4/12/2008 8:33:19 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 41 online now!
Maybe this will help...
4/15/2008 10:42:11 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Bremerton, WA
age: 22
hey thanks alot for all of these different responses. lets keep them coming
4/15/2008 10:49:17 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Fernley, NV
age: 46
I look at the interests first, the "keywords" then look at the physical
4/15/2008 10:50:16 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Selah, WA
age: 47
why do you all act like looks are the only reason for replying back to any guy?
Why do a few people assume that is the only reason I would reply back to a guy??? I've responded back to shadows, which means they have no picture for me to base their looks upon. I go on how they present themself to me in their messages. I could also assume that men do this too for I've seen plenty of threads on men complaining on the word "average" for weight. So those threads, to me, show that men have their preferences on what they are looking for. I am no where near looking like Barbie but I am also not high maintanence like Barbie either. Barbie has a cooler car than I do 
4/15/2008 10:51:55 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Janesville, WI
age: 43
Looks count, to what degree?....most of us a lesser degree...jmo
4/15/2008 10:54:05 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Statesville, NC
age: 20
Thats what you frist see
4/15/2008 11:36:44 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Arvada, CO
age: 31
firstly you cant even spell body builder.....secondly youre sloppy and take no pride in your work c you smell like fat people.
4/15/2008 11:58:23 PM |
why are looks so important? |

Annapolis, MD
age: 38
Looks aren't "so important"....
What is important is that you know yourself well enough to Know: "what you want" "who you are" and "what qualities mean the most to you!" - The rest will work it's self out...
This is not an instant fix. Just like meeting people "off line" it takes time. If you connect - you do. If you don't - you don't. Some will come into your life for a moment... Some will become life long friends... And maybe - just maybe - someone you meet here will become your life long companion, lover, best friend, and soulmate.....
Time Tells All....

4/16/2008 1:46:15 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Suncook, NH
age: 22
I think that if you are b*tching about girls only talking to you based upon your looks, your probly going after girls who are out of your league. Im not trying to be a d*ck, Im sure not gods gift to women, but you just got to be honest with yourself, like I did. So you would be hypocriticle to complain about women judging you on your looks, and then only trying to talk to the "good looking women". And everybody judges on looks, that how the world works
4/16/2008 4:36:12 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Lynnville, TN
age: 38
I dont what to be cruel but be honest would you what to date a heap??
We all want someone nice and good looking and to stay in shape you do not have to do mad fitness, we say in england you are what you eat so if your stuffing pork down you then you end up like a pig,but if you eat a lot of p*ssy you end up like me a (c**t)
4/16/2008 6:09:08 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Conyers, GA
age: 50
i think people look first and think ok,could i or would i go to bed with them and if the answer is no right off then they don't even bother to get to know them..thats without even reading the profile but just seeing the pic..the reason i think this is because i can see who looks at my pic and i never hear a word from them,,granted they MIGHT have read my pro and thought ok,she and i would never click because of our likes or dislikes..hard to say anymore what people think or want..we can post any pic,write anything but yet we have no idea how real someone is without talkin to them and getting to know them and actually meeting them face to face..anyone can be anybody and say anything and everything but without meeting and really seeing them and talkin to them i think its very hard to see the real person..face it,if you don't see yourself being able to have sex with someone,does that mean that their not worth knowing?..friends are nice to have too even if you don't see yourself with them romantically or physically..
4/16/2008 7:03:50 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Bronx, NY
age: 44
no one ever wants to admit that LOOKS DO COUNT .... we allllll know that what we first see {and thats looks} is what ATTRACTS US from the get goooooooo ............... you see what you like and you go after it ... UNLESS YOUR BLIND ... so why not admit it ................... SURE! personality, attitude, etc. count VERY MUCH ... but! its the attraction to the look the gets the ball rolling ........ and everyone has a certain look that they LOVE ... I DO NOT like the PRETTY BOYS ... I prefer the ruff, tough look ............ as I said we DO go for looks ..... whatever look it is that we like that is the look we are ATTRACTED TO .... YES ATTRACTED TO!! {as in draws us to that person} 
[Edited 4/16/2008 7:11:35 AM]
4/16/2008 7:13:14 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Moab, UT
age: 25
i think you attract that reaction by thinking that way.... let me explain...
pretty much all growing up... and even while i was married.. i never thought of myself as attractive... at all... but something happend after my divorce... guys really started noticeing me.... telling me i was pretty and this and that... now i am not sure if i had just never realized it before.. or what.. but i do know that i started taking better care of myself.. started careing what i wore and my apperance.. simply because i felt the need to... the "spoile yourself" syndrom i suppose.. i had my kiddos really young and always put them first... through the divorce. the state of colorado requires that you take parenting classes for divorcing parents... and it was at that time that i learned you have to care for yourself to be able to care for your kids right....
but i do know.. that the different way of thinking... really brightened up things in my life.. and i don't wonder why this or why that as far as my looks... i learned to jus be who i am.... people either like it or not... and i don't beat myself up if they don't!
4/16/2008 9:19:34 AM |
why are looks so important? |

