Jackson, MI
49, joined Oct. 2009
I wanted to say thank you for being the one true free site that didn't feel like a meat market. I found the love of my life and as it turns out, I am the love of his life as well. We have been TRUELY HAPPY. We have both been through tough relationships and now we are able to appreciate the love and understanding that comes with a solid relationship. We have been married for over 1 year and together almost 3 years, and time has flown by like the wind. We have so much fun together and we get to experiance the meaning of TRUE LOVE.
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!



Moose Lake, MN
98, joined Nov. 2011
Irvine, CA
33, joined Jun. 2012
Aww I hope I meet a guy like that someday soon. =) Not really fair lol. Where is he?! The guy that will not use me for sex, or at least the guy who wants to be a friend and more. The guy who wants kids with me (adopted or natural by surrogate?). The guy who will say he loves me and means it. The guy who will protect, profess and provide, just like Steve Harvey 'Abm best seller wrote. Well?! Where are you? I'm almost 29 and there its not that I'm getting desperate but don't you want to stop with the game playing and be truthful with women?! Don't you want to be a perceived as a caring guy /individual that prides in making people feel good about themselves in genereral? And not a sleeze ball /douchebag /a**hole /jerk that so many women get emotionally and or physically abused from (and people for that matter) ?!! I just read in the news about a fifteen year old father of a newborn who just KILLED his friends same aged baby.

...And to the OP I wish you luck and good fortune. I wish you have finally found the guy for you and vice Versa and you won't be back. I wish he gives you most of everything a woman can ask for from her man. 

Fayetteville, NC
38, joined May. 2012