8/12/2012 11:05:20 PM |
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San Leandro, CA
35, joined Mar. 2012
Checking in. Full time single dad of two little girls.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

8/12/2012 11:55:47 PM |
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Ellicott City, MD
41, joined Feb. 2012
Full time single dad here. I have 3 kids. Only time I don't have them is about a month in summer and winter break other than that I have them full time. Want a woman who can handle that and brings no drama
I agree with u, I have a 8yrs old girl and she is everything for me...I want to meet someone that understand what is been a parent...
8/12/2012 11:57:16 PM |
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Dayton, OH
35, joined Jul. 2012
the roles were reversed when my daughter was born. the mother is the one that walked away. stayed out drinking, won't pay child support, has no visitation rights. I think that if you have your kids or kid full time, no shared parenting would make you a single father. it is nice to know their are others out here.
8/13/2012 12:06:28 AM |
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Payette, ID
36, joined Jul. 2012
In my experience...us full custody dads are great conversation pieces. ladies compliment My dedication to my daughter. But when it comes down to it..ladies I've come in contact with are put off by the competition for my attention. Even single moms seem put off by my situation. I hoped they'd understand.
8/13/2012 1:32:45 AM |
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Republic, MO
36, joined Dec. 2010
Idk, I think when it comes to guys with daughters I am ultra sensitive with men who put too much emphasis on their relationship as a father to the point where it interfere's with normal adult relationships.
The one experience I had with a single dad who had a daughter really freaked me the fu*k out.
There were no physical or emotional bounderies in place.
To the point of HER acting more like a jealous gf than a daughter...
She was 12 yrs old and dude claimed he still had to "help her wash her hair".
He would also let her climb into bed with him in the middle of the night whenever she wanted.
I seriously contemplated reporting him but i never got his address and all I had was his prepaid cell phone number.
8/13/2012 2:11:49 AM |
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Payette, ID
36, joined Jul. 2012
Anna...I never got the feeling ive freaked anyone out. My daughter is 5, ive been the sole provider since she was three. her mother sees her about 5 hours a month. I came from a no mom or dad ordeal. I was raised by my grandparents. And I viewed to do my part in my daughters life. And then I was given the blessing/burden of doing it alone. True, my free time is very limited. But I do have some. And I'd try making more if there was a lady I wanted to pursue, or wanted me to pursue her. Lol its not my fault im a dad with a daughter to raise.
[Edited 8/13/2012 2:12:47 AM ]
8/13/2012 3:49:50 AM |
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Windham, ME
36, joined Aug. 2012
Single dad with 50/50 custody. Seems from the posts below that women aren't really interested in dads. Their loss I guess. Kids come first anyway.
8/13/2012 4:10:34 AM |
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Bakersfield, CA
45, joined Jul. 2012
From what I've seen, this is my OPINION.. as SOME of the men here and myself KNOW we are good men and responsible and loving, caring and all that, and we are Full time dads.
I constantly see the women saying this "Where are all the good men?" What they really mean is "Where are all the Hot supermodel looking men?" Because that's what I am gathering from this. They keep asking this question because they are clicking past the average looking guy that is very responsible and a full time dad just because he is Bald, or has a pot belly or he just isn't attractive.
But that's the answer to "Where are all the good men?"
We are right in your damn face. You have to sacrifice or "Settle" for one thing if you can't get both.
Can't have your cake and eat it too.
That's just my 2 cents. Take it as you will, if it offended any women I'm sorry but that's what I feel is the reason behind it and why the genuine "good guys" get passed by.
Or your too young, or live States away. Cant tell you how many AMAZING men i have met on here, but you all live too far. I cant move, and my youngest is 4. thats a long time for a long distance relationship
8/13/2012 5:51:19 AM |
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Lompoc, CA
45, joined Aug. 2012
Ehhh! These dating sites. ?? I question the reality of them. Here goes nothin. ... I am a single father of two children. I was previously divorced for abt 7 yrs prior to my children's mother, my ex wife passed away. This hapned abt two yrs ago. We are all devistated over the loss of such a. Beautiful person. I'd trade places with her In a second if I cud. She was a great mother. I'm such a loser for a dad. I can't wash clothed, do dishes or cook dinner right for the kids and I. It has been a challenge that's for sure. I love them dearly and keep warm and close to them.
