8/9/2007 7:47:45 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
i think it was the dali lama that said there will only be peace on earth when all religons learn to get along. now i dont subscribe to any specific relgon but i do beleave they all have there good points and bad. i beleave there is some kind of omnipotent being that created us all. i do beleave jesus died for our sins. but i dont beleave everything the bible says. after all it was writen buy men.(no pun intended guys) i also think there was a lot of stuff taken out of the bible.like astroligy and reincarnation and karma. for more on this subject look up edgar casey.read the book titled there is a river.i cant rember the authers name but its about edgars life story. evan if you dont agree, its a good read. as long as people keep talkin (typen) maybe just maybe someone will be listening. (reading) and someone will figure it out. thanks for your time. live long and perspire.
[Edited 8/9/2007 9:46:04 PM]
9/21/2007 6:40:08 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
I started this thread way back in July on one of the first days I was here and I now know that....no, there usually is never Religion topics without assaults,but thats ok w/ me!!!
The people who frequent this site have taught me some valuable lessons and brought me to a better understanding of myself,who I am,where Ive been,and where I would like to be and I am so Grateful to each and every one of you,"Religious or Not"! I hope we can continue sharing "all" of our beliefs and opinions on any topic and "I pray" that when the "dust settles" at the end of the day, we can "all" consider ourselves "friends"! .......peace
9/21/2007 7:01:38 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Raleigh, NC
age: 29
I know I said in another thread I was done in this forum but thanx swcw25 for the email it changed my mind.
Religious talk usually provokes "assaults" because religion is about beliefs not ideas, and people will die for their beliefs. A belief a strong as religion will evoke passion and anger when someone is see to be attacking them. Some people can debate these beliefs with intensity that others mistake for anger. But altogether I think we should keep an open mind.
9/21/2007 7:07:43 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Dallas, TX
age: 33 online now!
Its not just religion, it is the same with race, politics, any topic people are passionate about. The problem is that instead of having an intelligent discussion it becomes a debate about who is right and who is wrong. Its a shame really because I believe everyone has something to offer. it is my choice whether or not i want to accept what they say as truth. My eyes have been opened in the past few months.
9/21/2007 7:12:42 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Raleigh, NC
age: 29
too tue cajun
9/21/2007 7:55:17 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Meadville, PA
age: 44
swcw & friends.... what really nice posts, it is soooooo good to see resolutions and friendship here. Excellent point, one can state their beliefs or debate with passion (which I usually admire) without it being "anger" or "hatred" for another. A good debate and exchange of ideas, when done respectfully, can be a beautiful learning process for all - whether we agree or disagree, watching respect be given is heartwarming.
You guys made my day - thanks.
9/21/2007 5:01:45 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
religious beliefs vary from religion to religion, but for many, its
about who is right and who is wrong, to hear anything that may oppose
or be different to their individual belief makes them insecure of
We are all connected through one God, we are all brothers and sisters,
religious differences should be respected. God accepts us unconditionally,
we should do the same. If religions operated out of Love and forgiveness,
and people likewise, serving the common good of our human family, it would
be a more peaceful and harmonious world.
9/21/2007 5:17:43 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

London, KY
age: 45
I feel that those who attack others because their beliefs are different aren't religious to begin with.
that is why I will never claim to be reigious, only spiritually enlightened.
I never have and never will criticize someone for their beliefs, only for the way they try to share their beliefs.
if I am asked ablout the way that I believe, I will answer honestly and discuss it. but never try to shove it down the other persons throat.
smooth paths to all and peace as well
9/21/2007 6:43:12 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Statesboro, GA
age: 19
Burn the witch!
9/21/2007 7:57:58 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
Wouldn't this forum be dull if there were no assaults (I prefer to call them disagreements). The only way we learn anything is by listening to people who disagree with us... after all, we already know our own beliefs. If we only surround ourselves with people who think exactly the way we do, then we experience the warm fuzzy feeling of having our beliefs validated, but we do it at the cost of intellectual stagnation. Consider those conservative radio talk shows where all the callers have the same political philosophy. All they do is scratch each other's backs and reinforce what they already believe. You can't become enlightened by surrounding yourself with "yes men", so rejoice in our differences and embrace a little descent from those who refuse to follow the party line.
9/21/2007 8:36:08 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53

9/21/2007 8:44:39 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Bartlett, IL
age: 42
there is no way i am going to read all of that?
It's way to long of a post??
9/21/2007 8:59:53 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
I know skip its a bit much...I guess all the other stuff I posted for you was all for nothing too I suppose.
9/21/2007 9:01:43 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Bartlett, IL
age: 42
i buy into the Queen of England stuff?
9/21/2007 9:10:01 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
huh?...not sure what you mean 'buying into the queens stuff'? hmm...though there's no need to buy into anything, because she owns you and all your stuff that you work so hard for. She thanks you for everything and said to go have a drink on her.