3/4/2008 9:08:31 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

White Sulphur Springs, WV
age: 20
I was with him for two years. The only guy I have ever really been in love with. We were even living together. He told me he wanted to marry and that he loved me. Then finally he tells me he can never love me like that and leaves me. I can't stop crying or thinking about him. I dream about him, to the point where I can't sleep. I'm always tired even when I do sleep. I sleep for hours upon hours and it never seems to be enough. And I feel like I can never move on. I've tried dating but it always turns out the same. I break up with them because I have no feelings for them. And I even liked them before. When does this end. I feel like dying. But not enough to actually want to kill myself. But it's getting severe...And I don't really know what to do anymore. 
3/4/2008 9:36:42 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Ponca City, OK
age: 35
Slep with as many guys and gals as you can, and turn yer heart black...that should do it     
3/4/2008 9:40:59 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Los Angeles, CA
age: 89
3/4/2008 9:41:05 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |


Ottawa, ON
age: 35 online now!
And I almost wanna smash my own face in with my own keyboard for saying this.. but..
Yer only 19.. and I still remember my first love... you won't ever get over them.
You will just keep the good and bad memories and use them for the rest of your life.
3/4/2008 9:41:38 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |
Anderson, IN
age: 49
lame advice, i know.but really,it takes time. Find a hobby or something to do with your time. Go out with friends. Stay away from places he might go.Go ahead and date, you can still have fun,just don't rush into anything
3/4/2008 9:43:47 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |
Gabriola, BC
age: 20
hey...don't worry thing will get better, i just went through this four months ago with my girlfriend of 2 and a half years. I thought of her constinly for the first month but then i realized that nothing i do was going to change how things worked out and that you have to realize this and live life even through the fact that you really thought that they were going to be the person you were going to be with for the rest of your life.But trust me from what i can tell your a beautiful women and that your going to find that right person at some point in life,maybe not now but some day if you let your heart try.
3/4/2008 9:49:43 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |
Twin Falls, ID
age: 31
Young love is tough... But that is what is is young love... I married when I was about your age with this idealistic view on what love was. It was wonderfung till we matured and grew apart i spent alot of time blaming myself and her for the marrage ending. It's like a death in the family and that is truely what it is a death. The relationship died it's ok because unlike death you get a second chance at find what is truely meant for you. Its ok to greive the loss of a relationship its normal. Then pic yourself up and move on. I look at it today that my divorce was meant to happen and the expirence will help me to move into a better me. Its been 4yrs since my divorce and i don't blame her anymore nor myself. So take this as a chance to make yourself beautiful with your scars. Our scar define who we are and they are beauty marks along the road of life. Not that life is easy or even when your in deep does it look beautiful. In the end time heals all wounds even the deepest ones. good luck i really hope this helps you.
3/4/2008 9:59:49 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |
Winchester, CA
age: 39
Bury them in a remote area of the wilderness.
3/4/2008 10:01:15 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Yucaipa, CA
age: 32
you never get over it just suck it up and move on how ever long it takes i still dream about my ex and i left her five years ago. i hate it but i will never call her it would just make it worse
3/4/2008 10:04:35 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |
Western Australia
age: 54
I am nearly 54 and believe me love sucks big time
Just don't fall in love again and you will be fine
Time heals
3/4/2008 10:05:37 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |
Western Australia
age: 54
You shoot them first then bury them in the wilderness or just bury them alive lols
3/4/2008 10:06:42 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Los Angeles, CA
age: 89
My first love will always haunt me even though she dumped me for a guy with more money.
3/4/2008 10:12:42 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |
Winchester, CA
age: 39
Dont wanna shoot 'em. At least not with your own gun. lol Best to stab em or beat em with a blunt object. Then bury the weapon in a completely different area than the body.
3/4/2008 10:33:21 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |
Springfield, MO
age: 48
I like what onefunguy said. I met my Xhusb when I was 19. First man I had sex with. Got married when I was 21 to him. He was not the right man for me...I didn't have enough experience with relationships. My Dad left when I was 12. My Mom didn't remarry and I didn't have a good male role model. If I could do it all over again...I would have waited for marriage until older. Maybe about 30 yrs old is a good age. At 21 people think they know everything but don't know much at all. You have your whole life ahead of you. This happened for a good reason....You just can't see that yet. Someday you will realize it. For now just hang in there. If you can find a good counselor to talk to about it....That can be helpful. I did that when I was decid ing to leave my X. Good Luck.
3/4/2008 10:59:57 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |
Great Falls, MT
age: 39
Your first true love is special. It is what it is and a person just has to accept that. You will always remember your first true love! So then, you will never truly forget. I use to hate hearing time will heal. Oh I hated that. But in all honesty, it does. Occupy your time with positive interests, passions, hobbies. If there are things you have been interested in learning....learn it or try it. Get more involved with your friends and family. Keep yourself busy..busy..busy. It is normal to be sad, down in the dumps. The difference is if you are finding that your thoughts are consumed with feeling like dying that isn't of the normal. If I was in that situation, I would seek a Dr. and get help. If money is a problem, there is ways to work around that. You can consult your nurse of your primary Doctor and she would know what to do, or the city clinic. Not sure with your city. Wish you the best. Chin up sweety, for every door that shuts, another one does open.