON SAYING IT!!!!!
i live with my dad, my mom is in mississippi, i been without my mom for 17 years. and i dont care if the guy i find dont wanna be with me cause of my baby, i dont ask them to raise my child, i got it ok. i know how to raise a kid. just cause im younge dont mean nothing, there is alot of girls out there that are 15 that is a mom.
Pointing out that other young women have made stupid decisions doesn't diminish the fact that your decisions are stupid.
10/10/2010 10:34:28 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

South Bend, IN
age: 24 online now!
 when a guys says he loves me and that he wants to be with me and marry me and then like 5 minutes later hes mean to me and calls me names and when i get mad and get upset i dont talk to him and then an hour later he says sorry and he loves me and all that and then he does it again. does he really mean that he loves me or what? im stuck please help me.
lol he loves you he's just not ready for a relationship and he don't want to lose you but don't want to hurt you so he says mean shit he just still try'n to find himself honey
10/11/2010 10:28:47 AM |
Does he really mean what he says? |

Toledo, WA
age: 20
thanks jerris