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3/20/2007 5:58:59 AM |
General Discussion |

Boerne, TX
age: 27
Very well, since I persist in saying the emperor has no clothes, I suppose the above posters who are wise and claim to see those clothes need no instruction from a mere child like me. I suppose since the high priests of all that's sane have deemed me to be brainwashed, then I doubtless am. But, its mighty strange, it really looks as if the emperor's walking naked.
7/29/2007 10:58:53 AM |
General Discussion |

Bartlett, IL
age: 42
thought i'd drag up some old threads
7/29/2007 12:07:04 PM |
General Discussion |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
It has also been proven that those words of Josephus where put in long after his death and do not match his other ways of writing.
7/29/2007 12:11:59 PM |
General Discussion |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
I'm up to my latissimus dorsae with all this gluteus maximus talk , lol.
Josephus indeed , lol.
[Edited 7/29/2007 12:13:53 PM]
7/29/2007 1:00:27 PM |
General Discussion |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
The thread is- Who is Jesus Christ........I tend to believe in the Holy Trinity w/....
The Father(God) is God
The Son(Jesus) is God
The Holy(a divine quality)Spirit(a life giving force) is God
7/30/2007 3:40:36 AM |
General Discussion |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Even more preposterous. Totally without any basis, wasn't even taught till the catholic church was started in Rome.
7/30/2007 5:38:11 AM |
General Discussion |

Kingston, ON
age: 52
"The thread is- Who is Jesus Christ........I tend to believe in the Holy Trinity w/....
The Father(God) is God
The Son(Jesus) is God
The Holy(a divine quality)Spirit(a life giving force) is God"
The thread is currently titled as "General Discussion" and no longer "Who is Jesus Christ..."
Re: Trinity
From the earliest ages, the concept of a trinity - female, male, or mixed - existed. As usual, the Christian version is a much later version on the same model.
Anatolian villages in the 7th millenium B.C. worshipped a Goddess in three aspects – as a young woman, a birth-giving matron, and an old woman. This typical Virgin-Mother-Crone combination was Parvati-Durga-Uma (Kali) in India, Ana-Babd-Macha (the Morrigan) in Ireland, or in Greece Hebe-Hera-Hecate, the tree Moerae, the three Gorgons, the three Graeae, the three Horae, etc. Among the Vikings, the treefold Goddess appeared as the Norns; among the Romas, as the Fates or Fortunae; among the druides, as Diana Triformis. Even in pre-Columbian Mexico the Virgin Goddess who gave birth to the Savior Quetzalcoatl was a trinity, one of “three divine sisters.”
[Edited 7/30/2007 5:39:26 AM]
7/30/2007 8:59:28 AM |
General Discussion |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
It is clear that humans have been talking about something bigger and better than themselves for nearly 100,000,000,000 yrs now. the number 3 seems to be important across many religons or faiths or legends - a triangle of all things. i should have taken geometry. stars and children born without human fathers.... myths about creations and legends of gods of one sort or another everywhere..... many cultures and many faiths over many years in many languages..... Scientists even look for a unifying theory - the one theory that describes everything in the universe. seems to me that some say all the diversity in faith and religon is a reason there is no God. too much copy cat stuff.
to me so much diverstity is proof that there is a devine creator in all things. call him or her anything you want but there are many people doing the same thing - feeling that they are not the center of the universe. humans have felt that there is something more in the universe than just the human brian and man.
curious to all the scholars - what does historical literature say about children and religon and faith. seems to me chidren know and are more ready to accept faith than grown ups...... do grown-ups get indoctrinated or are children born with a hidden innate knowledge of divine creation.
7/30/2007 10:23:40 AM |
General Discussion |

