11/15/2008 10:45:14 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

Dayton, OH
46, joined Dec. 2007
understand us type of people? We are just people who do not believe as you do. We do not need a god to give us a reason to be good. We are good because that is what we are. I don't need a god to understand it is wrong to kill or injure another person. I do not need god to tell me it wrong to steal. If humans existed this way we would be much closer to extinction.
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11/15/2008 11:51:43 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Florence, AL
37, joined Nov. 2008
I didn't know and I was just wondering, no worries I will never bring up the bible up in here. I just like to know about how you think. So, what would make you start believeing? Or that will never happen? I'm just wondering what it would take to make you believe? I guess if I was in your shoes for me to believe there is a God he would half to come from the sky and talk to you,right? Or would you think different?
11/16/2008 9:11:29 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |


Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Hi, radarluv2842:
Why should you even ask such questiono?
[Edited 11/16/2008 9:11:44 PM ]
12/23/2008 10:34:44 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Rayne, LA
68, joined Dec. 2008
So you get into a forum who do not concern you, to start trouble, then when you get it, you can't take it ?
Who ever you are, why do people hate Christians is very simple,because most Christians are like you, two faces.
Bud, I was raised Catholic. Do I believed ,Hummm, yes in some thing, God may be, may be not.
But that is not the point. I respect people and don't tried to showed what ever I think down there throat like you do. That is why so many people hate you, and your sorry breed. You make people hate period. Just like the communists persecuted the believer of any religions. What makes you different? Tell me ? Ever think about it ?
Guess you are born in the wrong country, and in the wrong time don't you .
I am certain that the Nazis are missing you, so are the freaking communists, and the fascists, too bad you didn't live in that time period , you missed a lot. You most probably have a ball , well let me see Inquisition, you missed that to, poor dud . Guess you must be really PO at the world don't you ? Hey, may be you can become a Jihad , so you can actually mess people for good, but I forget, you don't even have the balls for that either. Even think joining the KKK ? They most probably love you to.
When I was flipping the channels on TV , I come across a men I knew in France , so I stopped and looked what that was about. From the men talking he was a very good man , with all very good values and bla, bal, bal,BS.
I was thinking , who in the hell are them people . then when it was over I was on one of them preacher channel Christians what ever 500 or some thing . Any way that French man was a Neo-Nazis, I see him in person wearing a swastika, in a brown uniform in Paris.
Jean-Marie Lepen, who was running for President at the time.
So you see that is YOUR Christians Friends are supporting.
As fare as the same channel claiming that all Arabs or Muslims are all against YOUR GOD, when that preacher most probably never lived with Muslims, in the first place, when I did .he don't even en know what he is talking about, so don't tell me Christi ands are " good people", he and his bunch sure tried to start some bad news, with the Muslims, like we really need it.
Y'all are some suck a** Bush lover idiots. All ways on the side of what you think will win. Just like the church did during the inquisition. I know some older Jews who are still affrayed when they see a cross or flag with one on.All they know is they may be next, and even if I am not sure what I believe in,I wonder myself if I am not going to be next with a**hole like you. Excepted one thing bud, I am not going to go easily to the butcher.
You are a Nazis , pure and simple , because you can't respect any body not even your self, to pretend to be a non Christian and start trouble, where you are not welcome.
By the way dud, you forget one thing, is that YOUR GOD told you not to judge, that is his business, not yours, so tell me a**hole, did some one put you in charge when he died on the cross ?
You see, if it is your God, I don't want to have any thing to do with it. Guess mine and yours are not brothers after all ?
that is all people >>> <<< that is you
12/23/2008 11:00:36 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Rayne, LA
68, joined Dec. 2008
You are a trip, you don't know what to believed don't you ?
I read another one of your tread, and there you don't like god?
Can you find your self?
No to be mean, or what ever, just get it strait.
You are a very confused individual. So if you want to know some thing, don't clam or defend a religion, in one way, then change you idea on the next tread !!!!!!
I may be come down hard on your ass, but people like you are dangerous.
12/27/2008 11:50:40 AM |
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Bryan, TX
75, joined Feb. 2008
I was wondering. Do you try to do right just in case if there was a god? Or do you say to hell with it and don't think twice of it? I was just wondering what and how you really think of it? I want to understand you type of people!
I do good because that's the way I am, I don't need some mythical being to scare me into being good!
Are you good just because you're scared you'll get hit by lightening or are you good just because it's the right thing to do.
I believe most people are inherently good with or without a god to "guide" them, and then there are some people who would be bad even if their "god" appeared before them.
I'm not saying there is positively no god, unlike the christians who will scream in your face that there absolutely is, even though, they really don't KNOW for sure, it is just what they BELIEVE, just as it is what I believe.
No one really knows for sure one way or the other, we just have different BELIEFS, a belief is not sure knowledge.
1/27/2009 11:48:33 PM |
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47, joined Mar. 2008
I don't hate some people's perceptions of God in the slightest. I quite dislike some people's attempts to utilise the idea of God to justify poor behaviour. I think it ironic they challenge their own claims of religious devotion blatantly. It certainly doesn't need my input, most legal systems do not in any way recognise religious authority as any kind of criminal defence. I am happy for that.
2/12/2009 3:56:28 PM |
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Bronx, NY
27, joined Jan. 2009
God is bullshit he didn't even write the damn bible so why the hell do people go to church to dance around like hes so damn important if he supposed to answer prayers why are people dying or living in bad conditions?
2/13/2009 1:23:26 AM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |


