7/11/2007 9:56:35 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Upland, CA
age: 55
thank you my dear
7/11/2007 10:00:13 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Upland, CA
age: 55
You see how paul starts turmoil time and time again.He was not a lower of Jesus Crist.he was a flambount sales men of his own made up stories.
7/11/2007 10:36:52 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
did you ever think that maybe it might be more constructive to put all your thoughts into one post? I can see maybe two posts and possibly 3 but....
7/12/2007 4:36:38 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
actually paul was chsen by God himself to write scriptures which are not heresies the whole bible is truth filled words of wisdom
7/12/2007 5:25:26 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
He we go again with the I know it all and everyone else is just a little to stupid to understand what I know.
7/12/2007 8:20:06 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Spring, TX
age: 55 online now!
stupid because we do not know what you know? Perhaps you should start a new thread without bringing your pity potty into threads that obviously you do not agree with. Sometimes things are better left unsaid. I'm not offended by your opinions, just your 'know it all' attitude. Share in your own thread sometimes???
7/13/2007 3:03:55 AM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Upland, CA
age: 55
Okay I see we have some resentment here,on this site. #1 I am new to putting posts so I was trying to answer each post separately.which didn't work out like I thought it would.#2 another know it all, Hardly. If you want a know it all , find someone who constantly quotes the Bible Word by word with no thought or analysis.There not hard to find.It takes no thought to quote the Bible verse by verse.
7/13/2007 9:05:16 AM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Everett, WA
age: 45
Hey hey, calm down and play nice, ok, please?
7/13/2007 9:32:22 AM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
yeah like me i do know my bible most aspects anyway i do quote the bible and mostly translate what it is trying to say
[Edited 7/13/2007 10:51:48 AM]
7/13/2007 10:56:34 AM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
sorry about that i really was not trying to add any thing just expirementing with some thing so i am sorry again if i could i would undo it i do not think it could be done without deleting the thread again i am sorry and should not have done it NO ONE VOTE ANSWER FOUR THE PERSON THAT CREATED THIS THREAD DID NOT I REPEAT DID NOT ADD IT you are probably mad at me well i can not say i blame you if some one did that to me i would be pretty mad too if you want you can find one of my polls and add something if it will make us even
7/13/2007 11:35:01 AM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Upland, CA
age: 55
Hello bass,Iam not made at anyone,I think I play very fair. I say what I think. That dosn't make me arrogant,a know it all,on the pity-pot,picking on disciples.Changeing someone answers. I think you and some of the religious people on this site are the ones not playing fair . You have attacked me from all angles.(No I am not whimpering)that is what people do when they haven't an answer to someone's opinons. Why do you feel you need to proof Jesus Crist,or
Paul. First find the answers that justify your comments than post your rebutal. Thanks for your sabotage of my poll ,Mr.Bass.And by the way you need to read more of the Bible and not tell people what to do about there answers to my poll.you have done quit enough.no that wasn't a dig that was a statement .
7/13/2007 11:47:18 AM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i do admit i made a mistake are you sure you are not mad i do read my bible and that is what it says but that is no excuse for me to do what i did
i translate so people casn understand what it is saying an example like revelation chapter 20 it says "there i saw an angel with the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand" well translation it is saying that the earth will be desolate so the devil will be confined to the earth and will have no one to tempt or manipulate so they are chains of circumstance you may have heard some one say that they would like to do something but they just could not they were bound by circumstance you see if i did not explain what the verse meant you would have thought that it was a real botomless pit and a literal chain but sinse i am you can be assure that it is symbolic the bible does use symbols and not very many people relize that
[Edited 7/13/2007 12:00:27 PM]
7/13/2007 12:55:19 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Upland, CA
age: 55
Bass if you read my most about Bible verse readers,I say they quote verse by verse with no forthought.That is quite differnt than your thinking about His verses.And or your analogies of what is meant.And that my friend is exactly what useing our free will means.Thats what God,wants us to do, OUR OWN (free) WILL.And when the jewish preists tried to disput His teachings,what did He do ? He showed them what was true to Him... and showed them that they were white washed fences inside. Also He showed them where they were at fault in there churchs. So to save there church they murdered Him . The church hasn't change much in my opinion.
7/13/2007 1:33:48 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Upland, CA
age: 55
Regardless hotlicks you don't think that it was murder.? they elavated Him But little did they know How it would turn out,What would happen if we all started hanging people to crosses you would have plenty of business.
7/13/2007 6:54:50 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
are you sure you are not mad at me if it was me in your shoes i would be furious i really had no right to do that i can not apologize enough for what i did i know when a woman says that they are not mad that they generaly are mad pissed even