3/19/2008 9:16:51 AM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Miles City, MT
age: 31
thank you tara!
3/19/2008 9:33:50 AM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Windsor, ON
age: 49
Yes definitely.I think pictures get in the way of meeting the right person. People naturally go for the most attractive person to them ,but that person may not be the best person for them. I would prefer to get to know a person before I ever see a picture of them. If I get to know someone and feel I can trust them enough I will send a picture. I would not want someone to contact me because they like my picture or vise versa.
3/19/2008 9:38:31 AM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 47
Being a shadow does not make me a nonperson, or a repulsive perv, or a just released felon, or any of those other things people are insinuating. I could be any of them with a picture as others have said.
Right now, for me, it is a way to step back and observe, interact when I choose, and not be bothered by those that send something to every new person with a picture. I'm surprised at the number of winks and emails I do get without a picture. Someone said something about it not being worth them investing their 'time,' and to them I say thank you because it means I won't have to waste any time with a shallow minded person myself.
You can tell an awful lot about a person in a few emails and you can always ask for a picture. I find it disturbing how many people with pics can't seem to write more than 3 or 4 lines before they're exhausted of things to say. Beautiful/handsome face and little intelligence doesn't equal a person I care to have any type of a relationship with.
But, since fear and myths reign supreme here in America, you will have all your reasons not to talk to a 'shadow' and won't change your minds no matter what you read (if you do take the time to read something that doesn't support your current way of thinking). I've also noticed that people have to feel superior to some other group of people (racism) and in dating site land the pic people feel superior to the non-pics. It's kind of like Dr. Suess' book about the SNEETCHES with and without the stars on their belly and just about as juvenile. IMHO
[Edited 3/19/2008 9:41:39 AM]
3/19/2008 9:45:44 AM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Mount Vernon, KY
age: 46
some of us live in small towns where dating sights are taboo I dont want everyone i know to know my business
3/19/2008 10:37:57 AM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 48
you can get a basic idea on how a person looks like by the way they answer your questions. looks are not everything anyway right.
3/19/2008 1:08:59 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Springhill, LA
age: 44
Sure i would, just like they talked to me, they stayed on my tail until i finally had to get my pics. If you dont have one thats pretty much what your going to here, where your pics? ? So you might as well go ahead and get your Pics ready.
3/19/2008 1:41:39 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

North Lawrence, OH
age: 51 online now!
I would write to someone who doesn't have a picture. There can be many reasons for not posting one, including being technologically challenged (yourself or your machine). There are many different kinds of relationships to have and not all are based on physical attraction.
3/19/2008 1:44:20 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 25
Yes i would
Bravo and keep that way of thinking, earth_spirit.
3/19/2008 5:31:38 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Asheville, NC
age: 58
Yes I have. I hate that in America we are so appearance oriented. I don't have a picture on this site because I am computer illiterate and can't figure out how to compress my photo so it can be downloaded or whatever. But if a person gives me his email I zip my photo to that address.No problemo.
3/19/2008 8:54:30 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 48
YES I would,, I have had my comp for about 3yrs I still do not have a videocam I'm a truck driver and the last thing I need is to have my pix all over the web, but to many ppl have ask for my pix so I only have 2 and that it
3/21/2008 8:49:58 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Kokomo, IN
age: 60
To the folks that will not converse with people that have not posted a photo. I kinda feel sorry for you. You seem to be so surperficial about life. Looks cann't be every thing. So many things can & does happen to change a persons looks, hell just age alone ,plays hell on folks looks. But I guess that is why so many go to plastic surgery. I'll get off of my soap box now.
One last thing (Fake Boobs or not?)
3/21/2008 9:09:15 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

West Liberty, IA
age: 48
I have replied to several without picture's and I have contacted a couple also without. I think that people have many reasons for not having a photo posted. Sometime after having contact I need to see who I am in contact with. Shallow or not I need to find out if there is an visual attraction.
3/21/2008 9:19:25 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Zephyrhills, FL
age: 40
Your so rihgt shcooter there is seeing and...see... if there is any attraction all....or it is just time wasted,mentally and of course physisssss. but they can send you a pic...if pepole are serious on here....than why hide.... when you go to meet them.....well...would you want a surpize...and come to find out....all that time...it was just not it...  
3/21/2008 9:55:37 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

Belle Fourche, SD
age: 54
Even with a picture I've been surprised......amazing what they can do with cameras now. I really want to meet someone who TRUELY would like me on the inside first. OK OK aaannnddd I'm pretty computer illiterate.
3/21/2008 10:03:05 PM |
Would you talk to someone on here that did not have picture..? |

London, ON
age: 30
I would. Not like u ever gonna see them right? U can always tell when they r talking shit anyways. Cut it off before it begins init?