3/4/2008 3:26:22 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
lady: glad to hear your mom loved baseball, esp when they did radio, it must have been big then, for sure, hearing the announcer desribe the game via a radio
3/4/2008 3:28:24 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Springfield, MO
age: 53 online now!
Yes, Sorprano, MO has 2 baseball teams, the KC Royals have never had the powerhouse team St. Louis has. The cross state rivalry games are fun, both baseball and football. Not that into baseball to have a favorite team persay, but would choose the Cardinals over the Royals if asked....now football, I do have teams there, Dolphins and Broncos, if had to choose a MO team, would be the KC Chiefs, just the opposite of baseball....go figure?
Never been to a St. Louis Cardinals game, when they built the new Busch Stadium, the prices for tickets went up. Our Springfield Cardinal games are affordable, close and fun.
3/4/2008 4:50:10 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 65
sorp, she loved to go to the games anytime possible, radio was always on when the games were going. She could see them from the description. My Mom was a special lovely lady. 
3/4/2008 6:11:58 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
It was my Dad...as far back as I can remember..it has always been the When my younger brothers were old enough to play organized ball...Dad coached, and it was mandatory that I attend each and every game. I played hardball with boys in the neighborhood (catcher) and played the same position Highschool softball. I saw my first professional baseball game 4 years ago when the Yankees came to St. Pete..to play whoever My highschool boyfriend is now Manager of the Baltimore Orioles.
My oldest son has been a fan of the NY Yankees, for years and years..and has never been to Yankee Stadium. Between myself and my younger brother...he will be attending a game there this summer...before the Stadium is torn down. Oh...almost forgot..my baby brother is named after Micky Mantle. Yes I am a Yankee Fan...and when they are not playing I root for Baltimore
3/4/2008 6:14:54 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Rogers, AR
age: 55 online now!
Killer @Lotus Ever hear of the St Louid Cardinals
They need a fan like you !!lol
3/4/2008 6:17:52 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 57
I started playing baseball on a little league team while my dad was stationed in Lackenheath AB U.K.I loved the sport ever since.Everywhere I was stationed while in the Navy had a pro team,even in Japan.Now,I'm a Rays fan,since I always root for the team where I live.A lot of excitement this year,but still a couple of years from the pennant It's what I love about the game:Hope springs eternal
3/4/2008 6:27:36 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Portland, OR
age: 60
My Dad introduced me to baseball. My older brother was already playing and my dad was umpiring. I played until I was 13 and then gave it up, I wasn't particularly good; good fielder but I couldn't hit a lick. In college I played intramural slow pitch softball, and after that beer ball
But really, once I found football; baseball became secondary.
I introduced both of my kids to baseball, but neither of them enjoyed playing. They do enjoy going to games, tho. We lived in Denver when the Rockies were founded and had the opportunity to go to a number of games, which was good because neither of them live in a major league city now.
When I was a kid, we used to go to a lot of games. I grew up in Chicago, every Wed. was ladies day at Commisky Park (White Sox) , women got in for a reduced price, and she took me to several games a year. We also traveled to the East coast every year until I 13. I've seen games in a lot of stadiums: Yankee Stadium, Memorial in Balt, Griffith in DC, Schieb in Philly, 3 Rivers in Pitt, Municipal in Cleveland, Wrigley and Commisky in Chi, County in Milwaukie, Busch in St.Louis and Mile Hi in Denver. Most of those stadiums are gone now, that's kinda sad
edited to add more stuff
[Edited 3/4/2008 6:39:10 PM]
3/4/2008 6:44:47 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Brampton, ON
age: 54 online now!
My family is very large, enough kids to make a ball team & grew up with my grandparents, cousins around, we all played ball. My mom actually was the sports fan she played hockey for a women's team in Oshawa & won several trophies, she also was big into football. my dad was a farmer he just worked hard & had a great sense of fairness & good humour. I played softball all during my public school days with my brothers & friends boys & girls together in a small country school. I was a great short stop & sometimes back catch b/c when people ran into me I didn't budge. Once my ring on my finger broke in 2 when someone slide into home but I wouldn't move & I was very short in those days too. But my bros made me stubborn.
When I was in my 20s the last time I played was with members of the Saskatchewan Women's Olympic team in the 1970 Of course as a Canadian very proud of my Toronto BlueJays but admit I love the Yankees from way back
3/4/2008 7:06:14 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Daytona Beach, FL
age: 52
Love baseball. Coached it for 10 years, Love the YANKEES and the BRAVES.No major league team here but we do have spring training relitivly close by. Going to see the National's vs Dogers on the 15th.When spring training is over we have class A ball here in Daytona. Our team is a Cub's affiliate. They play in a beautiful park on the river. Our park opened the same year as Fenway Park. I go to 2 or 3 games a week.      
3/4/2008 10:22:08 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Abingdon, VA
age: 56 online now!
My dad was a coal miner and didn't have much time for his children. When he did have time, we always played ball in our yard, or in the road. That's when there was no traffic, so he didn't really want his kids going to play in the traffic.
My love is all sports, including tennis. Baseball, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, I'm involved with all. I have 4 teenagers and they are all athletes. I love to play any of them, and did so frequently when I was younger.
A reminder of being old!
KC Royals relief pitcher Jimmy Gobble is from Abingdon. I just saw him at one of my daughter's basketball games.His dad coaches the 8th grade girls team at an opposing school.
Thanked him personally for representing this little town, and for being the man he is to the community. Does a great deal of work for the high school he attended. One great man!
[Edited 3/4/2008 10:26:50 PM]
3/4/2008 10:55:38 PM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Redding, CA
age: 54
My husband was a big SF Giants fan. We used to go to 2 or 3 games every year. I learned a lot about the game from him and enjoyed spending time with him watching on tv too. Both our kids were involved in little league and school teams. We tried to get to every game we could. Sometimes that meant one of us went to one kids game and the other went to the other kids game on the same night. When my husband died, we asked that people make donations in his memory for improvements to the ball field at my sons school. Today its a real nice field with new bleachers, backstop, and dugouts.
Today my sis in law gave me a SF Giants gift card for my birthday. I'm going to as many games as I can this season. The ball park in SF is beautiful and has wonderful memories for me.
3/5/2008 6:17:55 AM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
lotus: some good stories esp about Baltrimore coach Trembley, seems like he was a good catch as he is a nice guy too...happy to hear you're a Yankees fan as well...thanks
3/5/2008 6:20:14 AM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
chief: those Rays don't spend money but have talented kids on that team and play in a tough division for sure--living where you do what do you think about the NY mets--My team is yankees and in and around NY yankees fans hate the mets fans...
3/5/2008 6:22:20 AM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
Jangel: very impressive esp that the blue jays are in the same division as my yankees--every year they seem to have a good team on paper but it's not about what's on paper but how they perform on the field with that team...your own playing experience sounds great too
3/5/2008 6:24:09 AM |
If Baseball is America's game, how were you introduced to it |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
greggx: living in FL has it's advantages during spring training for sure but good to see you have a coaching side for the game--teaching kids after people taught us is a good way to give up some of your time--good job