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3/10/2008 5:13:43 PM What are your Deal-Breaker's??  

Bedford, IN
age: 51

My deal breaker is when they try to push a friendship/relationship faster than I feel it should go.

3/10/2008 5:28:16 PM What are your Deal-Breaker's??  

Ocala, FL
age: 56 online now!

Thanks DreamsMaycome...and I know that I can look at men's profiles - and I'm not concerned about whether it shows on my viewed list or not. I'm here to find "Her', if I meet some new male friends that's if I meet/interact with a guy here and we seem on the same wavelength, etc., then I'll certainly ask him if he'd like to be friends - no problem.
LawDawg...yep, I knew that - and it's a unique profile, that's for sure..

Sherri...noted - and I can certainly understand that....I had a lady I met online who, after our first face-to-face meeting, was wanting me to introduce her to my kids and grandkids, wanted a list of my grandkids names and ages so she could memorize them, etc. WAAAY too fast...thank you anyway...have a nice life!

PureIsle...sounds to me like you need to go to the clothing store...

Thanks to all for your wonderful input...


[Edited 3/10/2008 5:29:03 PM]

3/10/2008 8:07:33 PM What are your Deal-Breaker's??  

Summerville, SC
age: 49

Deal breakers: smoker, Not single (no separated for years don't count as single), a half completed profile, nothing in essay area.

3/10/2008 8:26:24 PM What are your Deal-Breaker's??  

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!

Dealbreakers as far as just the profile?

1. The photo..if I am not attracted to him..there is no sense reading anything else.
2. Age..under 50 over 63
3. Race..anything other then caucasian, constitutes a deal breaker for me.
4. Children at home
5. Separated
6. A profile that has his religious views running rampant throughout his description.

3/10/2008 8:34:06 PM What are your Deal-Breaker's??  

Westerville, OH
age: 49

1. smoking (I am highly sensitive to the smell, even if they don't smoke around me)
2. alcohol...more than occasional social drinking
3. religion...ones that are obviously too different than my own (i.e. atheist,
agnostic, etc.)
4. married / separated
5. a negative or harsh sounding commentary
6. someone who is only looking for some "fun" / overly sexual comments
7. someone who posts they are looking for someone 19 to 90

Although these are deal breakers as far as developing a romantic relationship, I have become friends with people in categories: 1, 2, 3, 4

I would not have # 5, 6, 7 on my friends list.

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