4/20/2008 12:56:32 AM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Judsonia, AR
age: 60
Today I just feel sorry for him..He has injured his heart/health.He has injured his children (by letting them down) and as of now not too many people respect him...I wanted to but after all the crap I finally saw that he was not a nice person..
4/20/2008 12:57:07 AM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Dallas, TX
age: 35
Daisygirl, I'm a bit confused. You're saying you're separated, but your profile says "single." Also, in March you posted the following:
Age is just a number and that's all!! I'm 27 and was just dating a 44 year old! As long as you enjoy being with the person and around the person then there is nothing wrong with it!
Sooooooooo ... wtf?
As far as the question itself, I can only paraphrase Dr. Phil ... the only thing worse than being married to an asshat for 8 years, is being married to an asshat for 8 years and one day.
4/20/2008 1:12:19 AM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Buellton, CA
age: 43
Um . . .
One God, one man, one woman . . .
From Sesame Street: One of these things is not like the others . . . the man is a d*ck.
My goes out to you . . . what size shoes do you wear . . . Sgt. Merich is going to send you some new Jump Boots . . . first you kick his a** . . . and then you step LIVELY into the future . . . suck it up . . .
4/20/2008 3:12:52 AM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
He has no respect for you if he expects you to wait to see what happens. How does it feel to be single again? People that are telling you to wait around are wrong. I would never want to be second best. How many times will it happen in the future if he thinks it is ok?
When I find my man, I want to be #1 in his life, not a maybe #2. JMO
4/20/2008 3:16:47 AM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57 online now!
I agree with timetogolf, and while you are KICKING his SORRY A$$, take a Ballbat to his HEAD. Have his cake and eat it too, He should CHOKE on every bite of it. 
4/20/2008 7:21:04 AM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Clarion, PA
age: 48
I survived! I thought I couldn't do it with 3 kids, was scared to death, but never regretted kicking his ass out! Never, never allow someone to treat you like this.Plus, what message does this send to your children about how a person allows others to treat you. Your husband is not the only one here that should be considered. Screw his feelings, think about your kids! This man is not hurting like you, he is in Heaven with 2 women begging to be with him. What an AZZ...the garbage goes out on Tuesday mornings here...he'd be in the can!
4/20/2008 7:34:15 AM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Aurora, CO
age: 39
I think that a person should not have to get less from a person than 100%
You should not have to settle. Its always hard to move on but you need to. He is being way to selfish and wants to have everything his way.
Its time you had things your way.
Make sure you get in writing the child support if you have children you and the children shouldnt have to pay for his selfishness
4/20/2008 7:47:46 AM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Mahanoy City, PA
age: 27
First I don't believe there is a separated status on here. Secondly yes I did post that topic because I tried to start seeing someone instead of sitting here waiting for his sorry ass to figure out what he wants.. So yeah I posted that.. Umm big deal..
4/20/2008 8:34:36 AM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Paterson, NJ
age: 30
Kick his ass to the curb, if he realy wanted to be with you then he would, he is just being selfish. if you go along with his way then he will know that he can get away with anything because u will always take him back. you have to have respect for yourself because he clearly doesnt have much for you!
4/20/2008 4:56:50 PM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Redding, CA
age: 52
Work what out? There's nothing to work out..you need to kick his unfaithful butt out now! Don't sit around waiting on him to sow his wild oats. He's using you to test the waters..You know, is the grass greenier on the other side? Give him the boot!
4/20/2008 5:20:08 PM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Georgetown, FL
age: 52
The guy is on a huge ego trip using two women to feed into it. Because you have children, this is a tough one....only you know what your gut tells you....only you know what you are living and have lived. Looking in on your situation...it seems very clear that you will be very hurt through all this "waiting game". Please make a decision that will be best for you and your children....he can't have two women ...he needs to chose and chose now. If it is not you....help him pack his things....and change the locks on the doors because he will be your guest....your rules... when he comes to visit the children.
Good luck to you and your family through all this.
4/20/2008 5:30:09 PM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Snohomish, WA
age: 37
You should kick the man out onto the curb and throw his things out with him!! I know what it is like to compete with other women, and that is why I made the decision to end my marriage. Why compete when there are better men out there that can give you the love and respect that you deserve?
Good luck, and do not give in to him after you toss his a** out.
4/20/2008 6:17:44 PM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Lanesville, IN
age: 45
Wow don't be a doormat to him or be his maid. Be a Mother to your children and kick his ass out. Their needs are priority now.
4/20/2008 6:27:46 PM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 42
What Metu said!!!
4/20/2008 8:05:06 PM |
Am I wrong for feeling this way?? |

Ashland, PA
age: 39
kick him to the curb!he will do it again if you let him get away with.ending a relationship is hard but in the future you will be glad you did.ive been there it was the best thing i did.my ex cheats on the guy she is married to now.