11/28/2012 12:28:26 AM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

Plattsmouth, NE
39, joined Jul. 2012
Funny how it's the people against it in this thread that are d*cks.
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11/28/2012 2:34:54 AM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

Council Bluffs, IA
27, joined Nov. 2012
Leave the inbreeding to worthless fuks like you. Don't kmow the difference between a deer or an antelope do you?derder They call it DOPE for a reason, you dope.
no only dumb a** hippys like yourself call it dope you f**ktard. Bud an dope are two completely different drugs ya old hippy f**k. An you are right I don't know the difference between the two because I'm actually out in society with other human beings rather than out in the sticks get beasteality charges ya F**kin pos. Why the f**k are you even in this thread, just to start shit with ppl an try to cause drama.......well guess what. Ima hit this blunt an try to forget about your dumb a** comments an your even you in general you inbreed ass. Stfu an leave this thread ya f**ktard.
dumb a** ppl just encourage me to get higher

11/28/2012 2:39:16 AM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

Council Bluffs, IA
27, joined Nov. 2012
Funny how it's the people against it in this thread that are d*cks.
Right lol out of everyone they need to be the ones hitting the bud haha f**ktards.....bud is good.
Theres nothing wrong with bud. Where's all my bud livers at!!!
support the cause
11/28/2012 9:04:49 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Case rested, doper's fail 
11/28/2012 10:33:17 AM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

Council Bluffs, IA
27, joined Nov. 2012
Case rested, doper's fail 
You still in this thread dude leave ya f**ktard an nvr come back!
no1 likes you here anyways old man rivers
11/28/2012 10:48:47 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
There are a few hear I like But yes your not one of them 
11/28/2012 10:53:11 AM |
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Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Funny how it's the people against it in this thread that are d*cks.
bedtimefreak isn't a d*ck?wtf
IF and I mean IF you was as smart as you think you are, you would know that the THC levels have almost doubled over the last 30 years. American Agriculture technology at it's best. Cross pollination has created a stronger Pot. Some addicts are showing withdrawal from the new pot. I happen to be involved with law enforcement and substance abuse counseling.
BTW I'm allergic to the shit, I don't use. Also, I have personally been involved with 3 pot users that become violent on bud. Absolutely no alcohol involved. Granted, it's a small percentage that gets viloent it still happens though. As with alcohol, pot is a gateway drug for some...not all.
11/28/2012 10:58:53 AM |
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Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
no only dumb a** hippys like yourself call it dope you f**ktard. Bud an dope are two completely different drugs ya old hippy f**k. An you are right I don't know the difference between the two because I'm actually out in society with other human beings rather than out in the sticks get beasteality charges ya F**kin pos. Why the f**k are you even in this thread, just to start shit with ppl an try to cause drama.......well guess what. Ima hit this blunt an try to forget about your dumb a** comments an your even you in general you inbreed ass. Stfu an leave this thread ya f**ktard.
 dumb a** ppl just encourage me to get higher

I'll put my IQ up against yours anyday. You seem to be intriqued with beastiality...are you trying to tell us something? I rarely drink and don't use drugs. Only weak people need to hide from reality. ONCE YOU START HITTING THAT BLUNT, YOU GIVE UP CONTROL OF YOURSELF TO THAT DRUG. YOU'RE NOT DONE WITH IT, UNTIL IT'S DONE WITH YOU!
You are a weak person, with little control over your emotions...grow the fuk up punk.
11/28/2012 11:22:39 AM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

Brooklyn, NY
26, joined Jul. 2012
Pot Smoker
11/28/2012 12:25:56 PM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

