7/28/2007 4:29:08 PM |
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Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
But we do have free will. We can choose to serve(comply w/the commands of)God or not.It is totally our choice!!!!Just because someone else doesn't agree w/your choice shouldnt have any bearing on being true to yourself and your beliefs!
7/28/2007 11:02:51 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I am saying the scriptures say that you either serve god or serve satan but it does not say that you can ever be free to decide neither. According to the bible everything but serving god is serving the devil. How is that free will?
And what does a god need us to serve him for anyway? What can we do for him? Why would he need us to worship him. I know who I am and I don't need anyone to accept me.
Is god less sure of himself, that he needs his creation to tell him how wonderful he is?
The way the god of the bible behaves in a manner that is more like a man than anyone that created a universe that so vast that we do not know if it ever ends. His behavior and his supposed creation do not mesh.
7/29/2007 5:33:05 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
So lets say we don't follow the scriptures(sacred writings of a religion)word for word,but use them as a tool to live a life that God our creator(if thats what you believe) meant us to live.With our free will we have 3 main choices to make...We can follow...GOOD or EVIL or NEITHER..If you choose Neither,how exactly are you going to live your life?
I think the point you try to make(and its a valid one)is that you dont want anyone to tell you how to live your life,none of us really do.But we need,guidance,,rules,laws,and such, so we can all live on the same planet.I notice that most people who scoff at the Bible,feel the same way about government and resent both.Nobody wants to follow someone else rules,but we have to,plain and simple.
I choose to serve God because I am grateful for the life He has given me,struggles and all!I choose to worship(respect) Him (as I do many others)because I believe that everything comes from Him and I appreciate that.
Your,I dont need anyone to accept me attitude(I believe)is a wall to protect you from rejection(which hurts&sucks)!I truly think that deep down we all want to be accepted for who we are and what we believe..The truth is though,we're not,and it causes us pain and disappointment.
As far as God not being sure of Himself,its quite the opposite.He is so sure of Himself and what He has to offer us(and its good)that He wants respect and adoration in return.Personally,when i know in my heart of hearts that i have done something good and kind and someone treats me like crap or ignores my actions,Im hurt and insulted.
7/29/2007 10:04:02 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Bloomfield, KY
age: 51
Religion is designed by humans to be defended; which requires assault. So, religion cannot exist without attack and defense. Religion is for those engaged in battle.
7/29/2007 10:17:36 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Religion is to keep everyone arguing, to keep them in a state of chaos and confusion and in a sea of controvery...so you don't know if you are coming or going and what is really what...all designed to occupy and keep the sheeple busy...to keep them in line with a set of rules and regulations to keep them from figuring out what really has been going on with our lives.
7/29/2007 10:26:26 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
I have to agree with Jewelz yet one more time , the perpetuation of hate and distrust has been religions way to keep people apart
I am religious , i believe in a supreme force , but i don't believe you will burn in hell if you don't agree with my religious views
Blessed be
I am all for discussion with no attacks

[Edited 7/29/2007 10:33:16 AM]
7/29/2007 10:36:24 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
yes certainly castor...the subject of evil should be foremost on the minds of everyone and how and why it came into our lives and world...it is not natural...nature is in perfect balance from the largest neutron star to the smallest quanta...our race was not always like this...there was a time when we were at peace and got along without assaults and arguments when we lived in peace and harmony with one another...something has gone terribly wrong and is time for people to start finding out why.
7/29/2007 10:48:30 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
I believe fear is what drives most people
Fear of being alone
Fear of being unloved
Fear of being wrong
Religion to some , is the cure for that fear
Be kind to each other
Respect individuality
God does not care if you eat meat on Fridays
The true measure of a religious person is his/her ability to accept other peoples religion without trying to convert them in any way
Respect life one commandment will do
7/29/2007 10:55:51 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The common man must fear life, fear death, fear God, fear the Devil and fear most his overlords, the keepers of his destiny.
When faced with a life threatening situation, the reptilian hindbrain, the most primitive part of the human brain, switches off all activity except that which keeps us alive. It sends the subconscious message, "do not move, breath or blink, or you will be seen and attacked."
Atomic war, Cold war, Nulear war, Genetic war are all by design, a psychological term, its an inner state and has got very little to do with external things...
The ancient Romans built there greatest masterpieces of architecture for wild beast to fight in...
7/29/2007 10:59:51 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
Such a waste of energy
Funny how i see people with stickers on the back of their car that says "No Fear"
If they only knew...
The message is out there , is anyone listening?
7/29/2007 11:09:23 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The selected weapon of choice...False Evidence Appearing Real
7/29/2007 11:10:28 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
True that.
[Edited 7/29/2007 11:10:55 AM]
7/29/2007 3:37:20 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
Jewelz said:
Religion is to keep everyone arguing, to keep them in a state of chaos and confusion and in a sea of controvery...so you don't know if you are coming or going and what is really what...all designed to occupy and keep the sheeple busy...to keep them in line with a set of rules and regulations to keep them from figuring out what really has been going on with our lives.
Sure is working here at DHU! LMAO!
7/29/2007 4:15:09 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Yeah ain't it a gas though?...what fun...life is a wonderful thing...its a terrible shame its wasted on the mind controled slave sheeple.
7/29/2007 4:23:15 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
this thread is great perhaps we might make an agreement here....
I agree for once with Queen and Jewelz (WOW) christians who go around telling people they are going to burn in hell are Judging others and God specifically said that it is HIS job to judge not theirs. You have a right to get offended if a christian walks up to you and tells you that satan is going to torment you for eturity. There are a lot of Good Christians out there. attacking the entire religion because of a bunch of impure sinners (who are just as guilty as the rest) who feel they have Gods power because they accepted him as their lord and savior is as bad as calling all muslims terrorists because of a few looney Sects.
All I am saying is if you ask a reasonable question I will answer it as best I can but I will not start a bunch of threads telling you how Jesus loves you and how you are doomed if you do not repent and blah blah blah blah......
Respect my religion and I will respect yours. If you want to know more about religion and ask politely and I will answer politely.
and no more Jesus was a woman or Chrisians are dumb sheep type of threads please...