7/30/2008 9:17:33 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Longwood, FL
age: 53
I wish. Lucky you who have been blessed enough to have it happen and even know it. 
7/31/2008 8:24:24 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Dallas, PA
age: 47
Sometimes we look too hard and miss something that is already there. Keep an open mind and a strong faith. Do not be a doubting person and always attempting to explain away a minor issue. After all, faith is based on something that is not readily seen.....
God Bless,
8/2/2008 5:03:00 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Lima, OH
age: 55
Yes, the night of his funeral, he came to me and said, "I'll always be with you". When I reached up to touch him, he vanished and that's the one and only time this happened.
8/3/2008 10:46:16 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Tabor City, NC
age: 57
I've been looking now for almost 4 years and he has not visited. I've pray for just one little visit, anything. He will always be with me in my heart and soul. 
8/8/2008 12:02:26 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Durant, OK
age: 54
I am like the gentleman who says he doesn't want to believe in ghosts, but... It was in the first year after Darrell's death, and several times in the night I would wake with a tickle to my ear and even a sensation of breath blowing my hair. In my sleep I could hear him whisper "I love you" and would wake with the tickling of his breath on my face. I could even smell his cologne on the pillow next to me, though the pillow cases and sheets were changed routinely. I was having alot of crazy dreams about looking for him and would wake up crying and afterwards I would have these visits. Finally they stopped and so did my dreams; I will always believe he was trying to help me through those first awful months and when I finally accepted he was gone then he was able to let go as well.
[Edited 8/8/2008 12:03:26 PM]
8/8/2008 7:39:31 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Clifton, CO
age: 53
oh yes....! all the time. well sometimes in spurts. but my beloved husband Michael passed away on 4-20-06. in the hospital. i whispered in his ear via con dios my love. and i asked the Dr. if he could hear me,he said yes! and our belief is from native american upbringing, so we believe that he saw me and heard me.
i sat with him quite some time. and talked to him and told him that i would miss him very much. Before he passed,weeks...before he said whenever he died he was never going to leave me and watch over us. and mike had also said that he would mess with the kids!
mike had a great humor. but yes, he come to visit me especially. his ashes are on my dresser and i talk to him everyday. when he visits, it is a warm feeling and i can smell him and what he used to wear for deodorant or perfume. I,can smell it! when i lay in my bed, at night i can hear things moving on the dresser and a few times fallen off on the floor. he'll come to me and i can feel a warm soft touch-barely but you can feel the hairs stand up on your skin. softly touch me all the way up my leg! and pull up on my hairs on my head, a light touch.i have felt him kiss me on my face too. one time my hair,a strand, stood up and my son turned snow white! he'll come to me in my dreams a lot and even if i ask him too. i have a feeling that he does come sit at my bedside and watch me sleep, like he used to do when he was alive. my precious husband is and will always be alive in my heart forever. i still grieve for him, i cry myself to sleep at night sometimes.it is very hard for me, and i am sure for my kids too. it was not his time to go! he was wrongfully passed.mike was only 38yr.old. he was my soul mate the love of my life. sometimes we have even seen a form of him in our home. and signs that lets us know that he "is" there! his t.v. he had,makes noises and it is broken! i miss him very much we had only been married two yr.we met on valetines day 2001 . married 10-25-03,and he passed;4-20-06.    GOD KNOWS HOW MUCH I MISS HIM.
8/13/2008 11:04:48 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Rohnert Park, CA
age: 43
I wish he would
8/14/2008 11:17:15 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Kansas City, MO
age: 57
My husband died almost 11 years ago....We have two grown sons and now have 8 grandkids...The youngest son and I are always smelling hints of the cologne that he wore...and by now it should all be gone from anything he touched..not to mention I've replaced carpet...furniture and drapes over the years.
The most INTERESTING is that my SIX year old grandson who wasn't even born when he was alive...is constantly telling us that his 'papa' talks to him all the time...tells us things that he says to him...and he knows things that we've never shared with him.
I made a picture album up after his death with all the pictures I could find of him so that they'd be all together for anyone who wanted to see them...put it in a cabinet in the livingroom...my grandson found it about two years ago (he was 4 at the time) and brought it into me...said..."This is my papa...the one who talks to me all the time...he told me that he isn't 'sick' anymore".