Napa, CA
age: 41
I'll often respond to people whether I'm attracted or not, but physical attraction does play a large part in dating (and that's just being honest). I'm a large woman and some guys aren't attracted to that, which doesn't matter to me. I am who I am and I'm not attracted to just anyone either! Like everyone else, I have certain types that attract me and many that do not. The "right one(s)" will like you for who you are, but will also find you attractive. Also, there are things we can all do to make sure we look our best and "play up the positive."
4/16/2008 10:31:43 AM |
why are looks so important? |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
Gee, this is a tough, and complex question.
I don't consider myself physically attractive at all -- if I were attractive, I could earn a living on the basis of my looks. Low self-esteem? I don't think so. Rather a realistic self-assessment. I expect that, for a partner, I'd be "good enough" physically, offset with other positive traits (honesty, loyalty, a romantic nature, good earning power, etc.). That said, I do believe in self-improvement, as an exercise in discipline.
Let's see:
5'7" - not too much I can do about that. I am not attracted to tall women -- physical affection would just be too awkward. Happily, tall women are generally not attracted to me, so that works out well.
147 lbs - not exactly muscular, but I have gone down from 26% body fat to 17% and continue to try to get fitter. That's about my ideal weight, but as I was skinny-fat before, I have a lot of work to do to sculpt my body (lose fat and replace it with muscle -- tought to do at the same time except for newbie bodybuilders). The upside is that it has real health benefits. I've got about 7-8 pounds of gut fat still to lose.
Hair - well, at 46 years old, it is thinning. At some point I might shave it bald rather than have male pattern baldness. I wear a goatee and many women have told me they like the look. Go figure.
Teeth - oooh, biggie here. I practice proper dental hygiene, but years of night-time grinding have worn them down. They are functional, but I don't have much of a smile. I've looked into having the front ones replaced with a permanent plate, but think, "Why remove perfectly functional teeth?" Caps would cost about $40k ($2500/tooth), IIRC. I don't have that kind of money to burn on my vanity.
Biggest turnoffs I've noticed with women have been my height, lack of musculature and a gut (almost gone now), and my worn-down teeth.
So, I'm hardly one to "demand" perfection in a partner. I like them to be a bit shorter than me, and physically fit, or seriously trying to get fit. Imperfect teeth, or a minor non-life-affecting disability (like a limp) do not bother me at all.
But, as I'm a "small" guy, "big" women are a complete turn off for me. That extends to women with "healthy" BMIs but high body fat percentages unless, like me, they are striving to get less "skinny-fat" --- I've been there, and done that. (Still doing it).
I'm currently dating eyeswideopened, and except for some differences of opinion about diet (we have different ideas of what "eating healthy" means, LOL), so far so good, after a month. We are hardly specimens of human perfection, and I'm sure both of us could find others that we see as more physically attractive.
But, here's the kicker: when we get close, her natural scent is intoxicating to me. Pheromones? I guess. And, for some reason, she likes the way I kiss her.
I once got very close, physically, and emotionally, with an incredibly beautiful woman. The emotional bond was so strong, we "tried" to make a physical relationship work -- and, indeed, it was a great boost to my ego that I was one of the "better" lovers in her life. But, my worn teeth and scent just didn't work for her. Pheromones again, in reverse.
I think it's important to look "outside the box" of societal norms of beauty, and give a chance to those who's physical attributes might not be the most attractive to us. Coupled with personality, one might just find the best overall match. But, giving a chance, does not mean accepting someone with whom one just does not fit.