10/27/2011 11:55:48 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010

Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

11/7/2011 9:18:49 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |
Greeneville, TN
38, joined Dec. 2009
11/7/2011 9:24:45 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |
Greeneville, TN
38, joined Dec. 2009
grr its not lettin me post a you tube video
You may have entered certain html or script tags which are not permitted. You can insert most html and flash, but not script or other objects.??? what ..rich u have done this..why cant i do it???
[Edited 11/7/2011 9:26:48 AM ]
11/7/2011 3:53:46 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Clearwater, FL
56, joined Dec. 2010
you have to make sure box is checked by...use old embed code at bottom of video
11/7/2011 7:58:50 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
You also have to use the internet browser, not from the phone youtube 
11/7/2011 7:59:56 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
you have to make sure box is checked by...use old embed code at bottom of video
 hello beautiful
11/8/2011 2:32:22 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |
Greeneville, TN
38, joined Dec. 2009
nope sorry..no cell phone here ..to broke to have 1
11/23/2011 9:53:05 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Memphis, TN
34, joined Jun. 2011
Whats up Tenn's Happy Thanksgiving to All          
12/11/2011 10:35:43 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Oak Ridge, TN
66, joined Oct. 2011
I will take a JACK AND A BEER..  
12/13/2011 5:06:46 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010

12/14/2011 8:27:19 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |
Cookeville, TN
50, joined Jul. 2011

12/14/2011 9:43:28 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
12/15/2011 5:35:33 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Memphis, TN
34, joined Jun. 2011
   Ladies&Gents Happy Holidays             
12/15/2011 6:25:30 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
happy holidays 
12/16/2011 4:37:40 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
12/17/2011 6:17:43 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
Good morning tn   
12/18/2011 4:21:43 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Nashville, TN
46, joined Dec. 2011
clarksville, huh? Now of the real babes seem to live in the nash....
12/18/2011 5:33:13 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010

12/18/2011 6:46:12 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |
Chattanooga, TN
42, joined Sep. 2011
Wuz up?
12/18/2011 10:07:33 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
12/19/2011 8:02:34 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
I can't speak for all of us but i can speak for myself. I'm 42 and only slept with 1 man my whole life. He was my husband of 24 years and my best friend he passed away on JAnuary 22nd. As far as money hungry I have washed my kids clothes in the tub when we didn't have money and walked to work over 10 miles so that I could help out.(I told my husband I had a ride when I knew I didn't because I didn't want him walking or most of all worrying. He never went to work without a meal in his tummy and I always made his lunch. When he worked a double I always put 17 hershey kisses in his lunch so he would get a kiss ever hour while we were apart. My favorite anniversary is when we only had 5 dollars and Patrick was feeling really down. We went to kmart I picked out a card and had him pick one out too. We read them thanked each other and I bought a candybar on the way out. We split it. Afterwards we went and rented a movie. We bought 2 hamburgers I think they were on sell 2 for a 1.We went home and I made 2 baked potatoes and lit candle and picked flowers from my yard. That was our anniversay it was under 5 dollars but meant the world to me. In life and in marriage it's all the little things you do that make it work it's easy when things are going well but when the chips are down you only have each other. I say only because if you only have each other that means you have the world by the butt and you are richer than anyone else in the world. Nothing can stop you as long as you have each other.so please don't give up on us, My husband always said next to god I was as perfect as they came. Let me tell you something if he was right which I've never viewed myself as perfect or even close then it was all because of him. And I mean that from my heart, from my soul.It's not his money I miss and when he passed away we were doing good. I didn't even have to work. It's the holding hands everytime we went to sleep all those 24 years and yes when he passed away I held his hand until he became a angel at 8:45 am. iT'S THE CUDDLING AND HUGS AND KISSES THAT WE SERIOUSLY DID OVER 50 TIMES A DAY Easily, it's the 7 1/2 mile walks I took down a major highway every chance I could so I could meet him outside the gates at his work because I missed him so badly. It's making his meals and rubbing lotion on him when he was sick and suctioning out the blood from his throat for over 3 weeks as he slowly passed away from me. And putting him on and off the bedpan and bathing him and just taking care of him. That was making love to him more than anytime that we were intimate. In the hospital everyone said you need sleep i told them I will get my sleep later, they said that was there job doing all those unpleasant jobs I toldd them to me it wasn't work it was love! I wish I could do it for 50 more years . so don't give up on love or being loved we are out here and we know how to love,, We know how to care, I think too many times in a relationship everyone starts from the outside in and they should be looking from the inside out that is where you need to start. It's not the money, I've had both, It's not the sex I also had that but when his disease robbed him of that I just found new ways of showing him my love. It was proping up the bed with cement blocks so he could breath easire, lotion all over his body because his skin was so dry, cutting the grass and taking over all the chores so he wouldn't feel bad and finding small things for him to do so he would feel good. its was laying in bed half the day knowing i had a million things i had to do but not leaving him alone and making him smile when he and I both knew there was no hope. I never gave up on my marriage and never gave up on him. You'll find the right woman when you look in the right place, it will be in her heart. it's on the inside that counts. gl
12/20/2011 10:55:57 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
12/22/2011 9:51:00 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Memphis, TN
34, joined Jun. 2011
12/22/2011 10:46:25 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
I found that in a old thread 
12/24/2011 8:14:16 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
Merry Christmas Eve Everyone 
12/24/2011 10:22:59 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Memphis, TN
34, joined Jun. 2011
Same to you bro
12/25/2011 4:58:29 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
Merry Christmas Telf hope it's a great one for ya.
Merry Christmas if there happens to be anyone that looks in here 
12/26/2011 4:53:24 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |
Johnson City, TN
47, joined Dec. 2011
Happy Day after Christmas! Everyone can now breathe again!!!
12/26/2011 6:11:11 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
and same to you 
12/29/2011 5:31:27 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010