Kingston, ON
age: 52
I find religion interesting. But, I find people and their history even more interesting.
I guess I see religion, in all its forms, to be humans’ expression of spirit. There is bound to be different understandings and practices that answer to the individual need to express or feel connected with the spirit.
What I find bothersome is that some religions, claim to be more correct or worthy than others. Does it not occur to them that possibly, just possibly, the reason there are so many different people on the planet is because we need to learn to get along? And, that “getting along” doesn’t mean that one perspective for the Divine is better or more correct than the other.
I think that children possess natural spirit. Most adult clergy would do well to learn from children who have not been hammered onto one train of religious dogma. It is what adults do with a natural wonder and understanding of the Divine that I take exception with.
There are many understandings of the gods. The big 3 religions have done a huge disservice to humanity through claims of absolute correctness and murder, all in the name of their god. Horse feathers, all of it.
7/30/2007 11:31:56 AM |
General Discussion |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
i remember holding my children shortly after they were born. they knew my voice and were quiet and settled and maybe as pure in heart as they ever would be. those moments were divine in all senses of the word - and humbling.
7/30/2007 11:50:27 AM |
General Discussion |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
But they were born in sin! Little teeny-tiny sinners!
How soon thereafter did you rush them off the the cleaners to be baptized?
7/30/2007 11:59:35 AM |
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Owatonna, MN
age: 40
my children arent baptized.... silly head.
did you miss the point???
7/31/2007 7:40:57 PM |
General Discussion |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
Sorry, I guess I did miss that point.
When people speak about holding their newborn as a devine moment, I think about the religious who cast aspersions on your sweet and dear little newborn. I stood my ground against all odds and never had my children baptized into any religion they had not choosen for themselves. One of my children is Zen and the other is a token Episcopalian by marriage. I am so glad that they had the chance to choose for themselves. I will tell you that both choices are tentative at best, but at least the choice was theirs.
I, myself, was raised as an Evangelical Protestant Lutheran because that was the closest church to the apartment where my parents lived. Nieither one of them was religious. I think they sent me and my sisters off to church every Sunday morning just so they could have an hour to themselves once a week. Sunday morning sex. God bless them, I begrudge them nothing. And I thank them that their indoctrination was so hit and miss. I'd hate to have been an Evangelical Lutheran by dint of sexual convenience, and made to defend a faith none of us subscribed to.
What Hell are my parents destined to for getting rid of us for an hour of sexual freedom on Sunday mornings? NONE! But I wish they had sent us to the icecream parlor across the street instead of to the nearest church! Therein lies the sin. They were ice cream hipocrites! They will pay dearly in Hell for sending us to church instead of to a fun place similar to what fun they themselves were enjoying. Pleasure all around stands in better stead than the pathetic sending of innocents to a brainwashing session in a church they utterly underestimated.
Net result: I'm an atheist who regularly masterbates on Sunday mornings as a gesture of "My parents, my self!"
[Edited 7/31/2007 8:20:58 PM]
8/1/2007 9:00:39 AM |
General Discussion |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
thats actually the most thoughtful thing that you have written yet - thank you.
divine moment doesnt mean christian or godly moment necessarily just because a christian wrote it. my children will grow to make choices too and i wont love them less or talk to them less or treat them as a less if they come home with an athiest or become athiest or zen or any other religion. my point was that children have something special in them that gets lost hence innocence lost.... so what is that that is lost and where did it come from? the only teaching im familiar with as far as christians go is that humility and innocence of children should be what grown-ups try to keep. not an unorginal thought and certainly not just a christian thought. there is something pure about connecting with a baby that is not about thought... the connection comes from inside.
i would be labeled and categorized as a born again christian. my immediate family only went to church for a wedding or funerals. i became a christian at age 34 i think..... or close to that age. i had no real indoctrination to christianity as a child.
8/1/2007 10:28:17 AM |
General Discussion |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
LIttle teeny tiny sinners?????LOLOLOLOL your 2 much Friday!
Like you I was sent to church(Catholic)on Sundays,but im sure not for the same reason your parents did.MY parents did not have sex... ever Im telling you...well that would be ummm,gross,ugh,oh noooooo,ewwwie,caca,nono,I dont care what everyone says about how they had 6 kids...It certainly wasnt cause they... well u know...they did "IT"!!!!!Why,I would never be able to close my eyes again in fear of picturing "THAT"!say it aint so!!LOLOLOLL
Anyhoot-I was taught,from what I remember,about God,satan,Heaven,hell and "SIN"! Boy that was big back then and I sure was a sinner(so I thought)!The problem that I ran into was that they forgot to tell me about Jesus and forgiveness,so I spent (except for ages 1 2 &3)45 years "believing"I was going to hell! The "GUILT"I felt for 45 yrs.never ever subsided and it was only in the last 2 yrs.that I have been able to accept & "believe"that I am loved and forgiven by so many, but most importantly by God!
The difference between you and I (Friday) is that,for whatever reason my parent sent me to church for....the end result was Divine!Throughtout all those years when I was feeling,guilty,bad,mad,sad,and even glad,someone at church taught me to believe there was a God, and he is always w/you.And its because of that teaching and because I KNOW that my parents wanted only the best for us and did the best they could,considering who taught them.
I am speaking only for myself when I say,I pray someday my kids(grandkids)will look upon me as not the authority who jammed religion down their throat and ruined their lives,but as my mom(grammie),who didnt have all the answers but taught us LOVE and Forgiveness and Thank you LORD for sharing her w/ us!!!!! Peace