3/13/2008 8:37:45 PM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

Interlachen, FL
age: 59
ru crazy at these prices for a girlfriend
3/13/2008 9:40:36 PM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

Brick, NJ
age: 55
at 21 yes...at 55 NO
3/13/2008 9:41:33 PM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

Waycross, GA
age: 38
I hear ya babs...just had to see what you said on this one
3/13/2008 10:26:51 PM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

Cuyahoga Falls, OH
age: 29
HELL NO!!!!! Like alot of the others said you have to: drive before you buy, make sure the shoe fits, etc....
Marriage or a relationship for that matter, is all about the chemistry between each other. Yes you have your prudes out there that say: "No sex till I'm married" , but do they really know what they have until it's to late? If you don't know ALL the in's & out's of your mate/partner then how can you say you truley love them when there is still that "special" part of each other you have no freaking clue about. So I say yes, you should sleep with you partner before you walk down that isle.
3/14/2008 8:00:35 AM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
That is the way I was raised. Wait until you are married.
Ok, been there, did that....never again!
Yes, but was it his lack of desire to find out what pleased you that makes you say this, or other aspects of the marriage?
A man who loves a woman wants to please her. But, the converse (which pre-marital sex can demonstrate -- how well he can, or cares to learn, to please her), does not imply he loves her. If he is inattentive, or uncaring, it can only show if he doesn't.
I suppose that if one believes that compatability can grow with time, patience, practice, and desire, then the issue of waiting is moot. But, if one does not subscribe to this theory, a "test drive" is warranted.
The thing is that good sex before marriage does not guarantee a good marriage, and bad sex after marriage is usually a symptom of other problems in the relationship. If you love someone, marriage removes the last "taboos" on physical intimacy, so if it isn't present, there must be some reason for it rooted elsewhere in the relationship.
[Edited 3/14/2008 9:13:14 AM]
3/14/2008 8:52:12 AM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

Medford, OR
age: 46
I don't know. I havn't met a lady yet that wanted to wait, nor, have I been married yet. I guess I'd have to face this challange before I really know.

3/14/2008 9:37:15 AM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

Richardson, TX
age: 42
Well I had over a year with my ex and the chemistry was there then. Where the hell did it go by year 8?
3/14/2008 9:41:03 AM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

Clearfield, UT
age: 37
nope not a chance of that happening!
3/14/2008 9:44:16 AM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

Yucaipa, CA
age: 31
oooh youre a sinner
3/14/2008 9:47:12 AM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

Rockford, IL
age: 46
LOL.. would I ever marry (?)...
3/14/2008 10:11:21 AM |
Would you marry a man/women you never slept with? |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
Well I had over a year with my ex and the chemistry was there then. Where the hell did it go by year 8?
Boredom? Kids? Work? Stress? Fatigue? What did you fight about?
In my case, I got tired of earning all the money, running all the errands, cooking all the meals, while my ex sat on her arse watching TV and chatting on the computer all day. She'd leave food and spilled drinks all over the house, and when I asked her to please pick up after herself, and set an example for the kids, she'd retort, "I am not your maid."
If you think that's a mood-killer, you'd be 100% right. I was repulsed at the thought of being intimate with her for the last seven years of the marriage. I stayed faithful until we divorced, though.
She ended up trashing five houses that we lived in.
I'm generally a very giving guy: I like to cook, and don't mind getting the groceries, and certainly not picking up after myself -- my partner is not my maid, and anything she does do for me is appreciated and not taken for granted -- I don't get into the mindset "I make the money -- you cook and clean for me". But, I draw the line when I have to clean up after her.
I do think that any future partner of mine should have the means to be self-supporting, and we share houshold duties as just one form of bonding.
[Edited 3/14/2008 10:16:15 AM]