4/3/2008 9:14:27 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Joliet, IL
age: 25
narcissistic behavior seems to quite common in old right wing battle axes and crazy old coots.
GOD! Is education really that expensive?!?!?! I guess our country really IS going to shit! Sorry, had to say it!
4/3/2008 9:22:15 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 50
For me... I need a spark. That's a combo of looks and personality.
I wish you the best...
4/3/2008 9:26:24 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Atco, NJ
age: 37 online now!
What does that mean hoodie boy?
4/3/2008 9:26:53 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Buellton, CA
age: 43
Looks aren't important . . . character is.


4/3/2008 9:33:24 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Atco, NJ
age: 37 online now!
well I guess you could poke her eyes out first.
4/3/2008 9:34:06 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 25
Human nature
4/3/2008 10:00:49 PM |
why are looks so important? |

North Kingstown, RI
age: 49
healthy == attractive
attractive == those genes get passed along
that's how humans evolved for quite a while i think.
also i think that a guy can slam out a few hundred kids a year or more.. if he had the chance. So a man dosn't need to be fussy about his kids chances of survival to pass his dna along.
but a woman.. who can only put out mabye 10-15 kids in a lifetime.. each one requiring a year of her time at least.. well women have had a lot more at stake in choosing who to mesh genes with than men have.
can you blame them if they are a bit more selective? Instinctively they will be more fussy.
I dont know how it works in modern times.. but i think this is how it worked for the first million or so years.
4/4/2008 4:43:44 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Monroe, MI
age: 39
I have been out with beautiful women and not so
beautiful women and in most case's I ended up having
a better time with a women who is not so attractive
but was a ball to be with.
4/4/2008 4:53:26 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Buellton, CA
age: 43
Fryyy & Snow,
Yep, that's wisdom. That's why I listen. 

4/4/2008 7:00:49 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Atco, NJ
age: 37 online now!
If you feel more comfortable with a women that YOU feel is less Attractive you are insecure
4/4/2008 7:04:38 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Prescott Valley, AZ
age: 54
Looks are fairly important initially, as looks can be used to gauge as to whether there is an attraction. And lets face it, we ALL have preferences as to whom we are attracted to!!
4/4/2008 7:34:41 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 31
For some people they are..including me..the person does not have to be what someone's definition of perfection might be, but I would at the very least have to have some kind of physical attraction to a guy. When he opens his mouth to say something to me, I have to sense the sincerity in the way it is written etc.. If someone starts writing to me using shorthand things like " u r so cool" lol I don't really want to reply...because it appears to me as they are taking a short cut, when really there aren't too many other letters to type. I don't know. I have dated different types of men and I know what I like and don't like... everyone is entitled to have what they like..or at least go after it, so if for some that means muscle men, more power to them. Just like some people like older men, or younger men..or whatever the case may be, you like what you like.
4/4/2008 7:39:07 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Atco, NJ
age: 37 online now!
I agree its difficult to go the opposite direction than what you like.
4/12/2008 3:36:53 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Kalamazoo, MI
age: 52 online now!
hey! I dated a guy that told me that he was ugly! And on meeting him... yep he was. Take the pug dog from Men in Black and squint down one of its buggy eyes... That would be this guy. But I dated him a couple of more times... It wasn't his looks that were his down fall... he had no class... eat with food hanging off the side of his face. When he came a couple of times for a visit he didn't bring a brush to brush his hair nor did he bring a tooth brush. His grammar sucked! His clothes hung on him... He would say insulting things like "Your hands are dry". Shit I am an art teacher and clay dries my hands out. The first date he expressed a lot of criticisms of me. One was that my photos didn't look like me... I took them... My apartment was too expensive... I had a nice large two bedroom. I visited him at his pad and he had a meager one bedroom. If you stood in his kitchen and stuck out your arms and spun around you would hurt your finger tips. I could go on... We don't see each other any more and he was 2 hours away.
4/12/2008 8:23:33 AM |
why are looks so important? |

North Liberty, IA
age: 27
Its true, looks are what make people look at you! That is how our initial interaction begins. It also depends on what the person looking is into.
There are girls that look for the buff men that seem hi-maintenance. There are also those that look for chubby, bald-headed hunks. I am one of them, my friends call me "chubby-chaser!"
After the looks come the personality chemistry and sparks. If you have none of that maybe you should move along! I believe all of us need to re-learn getting to know people instead of accepting societies perception that only beautiful people are worth knowing!