5/1/2008 4:40:49 PM |
where are all the good guys????? |
Ashford, WA
age: 59
HELL im a good guy but you lovely ladies are just to young for this old [SCOOTER TRAMP}----LUCAS
5/1/2008 5:15:46 PM |
where are all the good guys????? |
Snohomish, WA
age: 38
Lucas, if you were 20 years younger I would definitely choose you...keep faith in finding your special lady, she's out there somewhere. 
5/2/2008 6:40:52 AM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Ocala, FL
age: 56
I, too, have been through the "you're a good guy" or "you're just toooooo nice" mill... It seems that many ladies want the good guy but are attracted more to the "bad boy" for some reason. Not sure why, but I wouldn't know how to be a "bad boy", so I patiently wait for the lady who has finally realized that those "bad boys" are just that...and not worth their time or effort.
Hey Lucas! Surprised to see me here? LOL...
5/2/2008 9:15:22 AM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Olympia, WA
age: 47
Hi WKG...Now there is a good man ladies He is in the other WA...21stcent and Lucas hi... also awesome men...proud to call all 3 of these guys my friends...
[Edited 5/2/2008 9:17:36 AM]
5/3/2008 6:37:57 PM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Port Angeles, WA
age: 37
Still looking for nice guys ? well one of them is right here . i love to please the ladies . they get first class treatment with me . backrubs , going out on the town . being able to talk to one another , im just a giver i give untill i cant give no more , its just something that ive always done . on the other side of the scale is i cant find a lady to appreciate the attetion that she will recive from me ,
i dont want to give away all the things i do now gotta have some supprise's hehe 
Most ladies and i hate this .. look at me and automaticly say .... your not right for me with out even giveing me a chance .. i enjoy getting the chance but most wont let me have that chance . thats the worst part about dateing . getting the chance to show your self .
Anyway just wanted to let the ladies know there is still men/guys out here that are nice men,guys out here . you just gotta come and find out !
[Edited 5/4/2008 9:33:24 AM]
5/3/2008 7:27:45 PM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Bonney Lake, WA
age: 59
Hey 21stcent, why are you hiding and what are you waiting for? 
Come out and play 
5/4/2008 12:00:05 AM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Arlington, WA
age: 34
i'm a nice guy i was dating this one women and supporting her with my father,grandmother,brother,cousin off a 80 hour work week and i was working so much that she cheated on me with my brother and i broke it off and 6 months later she calls me up and saids i have a son and she wants money to help support her and our son and i said lets find out for sure and this went on for 2 years 6 months longer until she left him and now i'v been raising him his name is dwyane and he is 7 years old and he plays outfield for little leage baseball he my world so i suppose my question to you is where are all the good gals?????
5/4/2008 10:26:02 PM |
where are all the good guys????? |
Tacoma, WA
age: 42
well....the good guys hide. because some women have given us a bad name. not all women are just out for a male friend or in the business of leashing a guy around just cause. just like some guys aren't jerks. some are nice guys.
just depends a lot on the people involves as to whether or not they well get along.
hang in there.
5/7/2008 10:46:33 AM |
where are all the good guys????? |
Kent, WA
age: 26
Alot of in the end are scared of being with someone who is nice and treats them like royalty. Because it puts them in a position of having to trust them and emotionally vulnerable to them. So in the end we gravitate towards and settle for someone because we dont have to emotionally let our guard down. Its easier with someone who is not nice, or someone who treats us poorly, because that can become our reason to not fully emotionally let ourselves go. With a nice guy or girl, they treat us so well that we put ourselves in a position to become more emotionally vulnerable than we have ever been. And that in its self can be more scary than the fear of being treated poorly for the rest of our lives. Just a random addition that somewhat follows the subject line.
5/7/2008 3:22:00 PM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Port Angeles, WA
age: 22
Most of them just get overlooked.
5/7/2008 5:15:34 PM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Port Angeles, WA
age: 37
Most of them just get overlooked.
5/7/2008 8:22:34 PM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Spokane, WA
age: 49
In our garages, are preparing for a road trip. Because most "good guys" do not have significate others, and they spend their time doing things, car shows, car clubs, swap meets, etc. My self (and yes I consider myself a good guy), fill my life with constuctive entertainment (wood working, gardening, and restoring cars), and travel. Love to travel! 
5/8/2008 12:16:57 AM |
where are all the good guys????? |
Edmonds, WA
age: 37
(in our garages) that just gets me , is it the women dont want us? cause we are in our garages, bein good guys? Im a good guy too,I think???? When I fall in love, I fall face first. I have alot to offer. So tell me? whats the defanition of a good guy? then we can find out where they are. Each and everyone of us is diferent from the other in some way.
Its not fair to say we are all liars and cheets. cause alot of women are the same way.
( not all of you ) It could take years to find that special person. So Have fun and Enjoy. Ill be in the Garage If anyone needs me.
5/9/2008 9:25:27 AM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Port Angeles, WA
age: 37
as far as me treating ladies like gold .. its because i want to . not because i have to or expect them to do the same or let anything down . its just because that is my nature to be that way .. if i cant be myself then who can i be ? its just how i am . i cant expect my self to be any different .
this may be small and what not .. but if the lady im with asked me for a backrub .. i would gladly give her one and not say .. wares mine .. because i would just enjoy to do it for her and make her feelgood hence my nick name i use everyware but here because it was already taken .. DrFeelgood . im a Dr when it comes to computers . and i love to make everyone feelgood . so i earned my other nickname .
Thats just me is all . and most say its to good to be true ? .. lol try me .. find out thats all i can say .
5/20/2008 7:52:27 AM |
where are all the good guys????? |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 41
Ladies ask yourself this, what is a good guy? IS he mister GQ who has a successful 3 figure job suit and tie and always working and on the phone with his buddies? Or is he the guy who comes home after a long day comes in gives you a big hug and a kiss and says i love you babe. Then goes and see how the kids are doing and how there day was. So sit back and define a good guy because alot of women on here are after mister GQ. Not saying everyone, but looks are 90% of women's top priority i feel.