6/7/2008 7:42:41 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Saint Helens, OR
age: 54
Yes, the first time I thought someone was creeping around on the deck.
Our dogs even acted funny. It has happened several times. Now, it's a comfort to know he is watching over me....
6/17/2008 12:55:47 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Gresham, OR
age: 48
He's still with me, even after four and a half years, and two boyfriends one serious, one not. i used to catch him out of the corner of my eye all the time, dismissing it as my imagation. I believe he'll always be with me. Love never dies it just lives on in a higher plain than we do.He's helped me through some very rough times. I love and miss him so much, but find comfort knowing he's still with me.
[Edited 6/17/2008 1:04:08 AM]
6/17/2008 7:32:39 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Plattsburgh, NY
age: 52
No, although I wished he had.
6/17/2008 8:11:21 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Mount Vernon, MO
age: 61
I wish, I know I am just missing it but I wish he did. It would bring me such delight.
7/1/2008 10:18:33 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Murrieta, CA
age: 54
Yes, several times when I've been awake and sleeping. Touch, feel, glimpses, and "signs" that he's here. Too numerous to write. Others have noticed it too. Anyone who knew us as a couple knew that he'd never leave me although his visits are becoming less frequent. It's been slightly over 2-years and I think he's knows that my heart is aching and is trying to help me move on but it's been me holding myself back.

7/1/2008 11:17:10 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Petersburg, IN
age: 49
I cant say for sure but I think she shoved a stack of video tapes off at a woman I was seeing...must have known it wasnt going to work.
7/1/2008 3:48:50 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Murrieta, CA
age: 54
I cant say for sure but I think she shoved a stack of video tapes off at a woman I was seeing...must have known it wasnt going to work.
That's pretty good! Sounds like something I would have done.

7/5/2008 12:09:49 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Kernersville, NC
age: 68 online now!
Sometimes I feel his presence with me. Ray was not a controlling person and never told me what to do. I tend to be impulsive sometimes and jump into things without thinking them through and when I would start to do something like this he would ask me "Have you really thought about this? Are you sure this is what you want to do?" - now with all the decisions I have had to make about his estate, his belongings, etc., I can hear him asking me these questions. He is still looking out for me and it comforts me a lot.
7/5/2008 1:18:39 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

El Paso, TX
age: 51
Days after my husband died I would see a blur going past me. It happened frequently going to the front door. The days prior to his passing he tried several times to convince me to help him get up, that he had things to take care of. I know he was trying to let out little dogs outside. (They were beside him when he passed) The blur was really freaking me out, so I just told him to stop doing that, and he did. I know he didn't want to leave me, but he really needed to cross over. I'm glad he was able to so he could help his mom make that journey 51 days later.
7/20/2008 12:59:43 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 55
A few days after the funeral I got a visit from my late husband. I can't explain how I knew he was there but I could tell that he was and my two year old son confirmed it by saying, "Daddy's here!" I think he wanted to let me know that he was okay. That was 19 years ago.
7/21/2008 12:13:45 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Newport, OR
age: 46
He was a great prankster and knew just how to make an impact. Just after he died there was a huge windstorm that picked up a framed canvas covering we had over a bunch of equipment and without touching anything set it back down perpendicular to where it had been. I figured he was still dictating where things were supposed to go (we had just moved into our new home when he died). The other shelter, which was covering things I had no use for, was ripped to shreds.
The first birthday I spent without him I went through my regular morning routine of turning the computer on and going downstairs to start the fire while it booted up. I heard the printer kick in and went back upstairs to investigate. It said it had something to print from the PC, so I pressed okay. It shot a paper through that came out with a heart printed on it. I fell on the floor laughing. It happened again on our next anniversary (the first anniversary was the date of his memorial, and that day a series of deer paraded through the yard with their fawns as we were getting ready for the service). Since then I've received hearts in some form on each birthday and anniversary, though no longer through the computer.
I also feel he's made sure to take care of me... when things get hard financially something always comes through unexpectedly, usually having to do with something he had or did. And the events that led to my new career, which allows me a much greater income than I'd been able to make before, fell into place so smoothly and synchronistically there had to be some divine intervention somewhere.
I miss his physical presence, and I'm glad for his memories and the little reminders of his love.
7/23/2008 12:16:00 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Vallejo, CA
age: 42
I don't believe she's appeared by image, but I know she's with me when I hear a Zepplin tune( her favorite) or a Lynyrd Skynyrd tune (mine) I can feel she's with me because we enjoyed concerts and music and the songs always fit the mood or the times we shared . sometimes I wonder if I'm trying to date to get over missing her, but in my heart I know I never will .
7/29/2008 1:33:59 AM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |

