3/22/2008 4:06:38 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Brookhaven, PA
age: 49
I taught my son to not only put the seat down but also the LID!!!!!
His wife will thank me for that!!!!!!!
3/22/2008 4:10:48 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Hot Springs National Park, AR
age: 41
yeah let's make them all use stan up urinals like we have to.
3/22/2008 7:36:10 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Twin Falls, ID
age: 30
If I'm in a womans house sure i'll put the seat down out of respect for that womans house, but if she came to my house she had better put the seat up. It's only fair I think plus shouldn't my house be respected the same way.
3/23/2008 5:17:18 AM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Auburn, WA
age: 32
"And Drummaster, why are you calling women lazy cause they complain about having to put the seat down when you are the one putting it up? Makes me wonder who the real lazy person is."
Complaining about the toilet seat being up because you don't want to turn the light on or even just feel with your hand whether the seat is up or down is pure laziness plain and simple. There's really no way around that.
The only time I ever went out of my way to leave it up all the time was with that one roommate I had.
3/23/2008 6:23:49 AM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Modesto, CA
age: 37
Toilet seats are dirty... no matter how much we clean and sanitize them - they are still dirty... When a man finishes his business we all HOPE that he washes his hands... now let's look at the process a woman goes through... if the seat is up - we have to touch it to put it down - those that are conciencious of sanitation then have to wash our hands before we proceed with our business - no offence but I don't want to have to - well, let's hope you get the picture - it's not only "just good manners" - it is a matter of cleanliness - so the gentleman that originally posted this question is either one of the following characters "rude" or "dirty" - or perhaps both.
3/23/2008 6:44:56 AM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Auburn, GA
age: 43
Drummaster I dont see why this is such an issue with you. It is a small thing that a woman asked and you rebel. Putting down a seat is one of the smaller issues you come across in a relationship and if you can not handle that one, well I feel for the one that ends up with you. It is not fun for a man or woman to land in the water lol.
It is not fun to sit on a toilet with piss on the seat either. There are give and takes in all relationships and this one most would agree is just respect. You have to sit at times, the woman always sits so why not take just a sec to put the lid down to save what could be a major argument? Instead you would leave one up for spite? You would not be the type of man I would ever want to date if you are willing to cause arguments just for the sake of making a point about a toilet seat.
Oh and by the way, this is your comment:
I've never understood this whole issue and why women make such a big deal about it. You never hear guys making an issue about it, only women.
Did you just not make an issue of it and admit that you do it for spite?
3/23/2008 2:18:14 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Auburn, WA
age: 32
The only reason I'm making an issue out of it is because I wanted to know the reason why. Now I know the reason. There's no reason a guy can't complain about this since women have been doing it for years and years. As for feeling sorry for whoever ends up with me, I plan on remaining unmarried for as long as possible so don't worry! 
[Edited 3/23/2008 2:36:46 PM]
3/23/2008 2:22:59 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Sleetmute, AK
age: 50
Not a problem. I just leave the seat down and pee on it.
3/23/2008 4:05:29 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Vancouver, BC
age: 40
Not a problem. I just leave the seat down and pee on it.
rogger you are funny .........
Drumm I don't know why your making such a big fuss over this topic.........just leave the seat up.
You look like you squat too pee anyways.........
3/23/2008 4:10:43 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Appleton, WI
age: 42
First.... of all why don't you put it back the way you found it???
Second... In Microbiology I did cultures of the underneath of the toilet seat....and I'll tell you it wasn't pretty....Lots of Nasty growth...........
3/23/2008 7:31:51 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Auburn, WA
age: 32
OK any guy that can't aim into the toilet or at least clean up after himself if he makes a mess is just as lazy as a woman who expects the toilet seat to be down every time she walks into the bathroom. Yes that is gross. If any woman thinks I'm going to start peeing sitting down just to accomodate her though has got another thing coming. I enjoy standing when I go!
3/23/2008 7:34:23 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Santa Barbara, CA
age: 47
Nothing worse than getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom (no lights on) and sitting down without the seat down!! Cold and your ass falls in.
3/23/2008 7:59:43 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Woodbridge, VA
age: 34
Because that what we want....SO DO IT....any questions...
3/26/2008 4:54:35 PM |
Why are women always so militant about having the toilet seat down? |

Saint James, MO
age: 55
I posted on the first page that I was going to make a habit of putting my male friend's toilet seat up, so last weekend I announced he was probably the only guy in the world who had a girl to do this. That was Friday afternoon. Friday night I was uh, well, suffering from the after affect of jello shots. Anyway I forgot and boy he wasted no time teasing me about it (hopefully teasing me).
Now, I don't know why, hadn't noticed this before, but by Sunday morning I was commenting I understood why they made little rugs that fit around the base of the toilet. Cuz twice I went in there barefooted and the floor was a little wet around the stool.
I told HIM about it. Yuck. Now I am wondering if he missed on purpose.
I need somekind of practical joke to get even. Wondering how mad he would get if I pulled the plastic wrap stunt on him? I don't dare, but it's funny to think about.
[Edited 3/26/2008 4:55:26 PM]