3/18/2008 3:09:45 AM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Yuba City, CA
age: 49
If you truly loved them, you don't get over it....they will always be in your heart.
It's all a learning lesson .... believe in yourself... be strong.
I don't recommended meds but I'm not doctor... but from past experience they only
cover your pain...which I believe you need to feel the pain and let it go.
Deep meditating will help you .... give it a try ... if you would like to talk send me a message
3/18/2008 3:11:09 AM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Houston, TX
age: 19
It's hard but you have to find something to occupy the time that you would have been spending with her. Meeting new women is always helpful, although I know it might seem like you're not ready.
3/18/2008 4:17:03 AM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
i had an interesting conversation with two ladies yesterday. oddly, the topic was about losing the one u really want to b with or love. as the conversation went on, the older of the two women said this to me. it may be your nature, or something in your character that wants to defend or protect the one u love at all costs, and want to do anything to save the relationship. however, u will never b able to defend or protect a woman who won't defend or protect herself....from herself! simple words. very powerful though. just something to think about!

3/18/2008 5:08:14 AM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Elkins, WV
age: 35
I just went through a very similar thing in Dec.. It was so bad and I was so heartbroken I cried for a month and lost my appetite for two months. I lost 20 lbs..It's been 3 months today..I still think about him, a part of me will always love him but I had to realize that he didn't love me or he would still be here.. He just used me for my money and it was very hard..It took me months to tell him I loved him.. I brought that man into my sons life and my son got close to him..I will never do that again..UNTIL I'm positive he really does feel the same way..Ironic thing is we used to talk about "How can a person use someone, be cruel to someone"?? and he turned out to be THAT kind of person..Sad really, but at least I know that "I" am capable of real love.. I don't think he will ever have that..More to the story but .. well, you get the picture.. TIME!!! It takes TIME
3/18/2008 5:18:45 AM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
It depends on how badly the relationship ended for me. I have a tendency to get very morose and cry alot, lose weight,can't slepp, get MAD at myself,him,us. Everybody is different in how they handle it...Me I just have to stay MAD for long enough, try not to remember the Good times that we shared...like this last one, told him when I moved out, he wanted to remember the Good, told him he Eraced all the Good times and as far as I was concerned he had been a LIAR the whole time ( 7 years ) My easiest and best way to deal is to keep telling myself, Hes DEAD. 
3/18/2008 5:38:59 AM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Mexico, MO
age: 40
You never forget your first true love but over time your heart will heal. Take all of your experiences, good and bad, and embrace them, add them to your book of life. To many times we go out looking for things to help us forget whatever it is we are going through but it is those times, those trials that make us who we are.......strong individuals and who knows, maybe something you go through now will help someone else. Life is a choice, you can live it or just mearly exist.....it's up to YOU... JMO
Hang in there and keep the faith...
3/18/2008 6:11:43 AM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Tampa, FL
age: 26
It depends on how you really love that person. IF you still love the person still even though that you guys are not together, it is still hard get over it. As for me I was with my ex for a year and got engaged for 3 months and after 2 months she told that she cheated on me and took advantage of me and told me right of the bat its a sucky ass feeling. Its hard to get over someone. I mean I still love the gal but I am way over her big time because its just piss me off that once I give I never get anything in return it sucks man believe me.
3/18/2008 1:35:37 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

North Kingstown, RI
age: 48
Sorry to hear your pain, but i think it's a normal part of life. When you do find that right person then it will just be that much better.
Time i think is what you need. It's been over 10 years for me and i still dream of my x. But most of the pain is gone now.
I think that you need to surround yourself with friends. Then someday when you least expect it, you may come to realize that one of these friends is much more than a friend. Friends are also a group of people who you know a bit.. and probably share some common interests, and having a core of friendship to build on I think a relationship would be set on a much more stable foundation, than some shot in the dark.
In the meantime ... when life seems to get you down.. try doing something different.. go for a walk on the beach, go to a museum, go to a zoo, go to the library, go to a movie. Do something small yet different, that will be a change in your life. Try to find something that will make you smile.
Dont dwell on the past. I think of a failed relationship like a dogpile in the walk of life.. just wipe the crap off your shoes and move on. You deserve to find someone that will love and cherish you... not dump you. SO that guy was a bad choice in the end anyway. Mourn the death of your relationship.. cus that's what i think it is.. a death.. it sure hurts like one. But also look to the future.. and after a while choose to take off the black clothes and dress nice, and go out and see what life has to offer.
Oh something else i did was i went to the library and checked out books on divorce.. relationships etc.. i read around 15 books.. i kept reading till they all started to sound the same. You made a mistake i think.. when you put your heart in the wrong place. If your like me you never want to do that again. So educate yourself so the next relationship you will be able to spot the signs that something is amiss.. so you can fix it before it's too late. Not to mention you really need to know yourself.. then as equally important you need to know the other person too. Knowing this will give you a great start on a successfull relationship. I think when you marry someone you accept them AS IS.. all their flaws. They are who they are and you cannot change that. So you need to keep your eye's open and your brain engaged. Knowing what to look for sure helps. All this helps you from repeating past mistakes.. from not resolving a conflict in a win win way for both people in the relationship.. to not choosing the wrong partner in the first place.
good luck.
[Edited 3/18/2008 1:40:55 PM]
3/18/2008 2:20:28 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Middleport, OH
age: 50
c-l-a-s-s-y i agree with you. you move on. happened to me few times.
3/18/2008 2:25:37 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Middleport, OH
age: 50
ifn fact i got hurt over one person on this website. just talked to him few times. i have forgotten of him. then i met another person on here and i am very hurt over him. oh well i guess i'll move on. hopefully.
3/23/2008 8:25:15 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

West Chester, PA
age: 49
Just live your life as you lived it before you met him, and soon, without any additional effort, you will be over it, and you'll move on. Enjoy the hope of what's in front of you, not the sadness of what's in the past.
3/23/2008 8:37:35 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Sleetmute, AK
age: 50
You have suffered a major loss, comparable to the death of a loved one. Your symptoms reflect the grieving process, which can go on for a year. You can educate yourself about the stages of grief, which will allow you some understanding of what you are going through. Elizabeth Kubler Ross is the acknowledged expert in the field.
3/23/2008 9:06:04 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Splendora, TX
age: 54
I dont want to sound cold because you have suffered a great loss. But another person can only hurt you as long as you let them. Makes no sense to ask yourself why, cause why don't change anything, it happened. Don't look back at the loss because because it only gets bigger, you can love enough for two, you can't feel responsible for their inablity to stay with a committment, and don't blame yourself if you did all you could do, and quit looking for things you cant change now. It took me 18 years to learn that, but you can't walk to the future if you keep looking at the past. Hope youre smarter than I was.
3/23/2008 9:06:38 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Santa Barbara, CA
age: 47
Find someone else   
3/23/2008 9:08:13 PM |
How do you get over someone who you love? |

Broken Arrow, OK
age: 44
if it was real true love...you won't get over it...you will bury it and keep it as a memory and after a few years it won't hurt so much and you won't think about it as much..but you will never forget....