1/1/2012 5:45:58 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
Happy New Year 
1/5/2012 8:35:35 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010

1/5/2012 3:30:45 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Memphis, TN
34, joined Jun. 2011
HAPPY NEW YEAR TN'S            
1/5/2012 5:25:38 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
hiya telf tn's a lonely place no one post and I've been blocked from the ones that they do post in 
1/6/2012 7:23:44 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
 Good morning tn 
1/6/2012 12:44:00 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
lunch time 
1/6/2012 8:40:58 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
Bed time
1/7/2012 9:24:16 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
It's morning again 
1/7/2012 1:20:30 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
After lunch 
1/7/2012 1:58:01 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
Thirty mins later 
1/8/2012 9:10:54 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
 It's morning again 
1/9/2012 7:25:47 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
evening again
1/10/2012 12:36:28 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
12:45 am 
1/12/2012 3:23:43 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Oak Ridge, TN
66, joined Oct. 2011
1 J.D.and Bud Beer-You got a fine lady working at the Lounge.    
1/12/2012 7:50:56 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
Good evening bob 
1/13/2012 4:33:16 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |
Knoxville, TN
30, joined Dec. 2011

1/13/2012 6:33:04 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
Well hello sunshine welcome back 
1/13/2012 10:57:48 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Memphis, TN
34, joined Jun. 2011
how are you?
Whats up rich, happy new year to u bro 
1/13/2012 10:59:43 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |


Memphis, TN
34, joined Jun. 2011
      Tripping off the last page rich u crazy bro 
1/13/2012 11:12:22 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
You to telf. Doing good! How are you doing telf?
I'm trying to get this place kicking I bet if I leave they would come sorry bro I'm keeping them away I just wanna be loved to!  
1/13/2012 11:44:11 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010

1/14/2012 6:34:06 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
 Good morning sunshines 
1/21/2012 7:20:01 AM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
 Good morning this place is full as usual 
Like the photo there telf  
1/22/2012 4:12:13 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |
Knoxville, TN
39, joined Jan. 2012
Hiya everone how is everyone?
1/22/2012 4:56:42 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
Doing good how about yourself?
Wake up telf we got company 
1/24/2012 6:00:05 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010

1/26/2012 4:07:47 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
1/26/2012 4:08:42 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
evening rich
1/26/2012 4:09:34 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
howdy rich
1/26/2012 4:10:09 PM |
~ The Tennessee Lounge~ | Page 3 |

Charlotte, TN
39, joined May. 2010
looking good up there