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8/6/2006 7:09:25 PM |
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Medford, OR
age: 40
Who is jesus christ?
8/21/2006 9:15:56 PM |
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Sequim, WA
age: 26
Jesus Christ is God. He died on the cross and rose again the third day, according to the scriptures. He was born from the virgen, Mary. He introduced christianity to the world and made it possible to go to heaven. Jesus lived a very full life. He preached love for mankind and performed miracles to prove that He and God (the Father) were one.
8/24/2006 6:12:34 PM |
General Discussion |

Springfield, IL
age: 43
oh god?
8/24/2006 7:20:36 PM |
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Whittier, CA
age: 55
oh no!
10/13/2006 7:52:42 PM |
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Hilo, HI
age: 47
Who is Jesus? name continually every day is blasphemed. Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I. Who said that in Isaiah 52:5-6? If it was written by man, JESUS!@$#*&%CHRIST, what other name is blashemed every day? How could a man know our words then? According to the scripture, THE LORD said it. Therefore(that's how) my people shall know my name.
[Edited 10/13/2006 8:06:28 PM]
12/22/2006 9:13:38 PM |
General Discussion |

Tampa, FL
age: 75
Jesus probably was real--no reliable facts one way or the other. If he was real, would have been born around 5 BCE, in time of Herod who historically, factually died 4 BCE. Certainly was not born in December. Shepherds would have been tending flocks either in Autumn or in Spring. If Joseph was "going home to be counted in the census," the time would have been in September or October, at the Jewish new year which was traditional census taking time. Myth of virgin birth, crucifixion and resurrection began circulating around 200 CE, First evidence of written documentation wasn't presented until about 300 CE. Two thousand years of bloody history accompanies christianity and islam, millions of innocents tortured, slaughtered, science rejected, intellectualism curbed, art, literature and music hobbled and bent to meet religious dogma. Now is a good time to look for some other guidance in life. But don't give religious away entirely: still makes for setting up nice social contacts.
12/23/2006 3:52:53 PM |
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Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Jesus is someone they teach you about in Sunday School.
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacobs name is Yahweh. Yahweh's only begotten Son's name is Yahshua.
Yahshua is the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.
Any questions?
12/23/2006 7:15:57 PM |
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Fresno, CA
age: 38
Jesus was real..I believe he existed. I could never accept him as a "God" or "God's son" but I believe he was a great teacher.
12/25/2006 6:00:13 AM |
General Discussion |

United Kingdom
age: 20
there is no jesus no god its just make believe its so some humans can feel safe and feel theres something around them think again people
12/25/2006 12:12:57 PM |
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Appleton, WI
age: 53
You have a lot of growing up to do Killer...
12/28/2006 7:36:54 PM |
General Discussion |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
There is so much proof that Jesus existed AND proof that he in fact was the Man-God, the Messiah who literally died on the cross, was buried and after 3 days,rose from the dead. He walked the earth for 40 days and many many people had seen him before his witnessed ascention into Heaven.
All you have to do is be open to the truth, do some intensive homework to find your answers and ask the Lord yourself to help you find the truth. He will undoubtedly help you.
What do you have to loose?
Some solid resources...
ps:and the virgin's name was Mary.
2/12/2007 2:17:27 PM |
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Kansas City, MO
age: 39
For every thesis their is an anti-thesis(Believe that!)
The same amount of websites could be presented to refute that claim.
However, it is a silent matter in secret circles.
2/24/2007 3:28:36 PM |
General Discussion |

Eugene, OR
age: 53
Jesus,most likely was a common man... made out to be a superhero// If one were to believe current modern scientific facts, with cloning and the ability to reproduce with out losing ones virginity..we could then believe that maybe there is a supreme race of beings who most probably impregnanted mary..for what ever purpose..I tend to think we are someones lab experiment myself. and lo and behold,,you have jesus christ!... Is he the son of God? I wouldn't think so... God is a Belief that people need to conquer their fear of the unknown or death...God is a culprit- in letting people believe that they can commit transgressions upon others and then "be saved" for those transgressions. there is no scientific evidence supporting and or ,true facts, that jesus rose from the dead,or that he is a superpower- hence the son of God! I find it very sad,,that people are so weakminded that they have such needs to believe in things that cannot be proven beyond a shadow of doubt. I lose hope that mankind can progress to a stage in life where the mind becomes an all powerful tool. Faith? what is faith except an unfounded belief in something that can neither be proven or disproven. Facts support claims of things that exist.. There still is no facts to support the Christian Doctrine and its beliefs,, Most Christians ,or proclaimed Christians are hypocrites,,, I have yet to see any self proclaimed Christian actually follow those teachings they say they follow or believe in..They still are out killing each other,,In the Name of their god and forcing their beliefs down others throats.. They did a damn good job of trying to elimate my people... Taking Children away from their families,, Slaughtering women and children.. killing for the sake of killing,, just because they wanted our lands... and couldn't accept our beliefs or cultural ways Doing their best to Covert... Is this an Act of peace,,homey don't think so..for all of you who think there was a real jesus and follow the supposed teachings of jesus,,where did he teach that it was ok to kill off others? or convert others.. and force your religion down others throats? Whitehawk
2/24/2007 5:51:13 PM |
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Dayton, OH
age: 45
Whitehawk I hear you loud and clear. You are right! More so called christians have killed to get what they want than any other religion. I feel much chagrined that I have ancestors that stole this land. Then to boot it all, call it the home of the free.
2/28/2007 6:47:47 AM |
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Kansas City, MO
age: 39
End of story. Amen!