47, joined Mar. 2008
God is bullshit he didn't even write the damn bible so why the hell do people go to church to dance around like hes so damn important if he supposed to answer prayers why are people dying or living in bad conditions?
This is a fundamentalist interpretation. In strict academia it is not the premise which can be falsified, only fundamentalist interpretation. That means you're as wrong as the people you're calling wrong, by assuming the very same thing to begin with.
Being right is not about waving a hand. It takes a slight amount more personal effort than that, no matter the issue. In other words you've yet to challenge either educated religious, or secular religious communities with this selective anxiety. It does you no real service, and is nothing more than stating an alternative extremist conclusion.
2/13/2009 2:52:39 PM |
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Georgetown, TX
69, joined Jan. 2009
I didn't know and I was just wondering, no worries I will never bring up the bible up in here. I just like to know about how you think. So, what would make you start believeing? Or that will never happen? I'm just wondering what it would take to make you believe? I guess if I was in your shoes for me to believe there is a God he would half to come from the sky and talk to you,right? Or would you think different?
I think this is actually a very good question. It's the sort of thing a skeptic would ask, only in reverse, of someone who does believe in a higher power (or whatever).
To answer the question for myself, I'd say that if I started hearing a big voice from the sky I'd figure I was either hallucinating, the nutty guy on the corner was out throwing rocks in the middle of the road again, or something happened that I had no explanation for as yet. I do not think that the first explanation can ever be a supernatural one, it's just something we have no knowledge of yet or it's a nonsenical question.
I tried to think of something that would make me believe, all I could come up with was maybe this: All broadcast media everywhere in the world is interrupted at exactly the same time and a voice says (in all languages at once): "Tomorrow and for the next two months, everyone in the whole world including all animals will be a lovely shade of teal blue. And by the way, this is God speaking." And then if it happened, maybe I'd believe.
[Edited 2/13/2009 2:56:28 PM ]
2/14/2009 12:11:56 AM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |


47, joined Mar. 2008
*puts on a Freudian mask and rubs chin*
Hmm...so you were brought up with the ideal a collective dictates to the individual.

2/14/2009 6:47:34 AM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Georgetown, TX
69, joined Jan. 2009
*puts on a Freudian mask and rubs chin*
Hmm...so you were brought up with the ideal a collective dictates to the individual.

Ha! Funny on a couple of levels. 
2/15/2009 7:13:03 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Dixon, IL
61, joined Feb. 2009
I can't say I hate God. I just find it hard to believe God exists. What I do hate are people who try to convert me to thier religous beliefs. I believe what I believe, its as simple as that. I know many people who claim to be good Christians, and I want to stress the word claim as many of these people are the biggest hypocrits on earth. I believe in the Paranormal and Supernatural as I believe there are things out there that cannot be explained.
2/18/2009 5:10:01 AM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

