3/23/2008 3:58:32 PM |
Biligualism yes or no |

Clairmont, AB
59, joined Feb. 2008
just read an article saying the govt. wants to spend 1 bill. on bilig. has; the goverment spent or wasted enough of our tax money in 30 years to appease the f------------ french & it still doesn;t work unless forced even there own prov. it doesn;t work even when forced maybe this time with 85% saying no the govt or{french } will give it up what does any body else that reads this think  
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3/23/2008 7:36:38 PM |
Biligualism yes or no |

Ingersoll, ON
67, joined Jan. 2008
Personally I believe that the more laguages that you can speak they better off you will be. Canada has two founding nations, therefore services should be in the language of both of those founding nations. The people of Quebec are not French, they are Quebecois whether they speak French or English.
Aren't you lucky you were not born in Switzerland where there are 5 official languages.
3/23/2008 10:33:11 PM |
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Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
zzzzzzzzzzzing... lol guess u got told. ha ha ha ha ha ha
3/24/2008 3:49:48 AM |
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Ingersoll, ON
67, joined Jan. 2008
Wasn't telling him off. Just stating an opinion.
3/24/2008 7:16:17 AM |
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Etobicoke, ON
48, joined Mar. 2008
quote: Canada has two founding nations, therefore services should be in the language of both of those founding nations. The people of Quebec are not French, they are Quebecois whether they speak French or English.
Wrong the Indians were the first founding nations shouldn't we speak their language? We are already forced in Ontario to take the french language in high school. If people are not interested they are not. The 1 billion dollars is going to be just wasted just like the gun registry. I rather have that 1 billion dollars put towards health care or transportation where it is really needed.
3/24/2008 8:44:52 PM |
Biligualism yes or no |

Clairmont, AB
59, joined Feb. 2008
londen i did not take it that way i had asked for other opions that is what i wanted to here & just courious if any one felt the govt. was waisting our money again & pedro if that was telling me off then wow i won;t go there        
3/25/2008 10:16:13 AM |
Biligualism yes or no |

Ingersoll, ON
67, joined Jan. 2008
The purpose of most governments seems to be to waste meney. You wouldn't believe the number of trips a member of the legislature gets to take. A friend, who was a member of parliament, planned his vacations around his government trips. On a native Affairs comittee he got to visit B.C ( 2 weeks) Arctic circle (1 week) and N.b. (2 weeks) all in one year. Most expenses were paid and his wife accompanied him. I wish I could have those vacations.
4/3/2008 6:26:45 AM |
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Windsor, ON
45, joined Mar. 2008
4/3/2008 6:57:06 AM |
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Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
i didn't say u got told off. i said u got told... there's a difference. 
4/13/2008 2:25:43 PM |
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Carleton Place, ON
56, joined Feb. 2008
i'm sorry but I'm born in Quebec and speak English fluently and I do not consider myself Quebecois. I AM CANADIAN ! and proud of being CANADIAN! Speak the language that you are comfortable in. Too many forced rules in this free country.
4/15/2008 9:32:49 AM |
Biligualism yes or no |
Cambridge, ON
53, joined Nov. 2007
And since when government really care what people think anyway? Also it is not the elected officials who have the power..it is the petty self-centered civil service who has the say how they line their pockets with taxpayer's money.
4/15/2008 4:50:58 PM |
Biligualism yes or no |
North York, ON
63, joined Apr. 2008
"Canada has two founding nations, therefore services should be in the language of both of those founding nations. The people of Quebec are not French, they are Quebecois whether they speak French or English.
Wrong the Indians were the first founding nations ..."
Londen was NOT wrong. The Indians were not founding nations of Canada; they were founding nations of tribes and associations of tribes on the land that is Canada now.
[Edited 4/15/2008 5:02:54 PM ]
4/15/2008 5:00:15 PM |
Biligualism yes or no |
North York, ON
63, joined Apr. 2008
"...On a native Affairs comittee he got to visit B.C ( 2 weeks) Arctic circle (1 week) and N.b. (2 weeks) all in one year. Most expenses were paid and his wife accompanied him. I wish I could have those vacations."
I am not so sure if I'd like to spend any time on the Arctic Circle. But BC would be nice. Nova Brunswick? I dunno I ain't never been there. What's there? Other than Native Affairs Committee members, which is a naturally occurring substance in N.B. of course.
I'd much rather work for the Ministry of Sexual Affairs. Or if I wanted to travel, then for the UN. Or even the Ministry of Non-Partisan International Partying and Other Party Matters. Caracas! Olle! Hula Hoioua! Na Zdarovje! Gumipitypang! Elephant rides! Snorkeling! Underwater drinking binges!
But then again they totally spoiled everything for your friend because he had to take his wife along to everywhere. The oolgoos!
[Edited 4/15/2008 5:03:54 PM ]
4/17/2008 7:06:09 PM |
Biligualism yes or no |

