7/16/2007 8:57:42 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well i unlike you still read the bible and that is where God says these things the difference between you and i are i still belive that Jesus is Lord and have excepted him into my life as Lord and saviour
7/16/2007 9:32:32 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
Do you really think you are going to change anybodies mind here by preaching all the time from a book we have all read?
7/16/2007 9:33:38 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
no althoug hyou never know maybe someone might heed the words from the bible which God himself gave us
7/16/2007 10:22:30 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
I agree pretty much...either you believe in the Word or you don't...you can't pick and choose...if you do...read the last few lines in Revelation! That's why I am very careful not to debate my personal beliefs. My suggestion: If you want answers to Biblical questions...go to the pastor of a church...of several churchs...then see how they differ in their views. At least most pastors have to have gone to schools of divinity, etc...in order to preach in their churches. I have spoken with a few and they are very knowlegeable. You can easily tell a true man of God. At least I think I can...they seem to emanate this aura of serenity and peacefulness...it was very compelling and attractive to a believer searching for answers. Talking with several different pastors might prove to be very interesting!!
7/16/2007 10:27:41 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well i believe the word
7/17/2007 9:58:37 AM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
Amen my brother! Amen!
7/17/2007 2:10:15 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
I have met con men who are just as calm and come up with answers in a second to anything you ask.
Jesus did not say women were not allowed to speak but Paul did and he said I do not allow a woman to speak.
7/18/2007 12:29:05 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Wilmington, DE
age: 51
Well, Paul never met Jesus but he plagiarized all the prolific writting that Jesus wrote in his spare time when he was with the Essenes. They didn't have copywrite laws back then so what he did wasn't illegal, but it wasn't morally just. He probably had good intentions. In those days, writers didn't have agents or publishers to review their work.
The scape-goat concept existed long before Paul or Jesus came on the scene. There are alot of distortions. If an all powerful creator of the universe wanted to forgive humans for sin, the creator could have written "I forgive your sins" in the clouds or made the words by forming them in the stars or waited until the advent of the internet and put it on the web. After all, an all powerful, all knowing diety can do anything. The creator of the universe didn't have to send a relatve to do the job. Besides, according to prophesy, Jesus was supposed to slaughter all the bad kings and rulers and then establish
the kingdom of heaven on earth or something to that effect. I personaly like the slaughter part, it's right in line with the kind of movies that they're coming out with these days. By the way, the only people who knew about this, "Jesus died for our sins" thing, were a small group of people in the immeadiate area where he died. The rest of the world had to find out from Paul and others, since mass media didn't exist back then. So for many, they didn't know thier sins were forgiven until somebody finally got around to tell them. I still think the Diety could have just made an announcement in all the differnt languages of the earth to all the people of the earth. It would have been alot simpler, but we wouldn't have all the Christmas sales.
7/18/2007 12:32:37 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
actually he met him on the way to demascus taht was when he got his name changed from saul to paul
7/18/2007 12:52:18 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Wilmington, DE
age: 51
Well, ok he briefly met him and he changed his name, but his name change was not recorded with the Roaman post office, the Roman department of elections voters registration, his mule drivers license, or the Roman division of revenue. At least when Prince changed his name, he made it official.
7/18/2007 12:53:55 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
no better than that it is recorde in the bible which is the word of God
7/18/2007 1:38:57 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Wilmington, DE
age: 51
True, Paul's name is recorded in the Bible, point well taken.
7/21/2007 7:20:34 AM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Upland, CA
age: 55
Yes Recorded By paul ,saul not by any one, BUT paul.The scape-goat was incorperated into pauls writing by paul.why wAS IT OVER 200 YEARS BEFORE PAUL BECAME A DIS-IPLE
7/21/2007 9:10:26 AM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
but then again how do you know that paul never met Jesus he may hae and he might not have
7/21/2007 8:02:31 PM |
Why is the new testament written by paul ,he never even meet Jesus |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
If anyone is aware of the more legitimate Hasidim Jewish readings women were much more respected than the writings that were passed on by the church of Rome. And Paul is the one that more or less took control of the christians teaching in the new testiment.
[Edited 7/21/2007 8:05:36 PM]