Moberly, MO
35, joined Feb. 2009
hmmm how can u hate a fake or makebelieve character form a book which a human wrote ???because ti was wrote in a book doesnt mean there was a god there isnt a god someone just thought it would work to make up a story of that nature and tell everyone to believe it or we will kill you for not believeing it lol there is no god or devil there are aliens but they have not effected our culture or world they just obverse and god is fake do u honestly think every countrys beliefs are real if so then whos god is the real god and why are so many cultures positive there gos is the real one its all because they want u to believe and do as they say or else lol life is to short to dwell ove rthese small thigns in the existence of the known universe life itself is to short live ur life as u see fir in your ways where u know u made ur own choices and dealt with the problems of those choices youraself by yourself because of yourself lol if god is real then why did he let adam and eve have insect with each other and there kids to make humanity ??? thats just sick and any god who made that happen or allow it to happen is just as sick so u can believe in your nasty god who lets a man have sex with his daughter and mother to son or sister to brother lol its illegal but u think its ok to believe in a god who allowed that muahahah ur as sick as he is then 
3/1/2009 11:40:24 AM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Dixon, IL
61, joined Feb. 2009
To say I believe in God is to say I believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. Show me proof that they exist then I will believe in them.
3/4/2009 9:02:22 AM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

West Newfield, ME
27, joined Mar. 2009
Unlike most here, I believe that he exists, though I am Atheist, because I don't worship him. in my opinion, the Christians that preform daily prayer, yet have no love for that which they worship. have no hope for a happy life
"Do not worship that which ye hate for it cannot happen. If you hate the devil do not worship him. If you hate god do not worship him. If thou so loathes, do not pay attributes unto it with your whisperings and uttered empty praises least thy life come to ruin."
[Edited 3/4/2009 9:04:21 AM ]
3/4/2009 1:23:54 PM |
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Sanborn, NY
30, joined Jan. 2009
How can you hate god when it doesnt exist? No one should ask this question on an atheist group thread.
3/5/2009 12:59:31 AM |
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Portland, OH
31, joined Nov. 2008
I don't hate God, in the same way that I don't hate unicorns.
However, his fan club, that's a different story. You know the kind I mean, the ones that think they can get away with basically anything, because "God told them to," then when you tell them that what they're doing is wrong, they reply, "Who are you to question God?" or that you're attacking their freedom of Religion rights. And everyone with common sense become the "bad guys."
[Edited 3/5/2009 1:00:41 AM ]
3/9/2009 1:04:23 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Georgetown, TX
69, joined Jan. 2009
from zach666: Unlike most here, I believe that he exists, though I am Atheist, because I don't worship him. in my opinion, the Christians that preform daily prayer, yet have no love for that which they worship. have no hope for a happy life
I'm not sure why you're calling youself an atheist. By definition, an atheist does not believe in a god or divine being. Yet you say you believe but don't participate in worshipping. Maybe you should just call yourself a non-worshipping believer.
From Dictionary.com:
atheist : Pronunciation [ey-thee-ist]
–noun a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.
1565–75; < Gk áthe(os) godless + -ist
Atheist, agnostic, infidel, skeptic refer to persons not inclined toward religious belief or a particular form of religious belief. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings. An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. Infidel means an unbeliever, especially a nonbeliever in Islam or Christianity. A skeptic doubts and is critical of all accepted doctrines and creeds.
As for the second part of your comment:
"Do not worship that which ye hate for it cannot happen. If you hate the devil do not worship him. If you hate god do not worship him. If thou so loathes, do not pay attributes unto it with your whisperings and uttered empty praises least thy life come to ruin."
Is that supposed to make some sort of sense?
3/11/2009 8:35:00 PM |
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Memphis, TN
39, joined Mar. 2009
I'm not a hater by nature...I don't hate god but I don't believe in the concept of it. Evil is relative, as an atheist, I have my own moral compass and I find myself more compassionate than a lot of believers. I see religion as contemporary mythology.
3/17/2009 4:27:00 PM |
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Evansville, IN
46, joined Jan. 2009
was going to post but everything i can think of is already covered. very nice thread.
3/31/2009 7:19:36 PM |
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Placitas, NM
27, joined Jun. 2008
its always based on age isnt it?
4/5/2009 10:45:25 AM |
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Albuquerque, NM
29, joined Oct. 2007
I would hate God, IF he existed LOLZIES!!!! I mean seriously, YOU expect ME to believe that there is this invisible man in the sky who makes us follow 10 rules, and if we break any one of the rules on accident or on purpose, he will send us to a dark, fiery pit way beneath Earth where we will BURN, SUFFER, CRY for ALLLLLL Eternity. BUT!!! He LOVES us! HAHAHAHA. Seriously, how do you expect me to believe that. And didn't Jesus say "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone?" If he did, then why are all these conservative religious a**holes pointing their f**king fingers and telling us who the bad guys are?
The only way I would believe in God is if he brings his hands down to Earth, picks all of us up by our necks, and yells "WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU DOING?! I GIVE YOU LIFE AND YOU ACT LIKE IDIOTS?!" Also, if I were God and I created Adam and Eve (and Lilith =D) and there was a tree of knowledge, I would say "Ok, you see that tree over there? That's the tree of knowledge, you will be know a lot of things especially the difference between good and evil. Now go over there and stuff your faces with those apples, you are going to have to power this world so you better know what you're doing"
Oh and I also love how the bible is constantly revisited to make all the books look nice. I have the 1611 bible, Deutronomy was BADASS. So yeah, I don't hate God because there IS NO GOD!
7/16/2009 4:56:09 PM |
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Placitas, NM
27, joined Jun. 2008
u know i have been really thinking about it and i know that when i was little
i belived in a god.but thats only cause i felt like i belonged like to think what everyone else does it was a comfort zone.
and as years passed when i needed help the most it was never given.
and i still belived.until one day i reallized this is all bullshit!
and i think that really there is no god.
that it was all invented to keep people sane and inline
to look up to somthing that really isnt there but in there minds.
so no i dont hate god,i cant hate what isnt real.
thats why i am athiest.i think we are our own power we have the ability
to do things that we think is out of our reach.
you shouldent beg and prey for somthing to happen that is a sign of helplessness and weakness get off ur a** and do somthing about it.
belive in youself not somthing that u dont know is real or not. 
7/16/2009 5:40:15 PM |
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Union Grove, AL
68, joined May. 2009
i am glad to see so many young people that can use their brains .
the young people are the ones that have a chance to rid this world of religion.
its too late for my generation because most people my age are still brainwashed
and refuse to open their eyes.( poor dumb asses )
keep it up young folks,,,i'm proud of ya...
7/18/2009 12:12:17 AM |
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Bryan, TX
75, joined Feb. 2008
you said it well Naughty! Congratulations on coming to such a sane realization at such a young age.
8/5/2009 11:54:41 PM |
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Placitas, NM
27, joined Jun. 2008
thank you!
it had to start somewheere  
8/9/2009 8:25:18 AM |
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Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Yesterday I shared breakfast with NAFA (Huntsville Atheists) and I was happily surprised by the number of young members in this group.
[Edited 8/9/2009 8:32:16 AM ]
8/11/2009 7:13:53 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |


