4/11/2008 10:07:52 PM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Linwood, NC
age: 56
mbettyboop, I am still asking my self that very same question and feel your pain. A gentleman and I started using im and then it progressed to telephone calls and we actually met. Twice! He said he was looking to spend forever, it was his suggestion to become exlclusive until we saw where it was going. We both had tremendous attraction and said how comfortable and right we felt together. However, in between the two times we did meet, he got to where he would not answer my phone calls or if he did he always was tired and assured me he would call the next day. Just about the time I was to give up on him he came to my house and met some of my family. I found out later he told my daughter that he was ready to get serious when he met me and then he started getting hits from all these other women. The next day his avoiding me started all over again. Boiled down, he made me laugh too and feel good AND NO we were not intimate after all we only saw each other the two times. But, I really fell hard for him very quickly and as you said rejection hurts. It does make you feel like you did something wrong and far more cautious about your feelings in the future. But, hey, we just have to decide it is there loss because the could have had someone that really care for them and would have dedicated themselves to them and they threw it away, and for what????????? 
4/12/2008 7:46:01 PM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Bowmanville, ON
age: 36
funny missyrose in the 90's when I had a perm my nickname was fatal attrackction!
But obviously you never saw my profile or read my dh nickname???
RNbettyboop- I'm in the business of saving lives not hurting people
4/12/2008 7:49:55 PM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Bowmanville, ON
age: 36
Thanks loveblame
glad to know I'm not the only stupid one out there.
But I truely beleive if you don't open yourself to people then they cannot get to know you and then you'll always be alone.
Now I just have to get enough nerve up to try again.
4/12/2008 10:20:37 PM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Casselberry, FL
age: 58
I know how you feel..I met someone here and we talked and finally met..we saw each other daily..he was nice all the time,holding the door and opening it, holding hands when we walked..I thought it was great but one weekend I didn't hear from him and I got the dreaded text message mind you..He didn't want to continue the realtionship because he didn't miss me over the weekend..guess it was a test..he said here was no spark..Live and learn ..and get out the fishing pole again..lol
I was,am still hurt nut life goes on..
We will conquer!!
4/12/2008 11:28:53 PM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Bainbridge, GA
age: 53
your welcome mbettyb... we will hurt, live, and learn...Life is good...we will move on...so hang in there !!
4/13/2008 1:06:06 AM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
betty and lady - I think it's a sad thing when really excellent people on DH or on any other dating site have sucha thing happen to them....it's sad and it shouldn't happen and it leads to really deep painful feelings and walls being put up that might keep someone special from coming into your life in the future.
All that being said, I have to also agree with not backing away so coldly from a man. There was a time when withdrawing was seen as rejection of him and I don't think men have come as yet to the point in evolving that they understand withdrawing isn't a "no" it's a "not just yet!"
If we're not going hot and heavy and rushing to the finish line they think we aren't into them I guess....
Maybe there is the dialogue we should be having on DH?
Good luck ladies! May you find one who's worth it to the end!
4/13/2008 3:55:56 AM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Columbus, OH
age: 57
u did nothing wrong it is a part of this dating dance just chuck it up as a learning experience n move on he decided he did not want to get to know u but was not upfront about it 
4/13/2008 4:06:47 AM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Vero Beach, FL
age: 50
I think sometimes, for some the internet connections are only fantasy. When things move to the real world and they see with is true is not always how they imagined thing to be they run.
Just my thoughts on it, but I think he was better on line than he would have been in the real world.
Take it slower next time, but go fish again when you are ready. This one was not a keeper. It is likely good he is gone.
4/15/2008 6:23:41 PM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Waverly, IA
age: 50
well mbettyboop, lady,loveable,sorry about the guys.I feel that some guys are just players. Don't blame yourselves. Keep searching sooner or later you will be a winner ! 
4/16/2008 6:26:52 AM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Gwynn Oak, MD
age: 58
The stupid thing is I'd forgive him, maybe I scard him away!!
Yea Right maybe those few extra was too many for him to handle.
4/16/2008 6:50:19 AM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Monticello, MN
age: 45
M'am, from the sounds of it I don't think you did anything wrong.
You gave 'a man' the opportunity to become a better individual and he took it away from you.
4/16/2008 3:40:39 PM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

North Kingstown, RI
age: 49
More time? Deeper friendship, so even if you don't "click" on that level you can still have innocent fun with a friend for a while (that is if you DID visit). And I'd guard your feelings too, try not to get in too deep too fast. I'd guard against expectations, cus i think they are bad. I think if you have none you can't be disappointed. When it comes to relationships maybe even friendships i think the tortoise beats the hare every time.
4/17/2008 4:02:43 AM |
Where did I go wrong?? |

Knowlton, QC
age: 65
you did nothing wrong, but next time this happens do a little exercise and you will immediatly know what his/her reaction will be.
If you feel something is getting strong
1. while quietly sitting and talking
2 put the palm of your hand over the top of his
3feel your reaction and his
4your questions will be answered in seconds
5this will never fail you