Boulder City, NV
age: 46
ypu cant make her leave him (throw him out) its even harder if you are telling her to do it! humans have a guess Ill call it "pride" to try to prove others wrong. you tell her "hes a bum throw him out he treats you like garbage. Her inside answer to herself "I will prove her wrong hes a good guy and I will change him" which she can not do but the more you tell her he is bad the harder she will try to stay with him

Joplin, MO
age: 41
You ask how we leave them????????? well thats easy .. we leave them... GOD made me just like he made the man and it gets easier when you start believing in yourself as a person to walk away. I never used to believe guys would go out with me because I was told that etc... but I learned later it wasnt true.. I quit believing the negative I was told and start looking for a reationship that was positive.. now when I am in a relationship if he starts feeding me negative crap about myself I leave. I don't need someone putting me down because he is miserable. I might be over weight yes but I am not so obese I am miserable and helpless. I am not a helpless Bimbo. So sometimes my men feel intimadated. I don't want them to feel that way. I want them to know they can depend on me to keep the homefront secure. I am an equal... not a lower... not an upper... not a follower.. not a leader... so I can walk if I need to... but I will stay and defend 100% if he loves me ..... B

Omaha, NE
age: 49
Its easy to walk away when you are not a co-dependent personality.
PPL who are co-dependent are those that stay in abusive relationships and are drawn to that type of relationship..they get together with what we call...a$$wholes. So many wonder the why's..learn what co-dependent is about and you have the answer's.Learn that this is just what they female and males are use to. 

Albrightsville, PA
age: 36
It took seeing him screw over his 89 yr. old grandpop for me to see his true nature, pop a gasket, tell him what a c_cksucker he is and toss him out the door. Too bad I kept seeing the good and not the bad for six years first.
(Not mad, sad and will b for awhile over it, he didn't deserve six years of me)

Maquoketa, IA
age: 46
she needs a boost of self esteem. she should not be ignoring her kids because of the jackass and no man is that good in bed to want to be with. i have a problem with this because i have a freind going through the same thing and got to tell you it hurts me because she is a kind and good hearted woman who deserves so much better. and yes, there are women out there who would love a good man yet because she is not willing to jump in bed with them on the first date they want nothing to do with her. so the pendulum swings both way guys, you b*tch about being so nice and kind and not finding a woman who wants you yet you all want nasty girls who will screw anything that has 2 legs. i hope this woman gives the boot to harley so hard in his ass that they have to surgically remove it.

Baytown, TX
age: 47
Because women have been conditioned to think we must have a man to be happy. And as with children who will still love and stand by a parent who abuses them in many ways, for the children are conditioned to think "they deserve what they get", some women are conditioned in much the same way.
Many times it is just too "hard" to go...there may be children involved and think they cannot finacially make it on their own.
Please don't think I mean all women, nor do I think this problem is relegated to ONLY women.