Scotts, MI
63, joined Aug. 2008
I never met a God I didn't like.
8/12/2009 2:28:26 AM |
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Los Angeles, CA
44, joined Jul. 2009
Quote from dbsuma:If you don't believe in god, then why would you believe in the opposite thing of a god that does not exist?
There is no evidence of any god whatsoever.
We can't disprove a negative in this context, so whenever you hear an atheist say that "there is no god", they are merely just asserting their lack of belief more-so than attempting any real type of absolute.
So in closing, and to answer the subject: You can't hate something you don't believe in.
8/19/2009 10:34:23 PM |
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Placitas, NM
27, joined Jun. 2008
you are completley wrong
8/20/2009 8:25:29 AM |
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Bryan, TX
75, joined Feb. 2008
Ies you can hate something imaginary such as god in the skyes if you need something to hate ,far better than to hate something that can kick yer arse and brake your bones .
Atheists don't hate god, we just don't acknowledge that a god exists, it is difficult to hate something that you don't believe exists.
8/22/2009 11:56:31 PM |
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Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
Remember the young guy at the hotel I was staying ....Reception desk? Well, he is also a non=believer.
9/4/2009 10:13:05 PM |
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Placitas, NM
27, joined Jun. 2008
i dont have to be specific
just look at all the blabbering you wrote.

