5/7/2008 11:41:20 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
I just wanted to drop in and say hi to ya'll. I live in Georgia, about an hour south of Atlanta. I've been here for 13 1/2 years. But I was raised on a horse ranch near Winner, SD. My family still lives there. I visit when I can, but it's not often.
I heard you all had a pretty rough snow storm a couple of weeks ago. I miss SD, but I don't miss the cold!
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5/9/2008 10:53:40 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
Nobody wants to say hi to me? I'm hurt! 
[Edited 5/9/2008 10:53:55 PM ]
5/10/2008 4:44:25 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Cherokee, IA
62, joined Nov. 2007
Don't feel hurt, "S.D. Chat" doesn't have many members, and most I suspect are Hard Working Folks, who find spare time scarce to get online. I'm sure it's nothing personal.
5/10/2008 11:18:39 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
LOL, thanks nw. I didn't take it personal, was just surprised that no one said hi. But then, my post is still at the top, even w/out replies, so that tells me that there aren't many people hanging out here.
5/12/2008 6:14:54 AM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
Don't feel left out Kathy.
Sometimes this group goes over a week without a post
Last time I was in the deep south I told people I was born and raised in the south.
South Dakota that is
5/12/2008 8:46:36 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Cherokee, IA
62, joined Nov. 2007
Sdcentaur that's a good one! Thanks for the laugh!
5/13/2008 7:22:04 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
LOL, sd, I'v used that line myself. I tell them, "I'm not a yankee, I'm southern born and bred!"
5/14/2008 7:02:32 AM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
Kathy, until I visited Memphis I thought "damnyankee" was 2 words
Ordered breakfast and the waitress put this small bowl of pasty while stuff on the table. When I told her "I didn't order any cream of wheat" I think everyone else in the restaurant all said "Damnyankee" at the same time
5/14/2008 9:41:46 AM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
I can just picture the waitress asking, "Cream of WHAT?" I think my children are the ONLY children in Georgia who eat cream of wheat.
I actually like grits and buttermilk cornbread now. Took a while, but they've grown on me. Will NEVER like sweet-tea. I want to be able to taste the tea in my tea. My neighbors pick on me about my gallon jar unsweetened sun-tea brewing on my front porch. Unfortunately, my children are sweet-tea drinkers... have to brew that on the stove for them.
5/14/2008 7:18:20 PM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
Guess I'd starve in Georgia. Don't like grits or cornbread and the thought of biscuits and gravy makes me gag.
Sweet tea, iced tea with just a splash of lemon, Earl Grey preferably.
Guess I'll stay north of the Mason Dixon line for now
5/16/2008 11:27:36 AM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
Yes, stay where you are! Especially now that it's heading into the summer months. Summers down here kill me... so hot and humid. Winters are nice, but when it's cold here, it's REALLY cold because of the high humidity. Thirty degrees is cold... if it gets down to 20, I'm staying inside, turning the heat up and wrapping up in some blankets! Thankfully we only have a couple of weeks of "really" cold here.
I am working two jobs right now so that I can save up some money to make a trip to South Dakota so that my children can see the ranch I was raised on. I've only been home one time since I moved here in 1994. My oldest son has also been back one time. The other four have never been to my Dad's ranch. I'm aiming for a trip to South Dakota the summer of 2009.
5/18/2008 8:37:26 PM |
Hello from Georgia |
Custer, SD
60, joined Apr. 2008
2009? I can just imagine what the gas prices will be by then. As you know where I am at, this is a tourist area. I really think tourism will be way down, including the rally
5/18/2008 9:26:41 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
Oh Lord, I hadn't even thought about that! If gas prices keep going up, and they probably will, I most likely will NEVER be able to afford to go home. And you're so right about tourism. South Dakota thrives off tourism, especially the western side - I imagine that gas prices will have a great negative effect on the tourism of SD. I have some friends who just got back from the Datona Rally - said they wouldn't even consider going to the Sturgis Rally w/ the price of gas.... I'm sure others feel the same way.
5/20/2008 11:38:10 AM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
I recently made a road trip to the east coast Kathy and with gas prices being what they are if I decided to go back to Philly again it would cost me about the same as gas and a night in a motel each way as it would to fly. That's one person in a car that averages 32+MPG on the highway.
With kids in the equation I'm not sure how that would work out and I based that on flying from Omaha since flying into or out of Sioux Falls was about twice as much.
5/20/2008 3:05:20 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
Out of curiosity, I decided to figure how much it would cost me to fly me and my four younger children to SD vs drive us up there in my car this July. If I drove my car, my oldest wouldn't be able to come because my car only seats 5 people. If he came, I'd have to rent a van.
Anyway, to fly to Pierre and have my family come get us would cost me $2,182.50. To fly to Mpls and rent a car for two weeks (I only included cost of gas to drive from Mpls to Dad's ranch and back) would cost $1,655.33.
To drive my car, stay two nights in a hotel and eat in a restraunt four times would cost $675.
I based fuel price on my car getting 30mpg and gas at $4.00/gallon. Motel was $75/night. Eating out was $40 each time. And if I flew, I'd have a friend drop us off and pick us up at the Atlanta airport to avoid parking fees which range from $6 to $10 per day.
With a family my size, I'd better drive! But you're right, for one person, flying would be the way to go. The cost of a one ticket from Atlanta to Minneapolis was only $195. (Flying to Omaha or Denver was between $300 and $400.)
Edit: I went ahead and checked the price of renting a van for two weeks - that would add about $650 to the cost of the trip... which brings the cost to drive up to $1,325. And to fly all 6 of us would be $1,855. When you look at it this way.... I'd only save $530 by driving (if I paid for all of it) When I look at it this way, I would consider flying to Minneapolis and renting a car and making my 18 year old pay for his share (about $300)! 
I had never really looked into all this before. Thanks for making me curious enough to look into it.... even though I'm sure I bored the hell out of all of you! Oh Hell, who am I kidding... none of you read this forum anyway! LOL 
[Edited 5/20/2008 3:37:48 PM ]
5/20/2008 3:17:03 PM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
Since Omaha is 3 hours down I-29 and I'd be taking a redeye it might involve a night in a motel in Omaha anyway. Not really a bad thing since there's a couple of people I'd like to meet from here in Omaha anyway.
Flying into the Pierre airport?
I didn't know a goose could carry that many people
5/20/2008 3:39:04 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
LOL, I had a HARD time finding a flight into Pierre, but I did find one. I think it was Northwest.
Dad's ranch is about 60 miles south of Pierre.
[Edited 5/20/2008 3:40:05 PM ]
5/20/2008 4:14:38 PM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
I'm familiar with that area Kathy.
It's not the edge of the Earth but you can see it from there
5/20/2008 9:34:46 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
LOL, about the truth! There are definatly more cattle than people in that area. It was a great place to grow up though.
5/21/2008 9:44:44 PM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
That might explain all the BS coming out of Pierre Kathy 
5/22/2008 10:35:51 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
LOL, I guess that could work as an explanation. I don't follow SD politics anymore, so I don't have a clue what's going on politically back home. I work in local government though, so I have some idea of how rediculous it can get sometimes. Let's just say, I giggle to myself a lot when reading "Memo's from GOD" as we call them.
SD, you look like the guy who owns our local music store. I have very musically talented children, so I spend a lot of money in his store. (Don't know why or how... sure didn't come from me....I never learned to appreciate music!) Anyway, you have a twin! 
5/23/2008 5:50:36 AM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
I used to work for SDPTV and have enough horror stories of dealing with "Gummint Bosses" Some memos wound up in the TP holder in the men's bathroom since they were softer than the TP the janitors left in there 
I doubt he's my twin since I was forced to take organ lessons for years and since then I don't even like to play the stereo
5/23/2008 9:15:58 AM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
Are any DH South Dakotan's going to see Hillary next week? They said on the news last night that she'll be in SD next week attending town meetings.
Oops, I see that she was there today. I must have misinterpreted the news last night... I thought they said she'd be there next week. Okay, did any of you go to listen to her speach?
[Edited 5/23/2008 4:32:27 PM ]
5/23/2008 8:24:34 PM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
Kathy, if Hillary was across the street I wouldn't go see her. Don't want to interject politics in here though
5/23/2008 9:01:22 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
LOL, so sorry! Please forgive me! 
5/23/2008 9:03:48 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
SD, are you the only regular poster from South Dakota? I used to see abeenormal posting in the forums, but haven't seen her in a while. Haven't really noticed any other South Dakotan's. I enjoy reading your posts - you've got an interesting sense of humor! 
5/24/2008 7:34:24 AM |
Hello from Georgia |


