2/12/2012 3:16:17 PM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
What are the atheists really telling us?
I've observed over a long period of time that whenever our inarticulate neo-Atheist friends lose enough points in a discussion, they start posting pics. That's they cowardly way out of a debate. They seem to feel as though they have inflicted some emotional wounds (as if that were a moral thing somehow), and figure that provides them enough smoke and confusion to slip away unseen and un-noticed.
Ah, but I have seen you, Atheists. I've watched your every move. I've catalogued them.
I've analyzed them. I am less than impressed.
And so now you've moved it up a notch. You've posted a pic of a dog's butt.
Here's the implied question. What does the rear-end pic of the dog's upraised tale really tell us about atheists?
Is that exemplary of their sexual urges? They do like to mix sex-talk with religious-talk, you know - as if "Jesus" and "sex" in the same sentence would terrorize the whole entire Christian community. I know - it's delusional thinking, but you must remember with whom we are dealing - Dawkins' Delusional Dimwitz. Delusion is a way of life for them.
Are they telling us about their family or origin? That their father is a dog's butt? Or their brother? Or, could it be - I'd just asked Popeye to tell me about his mother, so is THAT what he was doing with the dog pic? The question is implied by the conduct.
What fantasy is going on inside the mind of the Atheist who posts this pic? I really think this might be the key to the secret depths of his soul. What do you think? Any ideas?
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2/12/2012 8:51:58 PM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
Here it is, folks - the pinnacle of atheist wisdom right before your very eyes. This is a very profound statement, IMO, so what does it tell us about them, their minds, and their emotional maturity?
Hey look! I found Jesus!

2/12/2012 11:17:47 PM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |

Cameron, OK
98, joined Dec. 2011
Well...The first thing I noticed (after the dog butt) is that dog don't have no testicles. It appears that they have been removed. That is prolly a good thing when it comes to the atheists use for dogs.
To the point, in my opinion atheists have had their heads up their own butt so long that it needs a break. Having their heads out of their butt for extended periods, scares them badly. They need someplace else to put their heads while their own butt rests. Therefore, the dog butt represents safety to the atheist. The dogs butt is where they stick their heads when not using their own butts, or that of Dawkins, to feel secure in their beliefs.
Maybe this atheist offered this photo as a peace offering...not wanting to admit that his babblings are incorrect.
I would proabaly politley (sp?) refuse the dog butt photo; with a "Thank you" of course.
2/12/2012 11:33:54 PM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |

Hamptonville, NC
46, joined Jul. 2011
I am perfectly willing to work with an Atheist on important issues, that is, when I find one that is willing also. Perhaps that's the problem? The issues.
2/12/2012 11:45:01 PM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
@ Yuraneight -      
2/12/2012 11:50:40 PM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |

Olympia, WA
65, joined May. 2010
We have all seen some of the pictures posted by atheists and wondered what in the world were they thinking. We have all read their posts and laughed wondering do they really think like that? You both posting together and it does pain a picture of a very disturbed and emotionally challenged individual.
It doesn't feel good or like a victory to me that I have touched a wound inside someone by something I have said or done. The truth be known, maybe it's not such a bad thing to get someone to see where the wounds are and give them the chance to heal them. If only the hurting one would not lash out at the world around them and accept the help that is offered.
I have had times when I didn't realize that an old hurt was still there until someone touched it. I have found that the best way for me to handle those times is to feel the emotions as they leave. To own them and accept them but not let those wounds control me or dominate my life or thinking once exposed.
It's the ego defense that has us in chains. Once we become honest with ourselves it's much easier to be honest with those around us.
2/13/2012 12:18:16 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
It is also the ego defense that has the neo-atheist in chains.
2/13/2012 12:18:41 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


Lebanon, PA
53, joined Jan. 2012
i wonder how many dogs rear ends were actually checked? could this guy have thousands, of what could be labled, doggy porn pics? how sick is that?
2/13/2012 12:27:59 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |

Hamptonville, NC
46, joined Jul. 2011
And on that one, I will have to bid you all a good night. "shuffles off chuckling loudly". LMAO!
2/13/2012 12:32:37 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
After writing things I know deep within myself to be true, I begin to feel sorry for these people. Rather than hang on to those negative feelings, I gave them expression in this poem.
the atheist
never lifting hand to plow,
or mind to honest toil,
he sells his poor wares
on grimy street-corners
to his only buyers:
the morally impoverished,
and the spiritually
"I Hate Myself!" he
screams in pain,
to any who can hear.
And, "I Hate You!"
And, finally ...
"I HATE GOD! - that
arrogant son of a b*tch
who reminds me of
my own worthless father!
How dare he not exist
So that I could spit on him!"
the poor soul continues
ranting impotently,
as if the city
were listening
instead of doing
what it is actually doing:
ignoring him
as he rails at the moon,
howls of
castrated dog butts,
and continues working
at his only task: trying
to convince himself
that he is
2/13/2012 12:39:05 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


Lebanon, PA
53, joined Jan. 2012
i think that poem has just destroyed the atheists doggy heaven. im sure they will still take thousands of pics of dogs in various positions. but at least they will now only share them amongst themselves, hopefully.
[Edited 2/13/2012 12:39:46 AM ]
2/13/2012 12:54:01 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |

Olympia, WA
65, joined May. 2010
It really is sad to think that someone would reject God because he believes that God has already rejected him. That tells me that there is a deep and profound level of pain involved to think that way.
If only there was a way to reach these people with the message that Jesus taught. God is love and God is waiting for us to come to him so that he can embrace us. This truth is told in the story of "The Prodigal Son" and I highly recommend everyone read that or read it again to see the full meaning of it.
2/13/2012 1:25:46 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
I wish that I could see some of these Prodigals come home. There is a Bible verse that springs to mind about angels rejoicing ...
2/13/2012 1:40:21 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |

Olympia, WA
65, joined May. 2010
This is true. I have done all I can do. What is left is to walk away and let them find out for themselves that there are some things best left to faith without proof. That without proof to the negative they have no more proof then the believer in God has. It all comes down to choice and nothing more. It's a choice to have faith in the positive or faith in the negative but it's all faith based nevertheless.
2/13/2012 10:17:07 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


48, joined Dec. 2011
Why would Jesus sit on his ass? Did his talk too?

2/13/2012 4:47:41 PM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |
Ocala, FL
57, joined Feb. 2012
I think mabie it might be athiest prophacy, in one pic. it seems to be, follow me, let us eat and drink, let uf find b*tches to love, for tommorrow we die, the blind leading the blind. The dogs a** tells us, that we care for no one, we have no moralls, we will live as we like, do as we want, there is no right, there is no wrong, we are animals, just like our forefathers the apes. And when we are done, and the days are dark, and we have fell into the eternal darkness, this is what we are to become, turds, out of a dogs ass, to return to the dirt, from where we came. Could very well be a cry for help!! Live today, gone tommorow, thats a real scary mind job!! Like i said in another post, i'ld be insane too, Well have a nice day, looking foward to seeing all my cristian brothers and sisters by the river, at the tree of life. I'll be the one kicking adam in his but for getting us all in this mess in the first place. Dude, we should have compassion for those who are blind, Not anger. You cannot turn reprobate minds, that is Gods job!!
2/14/2012 9:17:39 PM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
I think you just nailed it, Zach. 

2/15/2012 12:30:52 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |

Olympia, WA
65, joined May. 2010
Those who post pictures like that remind me of the little kid that learned how to say his first swear word. He uses it to shock the adults around him knowing that there really isn't much they can do about it. That is the only weapon he has and he uses it because he can't do anything else.
2/15/2012 10:06:49 AM |
Why would atheists post pics of dogs from the rear end? |


48, joined Dec. 2011
I think you just nailed it, Zach.

and here is his x-ray