9/5/2009 4:14:15 PM |
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Walla Walla, WA
57, joined Aug. 2009
What "someaverageguy" said on page 1: 
This is ridiculous. Why hate?
When you do this you are lowering yourself to the level
of the very thing you are against.
It's better to say "No thank you" than to say: "Fuk you."
[Edited 9/5/2009 4:14:35 PM ]
9/5/2009 6:09:05 PM |
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Bryan, TX
75, joined Feb. 2008
Oh I don't know Lives, sometimes a good "fu*k you" is warranted. 
9/5/2009 7:51:34 PM |
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Walla Walla, WA
57, joined Aug. 2009
[Edited 9/5/2009 7:52:01 PM ]
9/6/2009 12:38:07 AM |
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Deer Park, CA
37, joined May. 2009
I know Santa Claus does not exist. Do I hate him because I don't believe in him? Er, no. That would be crazy, like hating an imaginary friend. Same with a god.
9/6/2009 10:49:09 AM |
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Bryan, TX
75, joined Feb. 2008
you're being ridiculous Lives, but, you are the perfect example of when a big F**k you is warranted.
9/6/2009 2:19:24 PM |
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Milton Freewater, OR
95, joined Sep. 2009
People don't hate God. People hate other people. God is just the excuse.
You're doing it too, which is a waste of your intellectual time.
Ah, the domino effect of hate...
I think they have a word for that.....

PS It doesn't matter if you block me. I expect it from a blockhead.
[Edited 9/6/2009 2:20:20 PM ]
9/6/2009 3:02:30 PM |
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Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
""People don't hate God. People hate other people. God is just the excuse.""""
Here we go again....... 
Only a mindless person can hate what doesn't exist.
No, no blocking this time..the Atheist Forum needs fun. Thank you for providing it
9/7/2009 1:51:58 AM |
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Los Angeles, CA
44, joined Jul. 2009
Quote from dreamcatcher222 eople don't hate God. People hate other people. God is just the excuse.
How does that even make sense?
If the topic is god or gods, then how do people instead hate "other people", and use a god as an excuse? 
PS It doesn't matter if you block me. I expect it from a blockhead.
Logic has never been your friend, so why are you calling other people "blockheads" (was that an attempt at a joke?) when we've already pinpointed the problem?
9/7/2009 9:06:05 PM |
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San Leandro, CA
32, joined Aug. 2009
Quote from OP
Probably not, but it does seem that some turn into compete sociopaths and not just the Jews, it seems some even turn to Satanism, which I totally don't understand.
If you don't believe in god, then why would you believe in the opposite thing of a god that does not exist?
I think that most Satanists really do believe in god, it is just that their parents caught them jerking off and think that they are going to hell now, so might as well get chummy with their new boss now or something
As someone who has several practicing Satanists as friends, I feel compelled to point out it has nothing to do with the evil god of dualistic Christianity (as opposed to non-dualistic Christianity) outside of the name which was almost certainly selected to be incendiary. Though I suppose that there probably are Christian iconoclasts that do practice the worship of the aforementioned evil deity.
I don't think that Christians have killed anyone in the name of religion since the dark ages, so I'm rather unclear why everyone is pissed off at them.
*cough cough* Read the news. Christian 'extremist' individuals, who potentially are members of groups of like minded individuals, kill abortion doctors, homosexuals, and religious minorities on virtually a daily basis. It does get hard to parse at a certain level of granularity, of course, but Christians killing people is very much a modern concern. Particularly if you are a member of any of the groups they despise.
Here is some Christian advertising to give you a taste:
[Edited 9/7/2009 9:07:04 PM ]
9/8/2009 1:28:32 PM |
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Milton Freewater, OR
95, joined Sep. 2009
Quote from someaverageguy: I think it's time to stop the haranging and realize that hate is a personal emotion, not a philosophical one, to be applied with the broad brush that comes of ignorance of the motivations and thoughts and deeds of others
Learn from this guy, people. 
Don't concern yourselves with critizing us "ignorant idiots" for our beliefs. I have been suggesting this from the beginning. You are a minute minority, and it's not socially wise.
A polite "No thank you", like Lives suggested, is much better than throwing rocks at a person with a shotgun. (who has the advantage)