Council Bluffs, IA
27, joined Nov. 2012
Hardtwist do you feel good about yourself cause your a F**kin joke dude. You have no real evidence that its so terrible for you.? What about all the ppl who truly useit for medicine? Your telling me that man made prescription pill are better for you rather than bud. Look at all the side effects from those.... suicidal thoughts, depression, weight loss, an you could overdose from them if you get hooked in them. Now on the other hand look at bud....no real side effects other than major case of the munches an probably the giggles. An to top it all off again no1 has ever died from to much pot use lol an probably nvr will but I bet every day there is probably hundreds of ppl overdosing from your so called medicine prescription pills.
So. Again why are you in this thread. Only potheads allowed now get the f**k out pos  
11/28/2012 1:51:10 PM |
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Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Hardtwist do you feel good about yourself cause your a F**kin joke dude. You have no real evidence that its so terrible for you.? What about all the ppl who truly useit for medicine? Your telling me that man made prescription pill are better for you rather than bud. Look at all the side effects from those.... suicidal thoughts, depression, weight loss, an you could overdose from them if you get hooked in them. Now on the other hand look at bud....no real side effects other than major case of the munches an probably the giggles. An to top it all off again no1 has ever died from to much pot use lol an probably nvr will but I bet every day there is probably hundreds of ppl overdosing from your so called medicine prescription pills.
So. Again why are you in this thread. Only potheads allowed now get the f**k out pos  
Did I say it was terrible? No. If it's used for medical purposes and heavily regulated, I support its use. Make it available as alcohol, HELL NO. You have proof that pot use hasn't killed anyone? Ofcourse you don't. You're rectally speaking. You jump to conclusions easily, try jumping off a cliff. I use the Holistic approach to medicine.
You have no control where I post. You're a coward. Prove that the THC level is the same as it was 20 or 30 years ago. I'll give you a hint, early 80's pot had about 2.8 to 3.3 percent of THC. Nowadays pots THC level is around 5.8%. Now gomer, prove me wrong. Yes, some people are getting hooked on the really hot stuff, they grow in their closets. Yes, even some underachiever like yourself could easily grow premium weed, pot or whatever you want to call it.
BTW I'm certified to clean up meth labs. I have no empathy for meth manufactuers or meth heads. Rabid skunks should have more rights than them.
[Edited 11/28/2012 1:53:27 PM ]
11/28/2012 2:17:56 PM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
LOL bedtimefreak, can you prove the bud you're using didn't come from Mexico? Associated Press is reporting a female mayor in Mexico has been murdered by the Cartel! Unless youo grow you're own weed or know exactly where it's grown: YOU'RE SUPPORTING TERRORISM!
Especially anything other than pot, smuggled in, are supporting terrorists. If that's the case, I support treating them as terrorists.
12/1/2012 8:31:42 AM |
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Omaha, NE
27, joined Nov. 2012
You know yeah I'm a STONER in everything but pot don't come before my girl If I had 1 Otherwise I wouldn't be on here now would I
12/1/2012 1:37:08 PM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

York, NE
61, joined Feb. 2009
That might be part of why you dont have a woman.....and not a very good excuse for all that shyness in your other post 
12/2/2012 9:49:52 PM |
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Omaha, NE
33, joined Jan. 2012
god created weed,man created beer and liquor,who do you trust more?
12/3/2012 6:47:34 PM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

York, NE
61, joined Feb. 2009
God created weed for donkeys, cows, monkeys and other animals to eat......what category do you fit into??
12/3/2012 7:21:17 PM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |
Omaha, NE
33, joined Jan. 2012
well we are all descendants of monkeys,so,unless your one of those that thinks jesus was riding dinosaurs.
12/3/2012 11:35:30 PM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |


Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
No jesus's daddy made the dinosors for rideing you dip stick mutain 
12/5/2012 4:13:01 PM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |
Omaha, NE
37, joined Dec. 2012
Never smoked it. Never used any illegal substance, but have used legal substances illegally (I was in college. Drinking was basically required.). Not my thing. I think my response is more of a mashup of the last two. I don't think you're evil for using it; it's just not my thing. But it doesn't still make it legal in most jurisdictions.
12/15/2012 11:12:53 AM |
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Lincoln, NE
46, joined Dec. 2012
where da weed at?
12/15/2012 4:55:26 PM |
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Omaha, NE
43, joined Jul. 2011
I suppose I wouldn't mind if it was legal...I just think it's kinda funny that marijuana seems to be the most talked about drug when people are ODing on all the other harder drugs, whether accidental or not - seems to be mostly celebs. I'll see a story on the news or in the paper that so-and-so died of a heroin overdose, or cocaine, or they were involved in an alcohol-related crash, yet I have never heard of ANYBODY dying of a marijuana overdose, nor have I heard of anyone getting violent while being high - if they are, it's probably because they got caught by the cops lol. So yeah, I think pot should be legal - sure it might make you a little loopy and you go out and be stupid and silly, as long as nobody gets hurt or whatever, then hey, more power to you lol. But remember that it's only funny until someone gets hurt...so if they get hurt and you think it was funny, laugh it up while you still can before YOU get hurt by the guy you were laughing at.
12/17/2012 8:28:22 AM |
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Omaha, NE
30, joined Aug. 2011
Theres not really an answer that describes me. I do smoke pot quit a bit but I don't make it an everyday all day constant mission. I got work to do. Lol. 
1/11/2013 7:35:32 PM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |
La Vista, NE
62, joined Nov. 2012
I would rather be on the road with someone who just smoked than a drunk!
1/13/2013 2:40:00 PM |
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Omaha, NE
28, joined Mar. 2012
I think it's a very nice plant. Love smoking it.
1/17/2013 12:10:29 PM |
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Omaha, NE
43, joined Apr. 2011
Pot is such a touchy subject....most older folks were brainwashed into thinking its a bad thing..and if you think.its bad..you are brainwashed..its 2013...and it is a medicine
1/17/2013 4:26:06 PM |
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Omaha, NE
33, joined Jan. 2012
ask a mortician what they see more of,stoners or drunks,,,,,,case closed,still not convinced,ask any prison warden what they see more of,stoners or drunks,case closed,still skeptical?ask your priest who made alcohol and who made a plant,man makes alcohol,god makes plants,who do you trust more?still not convinced?you my friend have been brainwashed into thinking weed is evil,what a shame.
1/17/2013 11:20:55 PM |
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Omaha, NE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Pot is such a touchy subject....most older folks were brainwashed into thinking its a bad thing..and if you think.its bad..you are brainwashed..its 2013...and it is a medicine
Wondering what he means by "older folks". I know many people approaching 60 that either smoked it, still smoke it or at the very least have nothing against it.
[Edited 1/17/2013 11:21:18 PM ]
1/23/2013 12:33:58 PM |
Pot Smoking How Do You Feel About It? | Page 2 |

Kearney, NE
22, joined Jan. 2013
I enjoy it. But i dont do it regularly. I prefer it over booze. Alchohol (in my opinion) is much worse than pot. Because you dont get angry high
1/23/2013 7:25:08 PM |
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Omaha, NE
26, joined Jun. 2012
I engoy it while watchin' family.
1/23/2013 10:13:55 PM |
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Omaha, NE
25, joined Sep. 2012
1/23/2013 10:37:27 PM |
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Youngstown, OH
44, joined Apr. 2012
Just follow your nose!!! It always knows!! yeah i smoke exotic!! fruit looops!
1/23/2013 10:46:19 PM |
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Omaha, NE
30, joined Nov. 2012

1/23/2013 11:09:57 PM |
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Omaha, NE
30, joined Nov. 2012
blunt blowing polo drawers showin
1/26/2013 3:38:30 PM |
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Omaha, NE
62, joined Jan. 2007
Wondering what he means by "older folks". I know many people approaching 60 that either smoked it, still smoke it or at the very least have nothing against it.
Or yet others who don't give a rats a$$ either way, because it's not that important in life to care about!
2/14/2013 5:39:07 PM |
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Omaha, NE
38, joined Jul. 2012
I got that exotic blueberry 4.5 for $50 or $300 oz.
2/22/2013 1:27:04 PM |
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Lincoln, NE
30, joined Mar. 2011
Yes please!
2/22/2013 7:23:46 PM |
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North Platte, NE
61, joined Feb. 2013
I smoked for 20 years (18 to 38), one day I had just had enough and gave it up. Don't mind at all if others do, and if a joint is passed my way, I may or may not take a hit.
I haven't smoked in 19 years and I don't miss it.
2/22/2013 11:29:13 PM |
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Omaha, NE
56, joined Nov. 2012