Mississauga, ON
age: 54
She died Christmas eve and I experienced nothing for several months. I was just waking up one morning - fresh sheets and I'd had a shower before bed the night before. All of a sudden I felt like somebody with baby powder on their hand had just covered my nose. VERY strong. VERY distinct. Sue often wore camasoles and always patted on a little baby powder to keep fresh/loose. Through tears I said, "Cool, so now you can blow baby powder up my nose." there was a feeling of almost shock in the room because I'm sure she'd been told that she CAN do stuff like that but stupid humans will likely ignore it or pass it off as the official explanation - "grief psychosis" (f**king nuts) sp she was really surprised when I not only reacted but knew right way it was her.
After that it happened frequently but not all the time. It is GREAT to KNOW that they are all there and it isn't the big black or worse when you pass.
Another quick one.
I woke up one morning and smelled something else. I couldn't ID it and thought it was SUe trying to tell me something. I spoke to her and got a very strong feeling of "NO, I'm NOT SUE" I got a very warm loving feeling and after a few more minutes I apologized for not knowing who they were. The feeling / smell ebbed and I got on with my day. Later I checked my emails and .... there was an email from a cousin in Australia telling me that my aunt had just died. The smell was eucalyptus. ACtually as soon as I saw the email .au I knew what it was.
The next morning I got a call from my sister. She did not have a computer at the time hence no email. She asked me right away if I had smelled eucalyptus at about 9AM the day before.
So I'm wondering WTF the shrinks call it when somebody ELSE shares in your olfactory hallucination? Silly people. Don't have a clue.
7/30/2008 6:05:30 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Talbott, TN
age: 62
On more than one occasion I smelled his aftershave, just a faint smell. then it was gone. I would step back to the place I smelled it and there was nothing.
My son-in-law and a friend were in the garage when his friend asked if he could start my husbands 1964 truck. I didn't want to seem rude and say no so my son-in-law started the truck and got out and was standing beside it when the garage door closed. We all looked at each other and nobody had the remote, it was in my car. Needless to say the truck was quickly shut off and left alone.
7/30/2008 7:26:42 PM |
Has your spouse visited you..... |
Dallas, PA
age: 47
My wife had been gone for nearly a year and her neice left a tickle me elmo doll on her grave stone. Each time I went to the grave I thought the doll was getting very beat up from weather but I left it there. I would check to see if it would still talk each visit. Last few times I visited the doll was silent. I planted some flowers around the stone one day and moved the elmo doll back to the location where it sat on the stone. When I set the doll down, the doll clearly stated, "I love you" and fell silent. No matter how I tried to get the doll to speak to me again, it never made another sound. I know the doll wasn't who had spoken.
For about a week or more after my wife died I would wake exactly at the time of her death at 2:30 AM. I spoke to a close friend about it and she said to me that sometimes if we need to accomplish something for our loved one after they pass, they keep coming back to check. After we spoke about that idea, I prayed that night and told my wife that what she wanted done would be done for my stepdaughter. I slept through the nights ever since.
They are around in some way and I never felt upset or scared, the doll thing made me cry good tears.
God bless you all.