[Edited 9/8/2009 1:36:02 PM ]
9/9/2009 1:38:45 AM |
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West Chester, OH
57, joined Sep. 2009
Well perhaps I can answer this. 'Hatred' is a wee bit strong for me, but I can tell you this much...What I despise is the frailty of human self-importance in asserting christian 'values'. If you study religion, you will find it to be a convoluted jumble of intellectually feeble attempts to circumscribe the logic problem of assigning understanding to areas of the unknown. That is usually done with reason. But instead the impatient would rather assert their emotional need to expedite, and thereby short cut through knowledge. Then they arrive at something that makes everyone feel great and proceed to ram it down everyones gullet. They brainwash children at Sunday school. They don't pay taxes.
The cornerstone of christian values is of course guilt. Right out of the gate. You are human and therefore imperfect, created of course by the perfect, who's only son died for you because your sins are so vast. People thrive on being shame-based, so this is highly effective and incredibly mis-leading, not to mention about as far away from true spirituality as you can get!
You mention the Crusades as if they are something from the past! What about jihad? What about Iraq and Israel? What about abortion and the organized assault on the American political system from those who INSIST on morphing it into a christian nation? Say your opinion in my country - don't force it. What about the catholic/protestant war that has raged in Ireland for thousands of years? And of course the underlying themes are all human - bomb, stab, shoot, cheat, lie and shame. All in the name of some higher order.
What we find is that it is PEOPLE running the church. Not some god. Everyone can fit right in as long as they deny due process or reason itself.
It is an excuse not to think. To be self-indulgent. And that is the first right a rudimentary intellect would choose to protect. And all the while they are pro-actively trying to force children to swallow this crap at public schools and at voting booths. And you think this is not a crusade?! Get 'em while they're young (they can't defend themselves intellectually yet).
The very fact that we give ANY credence to a purely derived, re-hashed, tired religiousity irritates me to no end. It proves that the entire debate eminates from an emotional sphere as opposed to that of reason. Our higher calling should be the endeavor to excel in wisdom and caring for others. Not being the closed-minded bully.
Look in the news. How many times is there a conservative christian that has cheated, lied or what have you? Indeed they are human. They ask to be forgiven. I can't forgive the overt, hostile actions to subvert people and particularly children over to their way of non-thinking.
'God' is a grandeous term for the unknown. Those who profess to know god are lost in ignorance. And those who attempt to reach answers before actual knowledge limit themselves to the realm of emotionalism. If you want someone else to feel compassion for you on an emotional level - do not attempt to commadier the dignity of their mind.
9/9/2009 2:45:46 AM |
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Milton Freewater, OR
95, joined Sep. 2009
I am a humanitarian before I am a hypocrite; but I know that everyone can be a hypocrite when it is in their own best interests. It doesn't matter what their "religious" beliefs are.
Religions can be simply defined as a "set of beliefs". usually it is associated with a God or diety, but not necessarily so. Taken in it's generalized form, the definition of religion can also apply to athiesm!
Atheism is a structured set of beliefs, and is often "led" by a group or groups of people that other ("common masses") consider their superior. By putting themselves "above" all other people and claiming intellectual superiority, they are being a hypocrite in my opinion.
They also "worship" the ideal of intelligence and logic. It is due to thinking they are superior. Hmm, they think they are "above" everyone else ie: more superior? At least, that's most of the ones that I've dealt with on this site. Not all, but MOST.
You are assuming that ALL atheists would be passive, benign, humanitarian beings, when I know for certain that is NOT the case. You can cite examples of religious contradictions--fine. I probably could too, but since atheism is in a very minority practice, there would not be as many. Yet I guarantee they exist.
Atheists have a set of beliefs. It is a structured organization. It "bonds" people together as a group, and "pits" them against other groups. It has certain figures the "commoners" look up to (idolize, in some cases). There is even money involved.
Have you gone to a convention yet to hear some speaker? Oh that generates a lot of money!
Imagine the revenue for that city. Plus the cost of admission and the materials they sell there.
Have you gotten your T-shirt, or pin, or book yet?
[Edited 9/9/2009 2:52:42 AM ]
9/9/2009 8:21:26 AM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Bryan, TX
75, joined Feb. 2008
Lynch, I would say you nailed it! 
9/9/2009 12:31:54 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Milton Freewater, OR
95, joined Sep. 2009
PS I see on one of their websites that they accept donations, and will even take your car!
I also saw a speech given by an Atheist that CAPITALIZES Atheism! How terrible!
9/9/2009 10:07:49 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