Sioux Falls, SD
57, joined Dec. 2007
I seem to be the only regular poster in here from SD Kathy.
Abee deleted her profile a few days ago 
I think my sense of humor comes from growing up here. Had to learn to laugh about local politics and the weather or I'd have gone nuts years ago
[Edited 5/24/2008 7:34:36 AM ]
5/24/2008 11:35:51 PM |
Hello from Georgia |

Cherokee, IA
62, joined Nov. 2007
I've arrnaged a DH Men's Night Out for this coming Friday starting at 6:30 pm in Sioux City. If any of you SD Guys want to join us you're welcome to come along. Just email me for the details.
5/25/2008 12:14:35 AM |
Hello from Georgia |

Jackson, GA
49, joined Nov. 2007
I work in local government here in Georgia and I grew up in those South Dakota winters, so I can fully relate to why you'd have to have an "off" sense of humor! I don't know much about the local politics there. As a kid, I never paid attention to them. But since I work in local government here, I know first hand how outragous things can get. Sometimes it's embarrassing to be a local government employee. I always joke about how someday I'm gonna go get a "real" job! (But I probably never will... I like working right here in the same town that I live in, and that my children go to school in... makes things so much easier.)
I wanna come to the get-together... but I know I'm not allowed...it's for men only... AND I live to far away even if you made an exception for me. 