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7/1/2008 7:16:13 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Akeley, MN
age: 52
Thanks for the story dtrail have a background in law enforcement and I so get this. Brave lady 
7/9/2008 3:30:19 AM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |
Fort Smith, AR
age: 47
A little old lady, well into her eighties, slowly enters the front
door of a sex shop. Obviously very unstable on her feet, she wobbles
the few feet across the store to the counter. Finally arriving at the
counter and grabbing it for support, stuttering she asks the sales
clerk: "Dddooo youuuu hhhave dddddiilllldosss?"
The clerk, politely trying not to burst out laughing, replies: "Yes
we do have dildos. Actually we carry many different models."
The old lady then asks: "Dddddoooo yyyouuuu ccaarrryy aaa pppinkk
onnee, tttenn inchessss lllong aaandd aabboutt ttwoo inchesss
ththiickk...aaand rrunns by bbaatteries?
The clerk responds, "Yes we do."
She asks: " Ddddooo yyoooouuuu kknnnoooww hhhowww tttooo ttturrrnnn
ttthe ssunoooffabb*tch offffff? 
7/9/2008 2:06:55 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Washington, NC
age: 41
This is embarrasing: I was getting my house totally remodeled and stayed with my parents for 4 months. In the meantime, I was going to get my BOB and stash is somewhere- where, I don't really know, but anyway. The contractors found it before I could get to it. But they did not say anything to me for a while and when I went to get it, I could not find it so I knew that they did. I would not say anything to them and they would not say anything to me. Until the boss finally stepped up and told me that one of his workers found something hidden in my closet and that he had been keeping it in his truck!!!, wrapped in a trash bag and that he would give it back to me and I said "No thanks". But he did put it back in my closet. It was wrapped in a towel and then in a trashbag, I felt so violated, I just threw it away. I miss BOB, I miss him alot. Got a new one, but it is not the same thing. I mean this BOB was the greatest, I had even thought about taking him to the bar and buying him a beer. I'm sad now.
7/13/2008 7:05:12 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Pensacola, FL
age: 24
My X-BBF and I went to Spencers and bought matching Clit Vibs (Water proof and glow-n-the-dark had diffrent head attacments). They where small about 4in.
We where both 17 virgins and of course living at home. I had parents. She lived with her mom. Some time goes by, mine dies of natural wear and tear. When it came time to throwing BOB out I volunteered to take out the trash in the morning. I stuffed BOB in and old sock the dog had chewed up, made sure he was in the middle of the trash sound proof as possible, and made sure he was a couple bags down in the trash can. Then I hurried off the the bus stop. No getting caught.
A few weeks go by. I go over to my friends house for girls night. We make plans to go back to Spencers the next day. Bed time rolls around. Middle of the night happens. I get up to use the bathroom. I go back to my bed palet on her bedroom floor. And I hear this dull droning buzzing. Its driving me up the wall. I quitely search my friends room looking for the source. It gets more noticeable as I get closer to her bed.
I wake her up and ask if she has her alarm clock buried under the covers. She groggly says no. Fully wakes up after a few mins and confesses to me that since her mom is hard of hearing she uses that to aid her free use of BOB. I ask her "What do you mean free use". She replies "Oh I just slip a condom over BOB in case the attactment gets loose, tie it off, put it in and get ready for bed. I guess I must have dozed off and forgot to turn him off".
No Joke. Really happend. 
7/21/2008 11:02:51 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |
North Port, FL
age: 56
Wrap him in a brown paper bag and mail him to your ex with a note saying, "Because of you, I wore this out."
7/23/2008 10:01:32 AM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Pensacola, FL
age: 24
Another Idea came to mind:
If your EX is getting married. Sanitize it. Then rub lotion all over it, let lotion dry so it looks used. Send it to his new woman. Write DO NOT OPEN UNTIL WEDDING NIGHT. (Hopefully she follows the directions).
Write a note "This will come in hand for you and for him". If you have any pics of him using it on his self send those as well. 
One thing don't forget to get rid of fingerprints.
7/23/2008 6:28:35 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Fargo, ND
age: 52
I had to wait to calm down, I read all of these and had such a great laugh that my sides hurt. 
