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4/28/2008 2:53:44 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 25

it failed because she was fake, and spoiled. What i learned, was that some girls are just as 2-faced and phony as most men are labeled. Only lip-service i like is the physical kind, like kisses. The kind she did, and the kind many i run into do, is the chatter without the substance or action.

4/28/2008 2:54:18 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Kingston, ON
age: 50 online now!

now theres my kind of woman not shy to say what she wants lollllll

4/28/2008 4:13:15 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Jersey City, NJ
age: 49

actually it was my fault, and its all me not her, i married a tough woman, very intellictuall, well educated, and very radical , she hates feminine activities, and that type of things ,doesnt cook, sexually very cold, i didnt see that when we where in school, although sex then was ok, but after marriage was (-) 10 , after more than 20 years of waiting for GODO, i realised that she would never change and its my mistake. -love is blind-

now i know that a great woman, smart, even radical, doesnt mean that she has to be tough, looks like a construction worker and not use make up and to hate her kitchen, now i know there is no contradiction between being sexy and smart, being radical and cook for her husbond and kids, and the living room is not hollier than the kitchen.

4/28/2008 4:15:13 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Calgary, AB
age: 46

that a failing was two views differing

4/28/2008 10:35:08 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Des Moines, IA
age: 41

It failed becuase she failed to keep breathing in and out.
I learned that next time, if there is a next time, I should go first.

4/29/2008 5:03:28 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Lafayette, IN
age: 28

I've always been faithful and found temptation was never really a problem for me just the people I was with, so if you want to keep score that would be 7 different relationships that ended in cheating. Makes me wonder if it was me or the another person.
I'm about to leave a marriage of 10 years for the same thing.I gave up my job of 8 1/2 years to be stay at home Dad, and now less than a year after that she wants to separate.

What I learned
I'm going to have a hard time trusting the next person I'm with if there ever is one.
Got Married to young
I Sacrificed to much time on my wifes career.
Now at least I will start sacrificing for my 2 children at least they'll appreciate what I do for them.

Has for being cheated an 8th time

4/29/2008 5:08:09 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Lexington, SC
age: 43

All she wanted was money and gifts,and wanted to know how much money i made because she wanted to going shopping for her and her friends

4/29/2008 5:40:05 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Enterprise, MS
age: 35

My marriage of 10 years failed not because I didn't love my wife. It didn't fail because I didn't do nice things for her or with her... It failed because I failed to see what she loved. She loved me true, but she also had her own dreams.

4/29/2008 7:28:28 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Kinder, LA
age: 57

My second ended after the birth of our son. She decided she was tired of being Mom and married. She wanted to be in charge of my life(quote) She remarked to the girls on several occasions that she didn't want to be a mom anymore. It took 15 yrs but she finally admitted that she screwed up her life. Wish I could understand

4/29/2008 8:03:36 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Mena, AR
age: 39

Well, I haven't really had a relationship since my divorce. In my marriage, we married too young and drifted apart. I guess I learned not to take a relationship for granted. Silly me, I thought "Love, Honor and Cherish til death do you part" was what we both signed on for, not just me. I also learned not to give, give, give right from the beginning and set myself up for poor treatment. He never treated me like I was the most important person to him, even early on, and I accepted and allowed it. My Bad. I have learned to demand to be treated the way I treat you, and anything less is unacceptable. I also learned that once the love is gone for one person, that's it. I should have walked away years before I did. Live and Learn.

That being said, if I do remarry, I will still believe it's forever, and if he cheats or whatever, he better be planning to meet God, and Soon!!

4/29/2008 8:15:58 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

North York, ON
age: 55

How did my last relationship fail? You probably would not call it a failure. The poor lady passed on.

What did I learn? I should never have a woman's head forcibly kept in place when she'd going down. Especially not in the swimming pool.

4/29/2008 8:48:08 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Murrieta, CA
age: 52

He was a cake man and told me that he doesn't know what he wants in life, a 48 y/o man!!!

He was manipulative, controlling, greedy, abuser. Doctor Jekyll and Hyde in flesh.

" A fox can change its skin but not its character." Love is not enough and there is no guarantee in life.

4/29/2008 8:49:00 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Santa Barbara, CA
age: 47

I let it fail!

4/29/2008 9:03:50 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Saint Louis, MO
age: 26 online now!

Mine fail because he was lying to me the whole two years about his drug habit. I learned to take it slow and not rush into any more relationships. Don't go out with a man that does drugs.

4/29/2008 10:18:59 PM Why DID your LAST relationship FAIL? And What did you learn?  

Baytown, TX
age: 61

We dated but I took her into my home to live after her apartment was flooded by pipe breaks...twice! She had been treated poorly by men and I taught her to be assertive. Helped her get one job and she was great in it! Helped her get a job in the prison system as a correctional officer where I was working as a teacher. She really learned to be assertive then! The end of the story came when she began to use those hard ass and officer/offender techniques on ME! I asked her to tone it down and she wouldn't. She never admitted there was a problem. Finally asked her to move out. We were together for 6 1/2 years. WHAT I LEARNED: Sometimes when you do the right thing it blows up on you. I still took the high road and would do it the same way again.

[Edited 4/29/2008 10:23:54 PM]

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