Who am I to doubt????
[Edited 8/14/2008 11:19:01 AM]
8/24/2008 2:23:46 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Wilburton, OK
age: 52
My husband and I married in April 2005, he passed away in December 2005, My blood pressure got very high, my son from a previous marriage took me to ER and the Dr. there gave me a med to bring my blood pressure down, on the way home, it started working to fast, I got very sleepy, I would wake up but fall asleep again, I fell into a sleep but felt that I was falling deeper than sleep, I thought to myself, "is this how he felt when he died", it was so peaceful, I felt like a feather floating on a soft breeze, then I found myself walking toward a large smokey cloud, behind it stood my husband with hands palms towards me,mouth not moving and I heard him say." Stop, don't come here, go back to your kids", when I thought that thought, I was back in my own body, awoke and took a fresh deep breath of air, just like it was a newborn's frist breath..I still miss him, he has visited in my dreams, touched my arm softly, I have woke with the cover pulled up on me, little things like that tells me that he is sill around me, at that time I had a 6 yr old daughter and 16 yr old son from previous marriages. I knew I had died but I was sent back to take care of my children....
8/26/2008 5:39:48 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Gastonia, NC
age: 37
My husband and I were married June 06 and he passed away February 2007 from a car accident. The night of the accident before I even knew he had passed away I felt like someone was standing beside me for around 10 minutes or hugging me. During the first six months after his death, I have a lamp that turns on by touching it - the lamp was constantly coming on and going off especially if I was upset. I have felt him cuddle me several nights and thought I was dreaming but after hearing everyone's stories I believe that was him. I think he is checking in on me to make sure I am OK.
8/27/2008 9:37:57 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
the shitty thing is....our wedding anniversary is the day before my birthday......
8/28/2008 2:26:11 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Mount Carmel, TN
age: 57
harebear...so sorry for your loss...my husband passed on 10/06 suddenly. he would visit me in dreams, always pleasant ones, I know it was the Holy Spirit comforting me because I always carried the dream in my thoughts throughout the following days. They are less frequent now and I miss them. Lately, I have put things away and when I go to get them they are GONE... I found an old bottle of his cologne, and of course had to open and smell it. It was called "That Man" I loved it! We were married 25 years and he was a super husband, and step father to my daughter who was 3 when we married. He always thought of her as his own . Her biological father did not want children and even though Larry tried to get him to be a part of her life, he did'nt have trhe time or want to be a dad. We never had any children of our own. After my daughter married and along came two grandsons, Larry worshiped them, the oldest who is 12 now stayed with us a lot and he was like a dad to him, he is still having issues with the fact he is gone.If I throw out an old pill bottle with his name on it, he finds it in trash, he will get it out and keep it. Larry always was reading books to him too, like the audubon books, on animals, nature the ocean etc. now Jeremy sits and looks at them alone, I try to join in, but he rejects me, I figure that time was his and papaws time and no one will take his place. Oh well, I have rattled on enough, this is a great site and I appreciate all the friends I have met here. God Bless each of you and talk to you soon! FMTTM (flymetothemoon)
8/28/2008 9:42:25 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Kansas City, MO
age: 57
Xlibra....I'm so sorry ...having a loss like that so close to a special day makes it even more difficult 
I still say that my Larry somehow 'waited' until the Holidays had passed...because he knew just how special they were for me and he didn't want to ruin them. He died on January 31st 1998...What's even more wierd is that my MOM died...January 30, 1983..my DAD on January 30, 1999...and my brother-in-law on January 29, 2000 !!!
8/31/2008 9:21:33 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Silver Spring, MD
age: 45
Yes my husband has visited me many times during this pass year. I used to feel his presence and now I don't feel it any more. I do dream about him alot.
9/1/2008 8:44:44 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Atlanta, IL
age: 55
My husband passed away last July. I purchased a head stone soon after. I wanted a picture of the two of us on the headstone. Since he was in a wheelchair for the past ten years, it was very hard to find a picture with us on the same level. I looked through many photos. I was about to give up and tell them to forget the photo, and go ahead a place the headstone. Then I heard a loud noise in the dining room. A picture collage fell off the wall, and there on the floor was the picture I wanted, it had slipped out of the frame. There was no reason for the picture frame to fall off the wall, I think he was helping me.