7/26/2007 8:36:07 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Bass: which is bible truth you should try reading a bible every once in a while
Me Bass I have read the fricken bible. I have told you this many times. I have a doctorate in divinity. Do you not understand what that means? I don't think you do, it means that I am a licensed minister. I have forgot more about the bible than you will ever know or understand.
I also know more about how a church works. But you will never understand that either.
[Edited 7/26/2007 8:37:22 PM]
7/26/2007 8:38:13 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
then what is the problem you should not need any proof about its teachings if you think it is a lie then just do not read it
7/26/2007 9:04:03 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Bass: then what is the problem you should not need any proof about its teachings if you think it is a lie then just do not read it
Me: because I think you got this god thing all wrong. And I'm trying to make you see the light. It is like you trying to bring jesus in to someones life. I'm trying to show you the truth.
7/26/2007 9:04:18 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Reading and reciting from the Bible does'nt make your perception of it right.I sometime admire you bass for "your" conviction and beliefs,but it does'nt give you the right to judge anyone else for "their" conviction and beliefs. Thats why people lose their patience w/you...you tend to be "preachy"and judgemental.But i like you though,peace!
7/26/2007 9:05:06 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
darkness is more like it i am the one trying to lead you and people like you into the light
7/26/2007 9:13:12 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Bass: darkness is more like it i am the one trying to lead you and people like you into the light
You are a good little christian just keep your blinders on and keep believing the church is not just out to get your money, time, and complete loyalty. So they can use you to recruit more sheep for the slaughter.
7/26/2007 9:28:17 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
you are the one that wears blinders you are blind to the truth that the bible teaches in john it says '' and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free''
7/26/2007 9:34:30 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Bass: you are the one that wears blinders you are blind to the truth that the bible teaches in john it says '' and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free''
Me: I feel more free now than I ever did when I was a bible thumping church going brainwashed believer like you.
7/27/2007 5:22:20 AM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
wolfy you are so misguided all threee of you i am speaking of yourself ,queen, and jewelz
7/27/2007 10:05:40 AM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
wolfy a minister.................. really?????????? you dont write like a minister or quote like a minister or freaken have the verbage of a minister.
there is only one way that bass will reveal his true inner faith......
7/27/2007 10:35:45 AM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i thougth i already was ironranger
[Edited 7/27/2007 10:36:10 AM]
7/27/2007 11:04:05 AM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
I have no use for the first four commandments, but, I think the other six are things a person could live by.
7/28/2007 12:18:42 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
The Bible HAS been tampered with, for example take the books of the Apocrapha. Some guy here on earth took it upon himself to second-guess God -- Who we are taught Himself inspired ALL of His authors to write the Word of God. There weren't any "uninspired" writers who wrote back then of the life and times of Jesus, the Christ. Some of The Word got picked, some of The Word got ditched. The Bible as we know it is not the whole entire Word of God. Key books are missing and the Four Gospels even contradict themselves!
The original books of the Bible were written in many different languages over many years in time. Judaic scholars have written tomes about mistranslations, misunderstandings, misrepresentations. You would think that God would choose better educated translators to work on His Eternal Word if every jot and tittle of it is to be revered.
Then finally King James authorized his version of the Bible in English. More mistranslations, misunderstandings, misrepresentations. Even some deletions! Famous American psychic, Edgar Cayce (please do look him up if you haven't heard of his work) said that while the Bible was both edited and flawed, there is still plenty left in it of the Word of God for a person to live his entire life by. All you have to do is to sift the wheat from the chaff.
Personally I think Shakespeare is equally worthy of study, as a person can learn how to live one's life from that inspired source as well. JMHO.
I just don't think you can get anything to live by from Bible thumpers who post YouTube brawls and celebrate them as hilarous. "Heh Heh Heh" is the least Christian response to someone getting beaten up -- for running his mouth, no less. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
[Edited 7/28/2007 12:19:26 PM]
7/28/2007 12:20:53 PM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
One more thing:
I wish there was a Thirteenth Commandment which commands: "Thou shalt learn to spell and proofread." Amen!
8/4/2007 4:27:41 AM |
the ten commandmets-how many should be kept and why |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
all ten are very important that is why they are called the ten commandments not the ten suggestions , ten recomendations or even the ten good ideas but ten commandments it is God's eternal law