Tulsa, OK
43, joined Jan. 2009
Although the op deleted, he knows jack shit about religions, especially christianity being one of the "nicer" religions, what a f**kin' chode.
Regardless, I've always found it odd that a lot of people I know that don't believe in any god sure seem to have a lot of hate for the god in question. HOw can you hate, what doesn't exist?
9/10/2009 1:47:16 AM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

Deer Park, CA
37, joined May. 2009
Although the op deleted, he knows jack shit about religions, especially christianity being one of the "nicer" religions, what a f**kin' chode.
Regardless, I've always found it odd that a lot of people I know that don't believe in any god sure seem to have a lot of hate for the god in question. HOw can you hate, what doesn't exist?
I do know people like that. I used to know a guy who said he wanted to butt-rape Jesus. I'm guessing they associate the behaviors they dislike from those who follow religions with the actual centerpiece of the belief, which is erroneous considering the god itself never harmed anyone. It couldn't have since it doesn't exist!
9/11/2009 8:37:52 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

Mesa, AZ
28, joined Jul. 2009
This "GOD," be it if there is one (for those who may believe) doesn't like me.
The one true love I had was taken by this "GOD,"
my cousin was the first to tell me, he too was taken by this "GOD."
My friend was the first to tell me about my cousin, so now everyone I know is completely against his decision to join the army. I tell them if this really isn't a coincidence the army won't kill him any faster than the norm.
If there is this "GOD," I don't like him as much as he doesn't like me, Basically a hatred has grown from this. Those whom are spiritual or believe in some other "dimensions," like the spirit realm and the realm of shadows, already understand the "GOD" theory to be wrong.
Bash all you want, but there isn't just a "GOD" but many "GODS".
That is my random interjection for today. Deal with it how you may.
(messages sent to me will be read before I notice that replies have been made to this topic)
9/11/2009 10:39:47 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
Los Angeles, CA
44, joined Jul. 2009
I'm guessing this thread was made and geared towards believers, because an atheist can't hate something he doesn't posit.
9/12/2009 7:53:57 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
San Leandro, CA
32, joined Aug. 2009
Then, we've already hashed that out elsewhere.
9/13/2009 2:02:51 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
I don't hate god, it's his friends that I can't stand.
9/13/2009 9:54:54 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |
San Leandro, CA
32, joined Aug. 2009
Didn't Gandhi say something to the tune of "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike him."
12/31/2009 3:11:55 AM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |


Eugene, OR
31, joined Jul. 2008
I don't believe in God, so therefore I don't hate God. I can't hate someone or something that doesn't exist. However, I do hate religion. It is dangerous and produces mass ignorance. Why is there enough religion to incite war, but not enough to instill tolerance?
2/16/2010 5:29:36 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

Coppell, TX
62, joined Feb. 2010
You can't hate something that doesn't exist!
Not believing in a imaginary man in the sky won't make you "tend to turn evil". What it will make you do is know that your actions count on this Earth and in this time, which makes you more responsible than the average religious person. It's the Christians, who believe that they can commit heinous crimes, say they're sorry to their imaginary friend, and have all their wrong doings magically wiped away that tend to do evil acts. Think about it.
If you truly believe that there are no gods, no souls, no supernatural beings (higher or otherwise) than and only then are you an atheist. If not, best find another list to contribute to.
Good luck with your quest.
2/16/2010 5:32:57 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

Coppell, TX
62, joined Feb. 2010
What a great idea, to capitalize Atheist. I have never seen that done before, but I will do so for now own. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
2/17/2010 10:38:48 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |

Seymour, IN
71, joined Mar. 2007
As with everyone else here, I cannot hate what doesn't exist. 
2/21/2010 10:43:27 PM |
Do you Hate God? | Page 2 |


Mesa, AZ
39, joined Mar. 2009
As with everyone else here, I cannot hate what doesn't exist.  
My feelings exactly. 