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9/23/2007 9:42:05 PM is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults  

Topeka, KS
age: 59

According to the christian bible Jehovah goes wild with rage if someone worships another god. (He actually didn't say we couldn't worship other gods, just no other gods BEFORE Him. He wants to be top dog.) And he is one cruel M****r F****r, even having his own son tortured to death, because he "loves us". Of course he loved his son too! He plans to have almost all humans who were ever born and lived tortured with fire forever he loves us so much! SWCW25 is full of the love o' her god too. When I first met her she informed me that she was going to pray to her god to exclude me from heaven, and instead send me to hell. Needless to say, I have lost no sleep over this empty threat. Chuckle Lol--now the other day she was bleating about how she is so full of the Holy Ghost. Chuckle, my opinion is that she is full of something anyway. Blessings, St. Bernard.

9/23/2007 11:21:16 PM is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults  

Edinburg, PA
age: 32

One big misconception is that we must all be so "politically correct" so not to say anything that may hurt non-believers feelings or insult them in some way, but let’s laugh and mock the Christian for believing. The bible makes it clear that not believing is the one thing that will send you to hell. Someone stated that religion was made up to control man, cause dissention & war, and whatever else and I agree. That's why I'm not religious I'm a Christian. If you do not believe there is a God then why not move on and ignore these weird brainwashed Christians. Your logic is flawed in so many ways. One example would be that you are wasting your life to argue against something that you believe is a lie or a big joke. Why argue? What true Christian has forced you to believe? God taught us to take the Bible to the people. That is what I do and will keep doing. I wonder why people who claim they don't believe and will never believe go to a forum titled religion. I believe you are searching, seeking, wanting to know God. Open your heart and go to Him. Don’t just read the bible, study and live by it. I'll pray for you and that others may see this and come to truly know Christ. Glory to God in the highest.

9/25/2007 11:50:39 AM is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults  

Seymour, IN
age: 61

I think the big reason not to move on is that there is nothing in the forums that says they are only for christians. I THINK that means they are open to people who have other beliefs too.

9/25/2007 12:52:53 PM is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults  

Bronx, NY
age: 38

To me, this is the best forum. Anyone who posts a comment is thinking beyond themselves and at something greater. I've learned more reading your posts opposed to reading other articles or scriptures. I am sorry if anyone took offense to anything I've written and I thank you all for being my involuntary educators... We are all blessed....


[Edited 9/25/2007 12:53:14 PM]

9/25/2007 3:34:32 PM is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults  

Owatonna, MN
age: 40

hey sahri -
all i can say is
Joy to the World.....
its nice to feel your passion for justice
and spiritual growth

9/26/2007 12:11:05 AM is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults  

Seymour, IN
age: 61

You are a sweetheart as always, Cat. And I agree that I am learning much here and find the rest of the forums boring in comparison.

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