Back about 9 years ago I was moving from one city to the next, (my boyfriend was out of town). His parents and aunt came to help me. His mom was helping me finish boxing up stuff in my room. I went to the bathroom, when I came out the aunt said you have to finish your your room yourself. Didn't dawn on me until I was packing up the stuff from ny nightstand that she found my toys, BOB and other stuff. I was so embarrased, but I thinnk she was more than me. The boyfriend and I are not together, but the mom and I are still friends. She always wanted to go to a Fantasy store, but was too afraid to go in.
I still have my toys , don't know how I will part with them if and when I have to.
7/24/2008 6:12:54 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 34
well who ever is the B@#%$ in your family mail it to her or give it to your boss if you dont like him,oh make sure you use it first
7/24/2008 11:57:02 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Hutchinson, MN
age: 33
Just throw it out. Give the garbage man something to look forward too. After all his job is picking up the messes no one else wants! 
7/25/2008 10:46:58 AM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Oswego, IL
age: 33
I'd find a public dumpster to chuck it into & drive away!! LOL
OMG! Too funny!
7/27/2008 6:00:08 AM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Walled Lake, MI
age: 36
I have really enjoyed you ladies sharing funny stories, and your wonderful ideas!
I can't thank you all enough!
8/23/2008 10:33:08 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |
Wilburton, OK
age: 52
OMG..I laughed till I cried that poor ole Bob's story....a friend wrapped hers in a white plastic sack and threw it in the lake, she forgot about Bob......later she had a client that lived by the lake, clients grandkids found it floating and fished it out, showed air filled bag to grandma,grandma said, "For God's sake kids wash your hands you don't know where thats been". Grandma was telling my friend about this and Friend said she just sat there and kept quiet with red 
8/23/2008 10:48:45 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |
Wilburton, OK
age: 52
Another Bob tale........after a marriage broke up, the husband found Bob, which he knew about, he tried to break poor ole Bob up by stomping on him, he only bruised him up some, but Bob prevailed, hubby threw Bob in trashsack and to trash can. A few days later the son heard something humming in trash can and told Mom about it, Mom said, Oh, I think I know what it is", Sure enough it was ole Bob.......Boy was he glad hubby was gone
. here's to ya Bob.
9/7/2008 6:04:32 AM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Boise, ID
age: 54
Thank you for your wonderful stories. I laughed so hard.
God Bless our BOB
9/8/2008 5:57:03 PM |
Cleaning out the toy box,how to dispose of B.O.B respectfully? |

Lafayette, IN
age: 59
Ok, this is no lie. Here is what I did....I had three items that I wanted to get rid of. I scrubbed them down really good and made sure all my fingerprints were off of them first. Then I wrapped them individually in plastic wrap, then in brown paper bags. (so no one could see them)
I know, you are asking, why hide the fingerprints...well, with my luck lately, it wouldnt surprise me for some kid to come along dumpster diving, find it, take it home only to have his perv uncle or grandfather find it and use it in a homicide or something friggin off the wall like that...(dont laugh, if it CAN happen, it WILL happen to me)!
So, I take the bag with me to work. I am a PI doing surveillance work on workers comp cases....and I figure, I can dump these lovelies anywhere in a trash or dumpster in Orlando area, far from where I live. NO TRAIL or evidence.....
Well, I get to work, I am watching my subject, I loose all track of time and forgot to unload the goodies... well, wouldnt ya know, Barney friggin Fife shows up at my dark tinted windows and catches me spying on ole Mr. Insurance Fraud...who I might add, doubles for the fat refrigerator repair man.
I look fcr my license and cannot get to it fast enough. He says he believes who I am but for me to step out of my vehicle. He glances in and see's my bag of mystery delights. He asked and I told him what was in the bag...(He did not believe donuts)
I begged him to let me find my id and he needed to leave me alone because his little antics were going to cost my company thousands of dollars if I didnt catch this guy screwing the insurance company.
He would not leave my bag alone. Still hounding me as to its contents. Finally I told him, ok Sheriff Buford T. Justice, it is a bag of dildos, c*ck rings and some lube!!! He looked at me, looked at my SUBJECT, who at this time was now crouched down with some major CRACK going on..., then looked back at me and said, FIND THE ID!!!!!
I did, he shook his head and left. AS SOON AS I got the footage I needed on this case, I hauled a** to the nearest dumpster and unloaded the goods.....
Moral of this story,
Leave the d*ck at home where it belongs....    
That's so funny! Mine went in the regular trash. Rural trash pickup is no big deal. It's gone. I can't believe it became such an issue! LOL!