2/25/2008 6:12:16 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 18
I dont think they do, or maybe thats just me ...what do you all think?
Don Diamond
2/25/2008 6:15:47 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Suffern, NY
age: 20
For me no it didn't....of course I didn't get to know him that well and I ended up moving to another state there were other things..but for the most part no it didn't work for me.Maybe in the future I dunno
2/25/2008 6:19:36 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Atlanta, TX
age: 32
never had one, but I honestly don't see how it could work very well.
2/25/2008 6:23:33 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Suffern, NY
age: 20
It can work I think but there needs to be a true connecting line from both ends can't just stay together by one side hanging on to somthin when the other side is empty.
Just my thought
I know some people that is has worked for but it needs to come from both sides and the two people need to be willing to hold on to everything in order for it to last
[Edited 2/25/2008 6:25:50 PM]
2/25/2008 6:56:24 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Titusville, FL
age: 46
I hear that some do. Mine didn't fare too well, she lives in Denver and I live in Florida. At first it was OK, but over time the fire just went out. I guess there is nothing like being there everyday.
2/25/2008 8:58:26 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Berwyn, IL
age: 35
if the two people who are in the long distance relationship have enough patience understanding and good chemistry then it can work i have a lot of friends who have met online all over the world and some of my friends are even married from meeting online
2/25/2008 10:03:22 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Greenville, MI
age: 23
It all depends on how devoted you are to that person. Of course you must trust and not sit around contemplating weather they are out cheating or on a different site with many more sig. others. I would def. not turn someone down just b/c of distance, after all everyone needs a chance.
2/26/2008 6:30:18 AM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

United Kingdom
age: 31
it all depends on if d two are seriouse
2/26/2008 6:46:22 AM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Sherman, TX
age: 39
Do long distance relationships work?
I know they do.
People have got to have faith.
2/26/2008 6:50:17 AM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Urbanna, VA
age: 45
No, I dont believe they do, But then again I never have had one.......Not to sure Id have the strength to weather that storm.....JMO.......LMT4
2/26/2008 10:16:54 AM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Birmingham, AL
age: 58
For me, they haven't worked long-term, though meeting new people is always fun and exciting.
I've traveled to meet new ladies and have never regret it even though no truly long-term relationship developed. In every case I have a new friend and great memories of different people and different places. This summer I plan to travel in Eastern Europe and hope I can get advice on travel there as well as make some friends I could visit and meet along the way.
However, a serious relationship?? NO!
2/26/2008 10:36:43 AM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 41 online now!
I believe there HAS to be some sort of physical anchor or bond that binds the two together. Usually married couples or couples that can physically meet can and often do have successful LDR's because they have an existing anchor. In order for the LDR to persist you have to have something in common that exists.
Whatever exists persists.
Our minds are wonderful gadgets but I feel there is a deep seated desire and need for ritual and ceremony especially when it comes to communion or the common union of two people that puts our minds on the same sheet of music. You have to literally meet the minds together.
In order to do that there should be a ritualistic oath-like commitment between the two and there should be a physical anchor. Guess what rings are? Heck, I'm more into actually making something for each other with your own bare hands and physically passing it to each other as a remembrance of that moment of parting and an anticipation of meeting again.
Oh yea while you're in the physical meeting mode and you're committing you may as well consummate and seal the deal. 
Ugh Virgoan spell nit prickliness...
[Edited 2/26/2008 10:37:41 AM]
3/3/2008 5:42:04 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Dayton, OH
age: 49
Long distant relationships CAN work if both parties have trust in one another and enough patience to endure the time between being together and the longing to see one another more often. I know this from experience. If you want it to work it can!

3/3/2008 5:45:40 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Grand Haven, MI
age: 33 online now!
upstairs say right 
3/3/2008 5:46:46 PM |
Do long distance relationships work? |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
i don't know, but i sure hope so! 