Carleton Place, ON
56, joined Feb. 2008
joyschoice its only your opinion, and in my opinion I'm Canadian! Born in CANADA, NOT Quebecois!
4/19/2008 1:07:12 PM |
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North York, ON
63, joined Apr. 2008
"joyschoice its only your opinion, and in my opinion I'm Canadian! Born in CANADA, NOT Quebecois!"
By all means. Is somebody arguing that?
4/24/2008 3:14:09 PM |
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Geraldton, ON
68, joined Feb. 2008
All I can say to all in here is that we don't choose what language and what parents we will have so I think everyone has good in them and should not be put down on whatever subject unless they are wicked
4/25/2008 6:18:01 PM |
Biligualism yes or no |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
i couldn't agree more but... what does that have to do with this topic? i don't see anyone being put down here do u?
4/30/2008 10:18:14 PM |
Biligualism yes or no |
Kingston, ON
59, joined Nov. 2007
yes all the way
5/29/2008 8:28:40 AM |
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Woodstock, ON
69, joined Apr. 2008
Hey..rud...I agree..too much waste of our tax dollars forcing, their language down our throats, for only 2 per cent of the population in Canada. I do think everyone should speak a second language, but in this FREE country of ours, shouldn't we have the choice of picking our own? By the way, if they all say " I am Canadian first" then it should be " Candian French " not " French Canadian " Imagine, if all ethnic groups in this country whinned enough like Quebec did, that they wanted their language on all the labels of food,clothing etc. a can of soup would be 2ft tall and cost us billions and billions more. The first language anyone learns is English....for a reason. Just my opinion.
5/29/2008 9:12:45 AM |
Biligualism yes or no |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
i respectfully disagree im proud that our country has 2 main languages & BTW the "reason" almost everyone in canada speaks english is b/c the british defeated the french in the 7 years war am i wrong? please tell me if i am
5/29/2008 9:21:18 PM |
Biligualism yes or no |

Alexandria, ON
71, joined Mar. 2008
You are partly right Pedro. The reason there is English in Canada at all is, of course, due to the Brits defeating the French. The reason French is still spoken is due to Queen Victoria, in her infinate wisdom, having officially given the French the right to retain their language, culture and laws. Silly old b*tch !!
5/29/2008 10:06:05 PM |
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Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
lol ya it may not be convenient but bilingualism is part of what defines our culture and
5/29/2008 11:01:46 PM |
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Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
online now!
I would need to see what exactly we would be buying with that $1 billion, and then compare it with what we could get for the same amount by investing our money in healthcare, education, public transportation, alternative energy, etc, etc.
Money after all doesn't grow on trees. We need to invest what we have wisely!
As a simple example - Kingston has a fair number of Francophones, so it makes sense that a Service Canada office here can provide services in French as well as in English. (I had occasion to visit there recently, and was frankly amazed at how fluidly the lady who was receiving clients switched from fluent unaccented English to what seemed to me to be equally good French!) So that's great.
BUT to extend that to discriminatory hiring practices where english-speaking applicants were automatically excluded due to not being fluent in French would be wrong, and investing a lot of money to try to force all of the employees to learn French would be a waste. Honestly, the vast majority of the Francophones living in Kingston are quite capable of functioning in English, and if they are more comfortable in French it's enough that they have access to someone who can deal with them in their native tongue. The whole office doesn't need to be bilingual, when 90%+ of their clients are unilingual English speaking.
Every government call centre gives a "press 1 for French, 2 for English" option, where a 1 directs the caller to a French-fluent agent. That's just fine. So again I'd ask, what do we need to spend a billion dollars on. A cynic would say that money is basically going to buy votes from Quebec... 
5/31/2008 1:17:04 PM |
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Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
well said i had to think 4 a minute there lol
6/3/2008 6:17:24 PM |
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Clairmont, AB
59, joined Feb. 2008
I started this &that is point lobo & grovel this was not meant to put anyone down except maybe govt for waisting our money on something that does not work it is as bad as the gun law but different subject i have been in area where there were no french people & but had to have a french official & agree the queen really screwed up
6/3/2008 6:36:49 PM |
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Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
i disagree if we didn't have the bilingualism we'd be 1 step closer to being like our southern neighbors
it adds to canada's charm if u ask me
6/11/2008 11:23:02 PM |
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Thunder Bay, ON
64, joined Mar. 2008
I think we should have one offigial language, English,Costs to much money to print both,when the Aboriginal people start complaining we will have 3  
6/27/2008 9:48:03 PM |
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Nepean, ON
50, joined Apr. 2008
I don't like 2 languages myself, I'm english only , I don't care about french, but what I hate about the french is how they go after signs etc on businesses language police gestapo like.
I even heard a radio competition in montreal a few years ago, saying you could win $$$ if you find and turn in a offending business with their offending english on signs, I secretly hoped the quebec at the time would separate cause of that contest and their vicious venom against the english, who the hell cares whats on a sign, anyway, also many like me do not have the aptitude to learn 2 languages, no more than I can handle reading music ....
7/13/2008 8:04:26 AM |
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Oshawa, ON
72, joined Feb. 2008