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3/24/2008 11:16:27 AM |

Navarre, FL
age: 50
Hey Fisherman,
Let me ask you a question.
Do you believe unbelievers will literally end up in an eternal hell as the vast majority of Christendom does?
I await your answer.
P.S I'm a fisher man too as you can see
3/24/2008 3:50:00 PM |

age: 62
Jeremiah 33:22 (written 2500 years ago) "As the stars cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured."
The Bible claimed that there are billions of stars when it made this statement, no one knew how vast the number of stars were as only about 1,100 were observable. Now we know that there are billions of stars, and that they cannot be numbered.
I'm only going to address the first part of your post, as it is the same for the rest of it. You should study a bit of real history and not just the fanciful bibles. The Mayans based their calender on the transition of our solar system within the galaxy we are a part of and it is still the most accurate, not like the current god based one, which has no rational relationship to universal transitions. They along with the Chinese, Egyptians, Hindu and Buddhist were aware of the depth of the universe thousands of years before yahweh came on the scene. All you quote as being exclusive to the bible, can be found within earlier writings, some written thousands of years previously. Once you learn the history of the region and the world, you realise everything to do with god, is plagiarised from earlier works and just about nothing is original in them.
Storm, could you give me one example of dimensional evolution? I would like for everyone to know that I am not relgious, like I stated earlier " religion is man trying to reach or earn gods love.
Anyone who quotes and relies on the bibles for the evidence of their veracity, is deeply religious and a denialist. An example of dimensional evolution can be seen how some human minds have evolved beyond the dimensional of fear, doubt, superstition, and the need for someone or something else to take responsibility for their lives. You can see dimensional evolution within all nature, except within the majority humanity natures. We see dimensional difference in every aspect of our universe, ants live in a different dimensional world to us and animals live in other dimensional realities to us. For our current time,you dimensionally evolve when you realise all you've been taught is a pack of lies and you're able to see through the delusion of religion, ideology and egocentric greed.
One of my favorite foods is Pizza, did evalution give me taste buds,?
This statesman shows how far you are from being aware, caring and loving compared to what you try to state. Your pizza is derived from the enslavement, torture, and slaughter of 11 billion animals destroyed very year in your country, so the followers of god can grow obese and enjoy gluttonous greed at the expense of the gentle animals of the world. Which proves just how dimensionally unevolved you and your ilk are and how deeply steeped in delusion and self-centred egocentricity you reside..
3/25/2008 10:22:26 PM |

Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
I have given you truths from the bible, things that could not have been known then.. You come back to me with deminsional evolution? last time I checked, if I put my hand in a ant nest, I got bit! In your deminsional evolution do plants have feelings? or just the ones you dont eat. I cannot debate a man who lives in a differnt deminsion than me, for you make your own reality.. Professing to be wise, they became fools
3/25/2008 10:43:33 PM |

Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
Hey Zacman, nice bass! one of my favorite fish to catch..
Yes I believe in hell. You have to remember Christians didnt write the bible.. would love to go fishing with you sometime, who knows we may be good friends.. As for hell, Jesus said it was real, I believe him.. Have a great day Zacman
3/26/2008 6:13:07 AM |

London, KY
age: 45 online now!
FISHERMAN please consider this one statement concerning truth.
"I have given you truths from the bible, things that could not have been known then.." these are true as you see it, correct?
there are 3 truths in life - your truth, my truth and the real truth. the trouble is that most people will not consider the possibility that the other persons truth may be correct and theirs isn't. you may want to have a more open mind when discussing things "religious"
3/26/2008 8:37:10 AM |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Nicely stated striker. It is hard to have a discussion with someone who is not open minded enough to even consider an alternative point of view
[Edited 3/26/2008 2:45:31 PM]
3/26/2008 5:33:40 PM |

London, KY
age: 45 online now!
it's kinda like the 3 sides of a disagreement, your side, my side and the truth.
thats one of the problems that I have with most organized religions, they are sooooo closed minded to most things spiritual if it isn't in their dogmatic teachings.
3/26/2008 7:27:08 PM |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
fisherman posted:
Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
I have given you truths from the bible, things that could not have been known then..
Actually, if you would step out of your fantasy filled world for a moment and do some research into "OTHER RELIGIONS"; SUCH AS THE TITLE OF THIS FORUM.....
Then, maybe you would have known that the ancient Hindu texts called the Vedas predate the writings of the bible and are MUCH more accurate in describing the Earth as well as it being "Egg~ shaped". How did they know that??? Ancient astronauts????
For those few "truths from the bible" that you claim could not have been known then, were actually KNOWN BEFORE then by other cultures!!!  
I can show you many inaccuracies and flaws with Christianity in particular...  
3/26/2008 8:48:29 PM |

