7/24/2007 7:44:12 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
My first time here& you guys are scaring the "hell" out of me.Oh Im sorry...Im sure we havent established there is a "hell" right? Anyhow, I love all religions and respect them all too, as long as its civil & doesnt hurt "ANYONE"!!!!
7/24/2007 8:44:02 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
peace be with you 
7/25/2007 12:30:33 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
same here
7/25/2007 6:41:07 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
here anymore i see more and more bashing from all sides of religion it really irritates me to think that people have such little tolerance. the world needs more tolerance.
7/25/2007 7:06:26 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Grand Junction, CO
age: 29
I do agree with this thread Don't come into this Forum much but seen this in the newest post!!!
I would wish that people of different religions would and would want to get along I mean come on I don't know where it says in any religion to hate other religions if they do then well I don't think thats much of something i would want!!!!
7/25/2007 8:21:37 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Riverside, RI
age: 42
Thats why I believe In NO RELIGION! and try to learn a little something from them all.. and anything else that passes in between my ears on this Journey called Life! Think for yourself..Dont be a puppet..
7/25/2007 9:17:02 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
totaly agree. i truly dont understand how a religon can lose tolerance - we are supposed to gain it with faith in some kind of God..... feels like a group hug today.
7/25/2007 12:52:19 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Come to the thread 'tell us' and tell us how you came to be where you are spiritually. I want to discuss ideas and peoples thoughts. I do not attack. I ask that a book not be quoted to me over and over. I already know what it says, I want to hear what people think on their own.
If I question you about what you think, it is not to ridicule, it is to understand what you mean. Or to zero in on what you are saying. Because I am interested. If you believe what you are saying you should not feel attacked but rather that you are interesting.
7/25/2007 1:13:18 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
This sometimes feels like a tennis match. Lob...point goes to the right...wham...point goes to the left. lol Queen...have to agree. Luckily we are adults who have traveled this road for quite awhile and have formed opinions/beliefs based on experiences and faith. Whatever that faith may be. Peace people.
7/25/2007 1:27:45 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
"God" is love when you see love you are seeing 'god'. Love comes from nowhere else. Stolen from Jewelz.
7/25/2007 1:46:55 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Cleveland, TN
age: 51
did anyone answer the question? has there ever been a religion thread w/o assaults? i read them from time to time and i've seen some ugly things happening in the forums in the name of religion...
7/25/2007 1:56:31 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
The ugliness seems to be all around us. The ? I personally have never seen one that hasn't resulted in "assaults", but (here's that "faith" thing again) I'm always hopeful.
7/25/2007 10:10:37 PM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Riverside, RI
age: 42
I think this thread has broken the record already for the longest w/out 1!,lol,..Actually for me they all are w/out..because when I start reading shit I smell it and move on..If I dont find a post to be Intelectual or heart felt in a good manner then I just skippadoo to the next post...
(hate is old school):JD
7/26/2007 9:26:53 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Riverside, RI
age: 42
I never understood that belief? He died for our sins & defeated satan in doing so?
Didnt he say while being crucified: "Why Father"? and why and how would that help for him to die? Wouldnt it have been better for him to stay and keep on spreading the good word...I believe there was a man named Jesus Christ..a Great man! But I refuse to believe that he wanted to or was meant to be dragged through the streets while getting the shit beaten out of him & then to be hung naked with spikes through his hands and feet..And then to believe that this was a master plan? or thats what God his father had sent him to do? That is one mean father if thats the case?,lol,,,I would rather believe that it was more of the free will thing of the people..but unfortunately the people refused to listen & refused to love..That makes more sense to me..(I think the bible has some great stories but that alot are exagerated or stretched a bit in order to get a point across..If you read the original Bible & not the new & Improved testament..you will read things like..God had seen the bad in men and thought that this was a mistake..and alot of death & vengence..just like he flooded the place to wipe out man..and an Eye for an Eye..people dont want to talk about this stuff so they create a New book which is not as violent) This is by no means an Assault so please dont respond in a harsh way..these are just some of my observations and things that I think should be more talked about and questioned.. (use your mind to think & not your heart..JD)
7/28/2007 12:30:37 AM |
is there ever Religion topics w/ no assaults |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I agree with what you have talked about Joe. I have also wondered how we have a free if we are only serving. [God or Satan] There is nothing free about being a servant.