3/8/2013 12:13:21 PM |
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Omaha, NE
42, joined Mar. 2013
Umm...you should never use the word stupid when describing anyone...really. I mean,don't you have spell check, stupid?
[Edited 3/8/2013 12:14:07 PM ]
3/8/2013 4:09:00 PM |
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Omaha, NE
47, joined Jan. 2012
I've tried it and don't care for it. 
3/18/2013 1:43:34 AM |
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La Vista, NE
24, joined Feb. 2013
I smoke everyday and roll some pretty fat kush blunts... nothing wrong with smoking some weed. I love the way it makes me feel and if I'm pissed it calms Me down. Weed makes everything better, just sad that some people make us true potheads look stupid even if we are productive. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, don't judge people just cause they smoke pot they are human just like everyone else. 
3/18/2013 8:56:13 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
This is why america now looks so stupid to the rest of the world, as we are stupid.
3/21/2013 11:59:11 AM |
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Aberdeenshire, Scotland
United Kingdom
48, joined Mar. 2013
I think everyone should smoke. It might mellow a few of you out where you're not so uptight all the time..lol..Smoking is very relaxing..
3/21/2013 8:13:02 PM |
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Shelton, NE
32, joined Jan. 2013
I use to smoke. Then i found more creative ways to relax, plus i have a child to think about now. I also have saved SOOOO much money. To each their own.
3/21/2013 11:51:13 PM |
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Alda, NE
28, joined Jan. 2013
If it was legal I would smoke everyday 
3/22/2013 10:31:39 PM |
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Kearney, NE
27, joined Aug. 2011
Smoke up thats all I gotta say and if its not for u then leave it for us that smoke it. And the ppl that have a problem with it, mind ur own business.
3/29/2013 8:09:53 PM |
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Omaha, NE
46, joined Oct. 2012
its a green green world
3/30/2013 8:45:19 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
And folks wonder why things are as they are & geting worse.
4/9/2013 10:10:13 AM |
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Hastings, NE
44, joined Apr. 2013
smoke almost daily, IQ of 172. All you programmed haters need to try it a few times before you judge. I know the government brainwashed you to believe pot is bad, but I can't help thinking you are also just plain old haters. I bet you hate black people, gays, lesbians, and everyone else that isn't a hater like you. probably run around thumping your messed up religions too. I feel so sad for you. You would never know I am a "pothead" if I didn't tell you I smoked. Beautiful ladies, good weed, what's to hate?
4/28/2013 12:17:02 AM |
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Lincoln, NE
53, joined Oct. 2009

4/28/2013 10:53:43 AM |
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York, NE
61, joined Feb. 2009
Sorry fluffy....i find it hard to believe you are in the top 2 % of the top 10 % of the of the I Qs in the world.......and this is the best we get?? 
[Edited 4/28/2013 10:54:55 AM ]
4/30/2013 8:28:38 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
172  what ever it was, is now waisted  
5/6/2013 11:22:59 AM |
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York, NE
61, joined Feb. 2009
You are a dumbass..if you expect us to believe weed is stronger than morphine!! As messed up as you sound why do you keep fighting....shit...just get it over with! Smoke a bag and call it good!@ what a good waste of clean breathable air!@ 
5/7/2013 6:58:06 AM |
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York, NE
61, joined Feb. 2009
I suppose you will be telling us your IQ is 170 also.
i am sure you are a pillar in your community. Tobias can be proud of you! Ahh haa..haaa!
Go back to screwing pigs farm boy ....you stand a better chance in the barnyard....than your whine on here 
[Edited 5/7/2013 7:01:42 AM ]
5/7/2013 9:23:57 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
24 & know it all 
5/15/2013 7:50:32 PM |
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Lincoln, NE
22, joined Aug. 2012
5/15/2013 10:21:38 PM |
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Waverly, NE
45, joined Jan. 2012
Haven't in 20 yrs. I'm lazy enough
5/21/2013 9:38:35 AM |
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Council Bluffs, IA
27, joined Nov. 2012
omg you old f**ks are still hating on us pot smokers lol you are so F**kin dumb get over yourself an quit judging you old geezers. to each their own ya haters piss off
5/21/2013 10:04:05 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
It's hard not to call a freak a freaking idiot, just saying 
5/25/2013 2:45:14 PM |
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Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Haha oh dermit, you only wish you lived on a farm to screw pigs. No i dont get high and screw animals. Iam up and ready to do more work in one day then you do all month with a bad stomach... Its a shame a**holes like you are alive still. Oh you know you cant od on weed right? How about doing some research before wragging on people

Maybe you should do some research. The weed today has double the THC of the pot we had in the 80's. There are some long term users suffering withdrawal symptoms. Maybe you should visit with a substance abuse counselor or visit with the State Troopers that deal with you fu**ing dopes every day...yes, it's called dope for a reason. Makes you a dopy dumbass, when you're high.
Also, you fu**ing dopers have made it tough on farmers and ranchers. Because you retards discovered vet meds. Now I have to jump through hoops just to get Acepromazine. I have no use for anyone that's supports global terrorism or local crime. You're just cowards temporarily hiding from reality...dopes.
edited to add: that double THC is in thanks to American agriculture. Cross pollination and other technology is to thanks for your dope, you dope. Now go b*tch about American Ag, with your mouth full of food. Raised by us
[Edited 5/25/2013 2:47:45 PM ]