3/29/2008 1:37:16 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Buellton, CA
age: 43
You'd be right & wrong. Looks are important, but most of us have been through relationships and know ourselves now enough to know what we are looking for. Take another look at your profile: Are you asking for what YOU are looking for or are you DESCRIBING YOU.
Be honest and describe YOU and then WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR and you may get more responses.
Also, there are other more serious dating sites. This is a Forum playground for me . . . my last dat came from MC.
3/29/2008 1:44:24 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
evilgreen i dont mean it like it sounds but are u looking for large girls?
3/29/2008 1:51:38 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Bremerton, WA
age: 22
well it doesnt realy matter to me but if i had a choice it would be a girl who is skinier than me. but than again there are more than one meaning to big. so i guess it all really comes down to if me and what ever woman it is clicks or not. thats what i really want is a mature meaningful relationhip with a good woman who is around my age. that also is wat i bileve all relationshis should be based off of is that both persons click with each other and are around the same age. but than age doesnt really matter either so its just that both people in the relationship have that common ground and also who have true feeling for one another.
4/3/2008 7:24:55 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Gainesville, FL
age: 25
i dont think its looks so much as attractiveness and yes its different. i feel that in order for a relationship to work you have to be attracted to that person. everyone has their own defination of what attractive is. my defination may be different than my best friends. have you ever been sitting around with your friends and they think a certain person is attractive and you dont. well thats your answer. for example. my brother is a little bigger but he is a great guy and his fiance is petite and absolutely beautiful and sweet. in this society we have become very visually stimulated. its all about what you consider attractive.
4/3/2008 7:50:32 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Carbondale, IL
age: 23
You can't have a successful relationship with someone you're not attracted to. Yes, some people say what attracts them is personality/sense of humor/all the stuff that's "inside", but let's be real, for the majority of us, it's looks.
4/3/2008 7:55:20 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Madison Heights, MI
age: 36
keep telling yourself that your personality is more important then you being a fatass greennight!!!! cuz one day you will realize that was a big mistake and then your going to die alone!!! so until then give yourself a great big hug!!!
4/3/2008 8:52:38 PM |
why are looks so important? |

La Vergne, TN
age: 43
I have to be Physically attracted to a woman before I give a shit about whats on the inside.
I know thats not good but thats the way it is. I know alot of great women that are (to me)
overweight. I am not attracted. I would rather be by myself than "settle" for someone I really wasn't attracted to. This is not the best way to choose a woman I know, but that's the honest truth and I think the woman feel the same way whether they are willing to admit it or not.
4/3/2008 8:57:23 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Joliet, IL
age: 25
Becuase there are a lot of thin guys who will do the nicest things as well. Dating is a game, like a sport. Sorry to be so blunt but like any sport, find your way to win, or get the F out.
Good Luck buddy.
[Edited 4/3/2008 8:57:52 PM]
4/3/2008 9:00:31 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Atco, NJ
age: 37 online now!
because you can't rate personality from 1 to 10.
4/3/2008 9:02:34 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Omaha, NE
age: 54
sure you can. You are a big fat zero.
4/3/2008 9:02:49 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Joliet, IL
age: 25
And mark... You are a d*ck. (keep in mind that I am now out of this post, and don't care to defend myself anyhow, ha!)
[Edited 4/3/2008 9:05:04 PM]
4/3/2008 9:03:06 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Paris, TX
age: 41
I agree with redneck. I think most people feel this way. We are not all attracted to the same look, that's why even ugly people have mates. hee hee.
But yes, you have to be physically attracted to someone in order for you to see any deeper than that. Sometimes, the person isn't the best looking, but they have sex appeal that just gets your cookies when you are around them. Confidence is a huge turn on for me.
4/3/2008 9:04:12 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Buellton, CA
age: 43
Lust4Love . . . your eyes speak volumes . . . the dates are lining up I am sure 

4/3/2008 9:10:36 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Richardson, TX
age: 48
I am new on here but I have to comment on this topic. Anyone who thinks looks are not important is just kidding themselves, but the thing you have to remember is---beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I really do believe there has to be an initial attraction between two people and then getting to know a person either makes that attraction grow or it makes it much less. In other words there has to be something there to spark the interest. The first thing we see is a persons face and outward appearance, so how a person looks is important. I agree with the guy on here that said that taking care of ones self is important. Also guys who are not attractive to one woman may be to another and the same for women to men. Looks are very important and you can tell a lot about a persons character just by the way he or she looks. Looks are important --we just have to face it.
4/3/2008 9:10:51 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Atco, NJ
age: 37 online now!
narcissistic behavior seems to quite common in old right wing battle axes and crazy old coots.
Narcissism describes the character trait of self love, based on self-image or ego.
[Edited 4/3/2008 9:18:32 PM]