8/5/2008 5:49:51 AM |
Any single parents going back to school? |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 38
I currently have my BA but am working towards classes to sit for the CPA test which I WILL do in Summer of 09. I am using my degree to work now and making decent money and supporting myself and my kids. It is not easy but I am one of the lucky ones who doesn't have to study much and still get A's and B's. I have a 3.5 at a major university right now. These include my graduate level classes I am taking.
8/10/2008 7:11:43 PM |
Any single parents going back to school? |
Maryville, TN
age: 26
I am in your same situation. I am a single mother of 1, work full time, and going to school full time. Sometimes the only way that you can get through it is to make sure you stay on some type of schedule, remain organized at home work and school. And remember to always set aside times for your self and your children that do not involve school or work. When you get 10 minutes of free time....don't waste it or sleep, take time to give yourself a pep talk and remember that you can make it.
9/3/2008 8:02:18 AM |
Any single parents going back to school? |

Poplarville, MS
age: 22
Yeah, I know the feeling. I'm going back to school right now and the only person that will watch him for me is my sister. And even then since she's had another person move in with her, it gets nuts. She doesn't treat me like she used to since our sister in law moved in with her. Anyways, I juggle the whole going to school thing, dealing with family watching kid thing (daycare soon), i'm full-time mommy of an active little boy, and i'm also a national guard member, and i'm trying to get a part-time job (most places in my little town wont hire you unless full-time). As of right now i'm struggling severely to get where I have to go, but then I always remember my son is there for me! Like a previous writer I know the feeling. I'm 22 and trying to get my son and I out on our own, but there's no way we could afford a place here on our own. So i'm looking at section 8 housing, i just found out we both qualify for medicaid (don't make enough), i am on food stamps (but we are desperate so i know it's needed), and I have been a taxpayer for awhile. I work a part-time job, but it never works. I am in the process of getting my son out and on our feet so that we can grow as a family, he and I. I am looking at a part-time job at the college that was offered to me as a tutor. So i dunno, haven't decided, i might take on an extra tutoring job elsewhere. Anyways, I do know how stressful it can be, dating doesn't even seem like an option at times, least not here. LOL. A little bit of this and i seem to be okay. LOL
9/7/2008 2:53:19 PM |
Any single parents going back to school? |

Columbus, OH
age: 34 online now!
Going to school while working and raising kids is a really difficult thing to do. It is possible to do because I have done it. There were times when I wanted to give up the school work because I was tired but I looked at my kids and pushed myself harder. I wanted to give my kids a better life than I had growing up and I also wanted to prove that I can do it on my own. I got so sick of people (well mostly men) looking at me and saying because I had kids I would never make it without them. I got sick of people assuming that I was only looking for financial support for my kids. I now have a BS in Accounting, an MBA in Global Technology Management and a Master's in Accounting and Financial Management. I am not on welfare and not in subsidized housing but rather own my own house. I did all that with 3 kids at the time and now I have 4.
All of that came with a lot of sacrifice though. I sacrificed a lot of time with my children when they were younger. That got better when online degrees started getting more popular. So I finished the last two online. I worked all day and studied at night when they went to sleep. I got used to sleeping probably 3 to 4 hours a day. I also sacrificed time to build a relationship. I ran into men that were not sharing the same goals as I had and had a problem with my pursuing my education taking up so much time. I made a choice that was I was doing for my family was more important at the time than having a man around was. One piece of advice I have for you is to listen to your body. There were times I didn't listen to my body and it scared me a little when it started to affect me. When those times hit, slow down and get some rest.
9/7/2008 11:25:36 PM |
Any single parents going back to school? |

Palmer, AK
age: 27
Shit yeah it's hard..... I'd been a stay at home mom for 3 years when my ex left. I had quit college 7 yrs ago and no means of supporting my three kids. So I had move back in my wonderful parents and go back to school. There is a lot of help from my state and my folks and we will make it. I am looking to get my own place again very soon. I don't know what I would have done if my parents had said no. It's a scary thing that I was so dependent on my ex. He controlled everything and I allowed that. It will be hard in the future to trust and relie on another person. Right now I feel so stongly that I have to do everything myself and I don't want to set myself up again to bet my whole world turned upside down...........tough call to make.
9/27/2008 10:50:05 AM |
Any single parents going back to school? |
Waco, TX
age: 22
I want to send much love to all single parents out there you are doing the right thing it is hard but in the end its only comfortable live, love and enjoy even the simple things because god knows i do. If anyone just wants to chat I am just a tap away.Much respect daddy-g.   
9/27/2008 5:25:37 PM |
Any single parents going back to school? |

Hillsborough, NJ
age: 27
I had my son at 16 and daughter at 20. I have received my Master's Degree and am going for my PhD. It is VERY difficult but well worth it!
9/27/2008 9:38:22 PM |
Any single parents going back to school? |
Miami, FL
age: 27
I think that every women in this chat room is wonderful and aspiring and I thank you all very much. My soon to be ex husband left me and our newborn baby for a non english speaking b*tch and i never thought that it would be possible for me to go back to school as much as i want and need to, but i will definitely get up do that for my son. He basicly left us with nothing and a little while later i ended up losing my job and pretty soon i will lose everything that i own. I know one thing that god is good he's going to get what he deserves and when i finally complete my bachelors he's going to bite his thumb off.  
I love all women for motivating each other and finding the strength to get up and take care of home and ur business.
9/27/2008 9:43:18 PM |
Any single parents going back to school? |
Miami, FL
age: 27
anything to better urself and ur future it u like it 'F' the world go for it.
9/27/2008 9:48:34 PM |
Any single parents going back to school? |
Miami, FL
age: 27
how r u doing daddyg
9/27/2008 10:42:48 PM |
Any single parents going back to school? |

Port Jervis, NY
age: 50
Sure I would.Since I got 4 kids I am used to having there friends go places with us.Nothing like firing up the grill and feeding half the neighborhood.I play football,baseball and paintball with them.