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4/14/2008 6:34:11 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Saint Augustine, FL
age: 48

Oh I would leave it.

At least till he stops
saying to change it. Then
you decide when.

Is it not your life?

I too had one that said

I really busy right now
so leave a message I
will get back to you.

4/14/2008 6:36:30 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Au Gres, MI
age: 54

keep your new voice message.......if your ex doesn't like it, he doesn't have to call anymore.....poor baby, hurts him widdle ears and his even widdler feelings!!!!!

4/14/2008 6:41:55 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

I think the jury has spoken. Great message! Joke'em if they can't take a f* get my point.

If he don't like it...then he doesn't have to put it on his answering machine.

You are a grown assed adult....If YOU like all means, keep it. I would!

4/14/2008 6:49:21 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Silvis, IL
age: 48

Since this IS America--land of the free and home of the brave and all of that-- assuming you are both free & brave--leave the message. It's YOUR machne put whatever you like on it. As for him, he could choose NOT to call you anymore--hey, what a concept. Keep it!!

4/14/2008 6:49:42 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

New Braunfels, TX
age: 37

who's phone is it? It's yours, leave it, it's funny.

4/14/2008 7:13:13 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

So......uhhhhh...what's that # again?

4/14/2008 7:34:11 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Pasco, WA
age: 49

Thanks everyone LOVE the replies!!!

As for having kids they are 21 and 23, So not much need to talk to him! No Grandkids yet either so until he grows up guess, I will just leave the message as is!!!

Originally I put the message on the phone so he would not call but................ to this day has not gotten the message, as I very, very, very rarely return any of his calls, and will E-Mail him if it is something that needs an answer. I have even told him E-Mail me and I will answer but I guess he would rather hear my message as I never answer his call.

Thanks again
Sometimes I get so frustrated with him that I think I will blow a gasket or something. But reading the replies here have helped me remember that it is my life and my phone and I am moving on up!!!!

4/14/2008 7:35:25 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Port Richey, FL
age: 27

I think it might have just been alittle jab at the ex and deep down you know it.

4/14/2008 8:17:50 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Fairfax, VA
age: 48 online now!

Wow, you people are Harsh! Didn't you hear the pain in the man's voice? He said "Please".

If your divorce is rather amicable, then change it. Most everyone you know has heard it anyway. But it bothers him, and rightly so. Ending a marriage is a sad thing.

On the other hand, if he is being a jerk, keep it and just tell him it wasn't about him.

You might also tell him that you'd rather communicate via email, but some things are best discussed over the phone if you can both remain civil and calm


4/14/2008 8:31:36 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Calgary, AB
age: 45

That's funny wish I though of that.

4/14/2008 9:16:32 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

I agree completely! Just trying to sucker this bird into giving me her phone # so don't blow it for me......I think we should move slowly...I am pretty sure her sight is based om movement like the mighty T-Rex!

4/14/2008 9:48:23 PM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Redding, CA
age: 52

What a fitting message. I wish I had thought of doing that. Keep the message. he is still trying to control you. My ex is doing the same type of things to me too. I just ignore him but my daughter tells me to put my foot down and tell him to stop ordering me around. Like I said, I just ignore him, I dont want to get into any arguments with him, just want him to leave me alone....I think you were very witty to have thought of that message. Do Not Remove It, not for his sake anyway!

4/15/2008 8:06:53 AM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Savannah, GA
age: 44

The heck with him, this is your life now. He just wants to keep controlling it, don't give him the satisfaction. Personally I'd add to the message, this message was intended to hurt my X.

4/15/2008 8:09:49 AM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Spokane, WA
age: 46

Tell him:



I mean, hey...why lie?

Wow, the smilies on this site are WAY COOLER than other sites!

4/15/2008 8:14:55 AM IT is Just a MESSAGE!  

Grand Prairie, TX
age: 56

That is a cool message. Never ever thought of one like that. But I sure do like it. keep it. If your ex don't like it, then let it be known not to call you anymore then.

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