Reno, NV
age: 88
Every one has their own beliefs of God. And beliefs are basically opinions.
No one knows anything about God. Religion is a way of life based on beliefs. Christianity if lived accordingly is a very good way of life and a person will prosper, but so is Islam, Judaism, the Wiccan religion, and many others if lived accordingly. The Bible does kind of portray God as some sort of bi-polar diety, he's all loving one moment and then willing to send you to hell for eternity for lusting after a woman ( which is a natural instinct) the next moment. If i love someone i'm not willing to let any harm come to them no matter what they do. There has been alot of people killed in the name of Christianity, whom Christ the religions namesake was supposedly a passive person.... any way, we all got different beliefs/opinions, and thats all they are, nobody knows anything, and i do include my self. this is just my opinion.
[Edited 3/26/2008 8:51:50 PM]
3/27/2008 10:32:03 AM |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Lawton, that is why it is important to transend belief and opinion completely. It is about life, plain and simple. You are either able to promote life or you are working to destroy it.
Striker I have noticed the same thing about religious personages. It is like trying to talk to a brick wall and having the expectation of a return reply LOL.
I don't understand something. If religion and god and beliefs are so important to the welfare of humanity, why does it cause so much war and argument and seperation. Isn't the whole point to come together to create the world that we all deserve to have?
3/27/2008 4:36:38 PM |

age: 62
I don't understand something. If religion and god and beliefs are so important to the welfare of humanity, why does it cause so much war and argument and seperation. Isn't the whole point to come together to create the world that we all deserve to have?
Like many, I've pondered this question ever since leaving the church, all my investigations into the psychic, occult and spiritual ideologies has produced no answer. So I turned to logic and lateral thought, to remove myself from my personal thoughts and came up with a very sobering and interesting outcome.
At all times throughout human evolution, there have been distinctions between understanding and ability and they represent the current 3 states of human understanding and evolution. The least unevolved are the religious, the next are seekers who see the occultism, psychics, and spiritualism as being the way. Then those who see logic and reality as true understanding. Of course there are degrees within all those and those who don't negate the hidden dimensional realms which interact with us on many levels and are mistaken as spiritual realms, are the closest to a true evolving state.
I doubt it will ever change, we will attain peace but only when we have controlled education and made sure children receive a balance upbringing and are free from being subjected to the psychological abuse of religious lies. Until then, we will have to endure the religious prejudice, hatred, discrimination and war of the unevolved primitive of our species.
We have the world we deserve, our lifestyles have created it and unless we change our lifestyles and stop enslaving, torturing abusing and devouring other forms of life for pure gluttony and self-centred greed, then nothing you think or believe will have any impact on our rapid slide to and over the edge of the ecological cliff.
3/28/2008 12:00:46 AM |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
Dear Stormbay and fellow Spiritual, rational thinkers....
I have recently discovered a scholarly work published in 1896 that directly addresses the question as to why societies continue to have wars, rumors of war, and why civilizations all pass through Toynebe's Cycle of History known as Birth, Growth, Decline and Death.
The title is, The Law of Civilization and Decay: An Essay on History by Brooks Adams.
It rationally address CAUSE and EFFECT over many centuries. After nearly six months, I am still reading and re-reading it to glean and comprehend all the jewels of wisdom contained therein.
Kindness to All,
3/28/2008 5:57:07 AM |

Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
Sorry guys but I will be gone for the next 3 days, see ya in a few days unless I get a chance to post earlier. The only thing I see you all have in common is a contemt for the Bible and Jesus.. you are all searching for something but you all have found something different than the other, and would probly disagree if you got in to more depth about your beliefs.. This year its one book and this belief, next year another book and another belief. Ephesians 4:14 we should no longer be children, tossed about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting..
3/28/2008 6:08:14 AM |

Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
deathmetalman.. just saying something, doesnt make it true, give me some facts or your source. I have given you mine.. THE source, The Bible..or The Holly Book, meaning set apart or, like no other..
3/28/2008 6:20:38 AM |

London, KY
age: 45 online now!
for me it isn't contempt, just my own opinion.
I am not a christian, but I don't criticize the religion, only some of the more zealous members of the religion. if you would open your eyes and mind you might realize that.
I do not go into the other religious forums trying to force my beliefs onto you.
this forum is here to discuss, in a civil way, our beliefs. not to convert, but to comprehend and understand.
may you walk a smooth trail in life!
p.s. - most of the source books that deathmetal was referring to were written about 6 to 7 thousand years ago. translated many times over the centuries.
[Edited 3/28/2008 6:23:44 AM]