4/7/2008 10:55:25 AM |
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Willard, MO
age: 44
Just keep being friendly...no need to stop or change who you are...You may not run into them but once in a while...
I've ran into ppl from the past...some girls I worked with who got me into trouble with a college prank...gave them a hug...hey good to see you...chit chat a minute...no biggie.
Ran into a guy I dated in college...we were both in the park with our kids on the same day...my son was 5 ish and was playin with this darlin little girl...they went from one toy to the next...The guy I was with and I followed them to the swing set and her father came walkin over...we recognized each other but only talked about the kids...friendly.
I went to a funeral mass just recently...ran into a guy I hadn't seen in 17 years...guess what...he apologized and we talked about what direction our lives have taken these many years...
Just be yourself...it never hurts to be friendly....that is how we make friends...
4/7/2008 10:56:04 AM |
Leftovers... |

Louisville, KY
age: 49
The same thing I do with all my leftovers....take em out, sniff em, and toss em in the garbage where they belong, never to be seen or thought of again.
4/7/2008 11:01:28 AM |
Leftovers... |

Seville, OH
age: 49
I don't know if I would say throw them in the garbage. Most times when things have not worked out it has been part of my fault to....plus when you really cared for that person you cant just toss it all out. the memories are there. hang on to the good ones and the growth and enjoyment. then throw the rest in the garbage lol
4/7/2008 11:12:50 AM |
Leftovers... |

Grady, AL
age: 48 online now!
Feeling that right now Metu, and trying my damnedest to stay the hell away!!! I already know that fire is hot and I'm not planning on getting burned by it....but...oh shit what a nice glow it puts off!!!
4/7/2008 11:52:23 AM |
Leftovers... |

Bend, OR
age: 88
Surround yourself with the good memories, and keep what you need, in the way of photos,
and mementos...store them away perhaps. This was a chapter of your life...
I hope you have no regrets..
When you are ready, and you are emotionally available, you will have new love,
and memories of days spent learning and growing...growth is lifelong..
Feed the positive, Metu... it looks great on you!
Remember the old Wolf story...whichever one you feed..
4/7/2008 12:07:17 PM |
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Castle Rock, CO
age: 48
Oh c'mon..Take the lid off and check it out...remember you Liked it..licked it..well something.
4/7/2008 12:29:19 PM |
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Mohave Valley, AZ
age: 47
Someone mention leftovers?
I'm kinda hungry!!

4/7/2008 1:46:46 PM |
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Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
Different from tuna fish salad, Wonderful Love "leftovers" never spoil.
They are memories to be kept and cherished forever, and used as the "fuel" to fan the flames of the next romance into a Fire!
[Edited 4/7/2008 1:46:57 PM]
4/7/2008 3:14:06 PM |
Leftovers... |

Houston, TX
age: 33
Stalk them.
4/7/2008 3:21:12 PM |
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Napa, CA
age: 41 online now!
I had this happen and I made the mistake of getting involved with him again because there were still amicable feelings and attraction. Now, its (been) over and the feelings aren't nearly as amicable.

If both of you want to remain friends, I know that works for a lot of people. It depends on whether or not the leftover "stuff" is a real problem for you. If it is for me, I work it out through vigorous exercise, talking to my friends, writing or anything that is an outlet for me.
4/7/2008 5:54:07 PM |
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South Lyon, MI
age: 44
pooper scooper comes to mind...
4/7/2008 5:55:09 PM |
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Mansfield, TX
age: 46 online now!
I don't think it's a problem perse'...I just value the friendship greatly & don't want it to crumble over stupid stuff.
4/7/2008 5:57:02 PM |
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New Port Richey, FL
age: 39
well girl .......if u guys can do it just stay good friends if ya cant move on. What else are ya gonna do? Mikey
4/7/2008 6:13:14 PM |
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Madison, WI
age: 47
just keep the momentum going........keep the feelings fresh.......the only thing we ever want anything or anyone in our life is because we believe having it or them will make us feel good.........keep practicing feeling good and see who shows up to match.
like attracts like..........simple science
4/7/2008 8:07:24 PM |
Leftovers... |

Milford, MI
age: 35
I agree with some of the others in here. Keep the good memories, discard the bad. Keep it amicable if possible. We can never have too many friends, and 1 enemy is too many.