8/13/2012 12:27:30 PM |
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Republic, MO
36, joined Dec. 2010
Anna...I never got the feeling ive freaked anyone out. My daughter is 5, ive been the sole provider since she was three. her mother sees her about 5 hours a month. I came from a no mom or dad ordeal. I was raised by my grandparents. And I viewed to do my part in my daughters life. And then I was given the blessing/burden of doing it alone. True, my free time is very limited. But I do have some. And I'd try making more if there was a lady I wanted to pursue, or wanted me to pursue her. Lol its not my fault im a dad with a daughter to raise.
Thats a little different... Your daughter is 5 yrs old.
Shes still at that poijnt where she needs most of your attention and thats understandable.
But when I hear parents talking about devoting ALL their time to their kids who are a little older it makes me pause and ask why.
My son is 8 yrs old. Smart, creative, and everyday that I see him become more self reliant, I become more proud.
I just stop and wonder why parents get so wrapped up in being parents that the forget their ultimate goal is to create a fully functioning adult.
People say "My kid comes first"
Okay... Thats all well and good but when your child hits 18 and is gone for the rest of your life.
Will you still be putting them first?
The way I was taught it was God, spouse and THEN children.
Somehow people get all twisted in their thinking and expect others to follow along.
Yes I want someone who will be good to my son.
But when making that final decision I want someone I can spend the rest of my life with after the kids are gone.
And that means you gotta qualify for a whole helluvalot more than just getting along with my kid.
8/13/2012 12:39:16 PM |
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Milan, IL
38, joined Aug. 2012
Women can come and go and I would never put them before my kids. Until they are out of my house my kids will always come first and thats just how it will be.
8/13/2012 12:41:54 PM |
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Fayetteville, PA
50, joined Jan. 2012
I'm an awesome single dad and would really like to meet a great single mom. Dated a couple other women that never had kids and they don't seem to understand how important my kids are to me. I think I need a Florence Henderson.
8/13/2012 1:04:15 PM |
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Oceanside, CA
30, joined Aug. 2012
Hey I'm a single father. My son is a year old. I have him every other day and i work and go to school. Just trying to make a better life for us.
8/13/2012 1:06:57 PM |
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Cicero, IL
40, joined Aug. 2012
Hi all I'm 35 and a single father of a 5 year old boy. Just getting myself back out there after 12 years of being with the same person. Just got the big d done and over with
8/13/2012 3:11:30 PM |
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Boston, MA
51, joined Aug. 2012
I'm all set with those women who have a double standard with single fathers. I've seen some crazy profiles and some good ones.But the silence is deafening when it comes to a date.
8/13/2012 8:50:53 PM |
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Trenton, OH
31, joined Aug. 2012
I am a single dad of four. two girls, two boys. just recently got divorced i got custody of all my kids. she gets them every other weekend (sometimes) just hoping there is a woman out there for me. If not that is fine to. my babies r what matter the most.
8/13/2012 8:52:46 PM |
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Brooklyn, NY
29, joined Aug. 2012
Single dad joint custody 
8/13/2012 10:38:28 PM |
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Ewa Beach, HI
30, joined Jul. 2012
Another single dad with split custody in the great state of hi. My boy is a little over 2
8/13/2012 10:56:41 PM |
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Bakersfield, CA
45, joined Feb. 2011
I am a fulltime daddy i have my two kids all the time. And i would not have it in any other way
8/14/2012 1:00:28 AM |
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Reading, PA
46, joined Jul. 2008
Hello I'm a full time single father to my 16 year old daughter it hard lol things a mother should teach her daughter i can't but I try. My daughter dose very well in school strait A's in school and she works earning her own money and her own bank account yes savings and checking. Teaching her about being level headed and she get it but most of all she has her eyes on the prize her. And I teach her about putting god first in her life and he will open all the doors for her . It's about balance and trust. When you turely love your child or children you can get the best out of them
8/14/2012 6:20:09 AM |
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Southgate, MI
35, joined Feb. 2012
Im glad my topic is foing far But im a single dad myself and i have 50/50. I do alot with my kids,and pay my support. I honestly wish i could have them all the time. To bring back some stuff that was said it is hard for a single dad to meet a women because a lot of women want to have there own kids and own family....
8/14/2012 7:35:44 AM |
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Canton, MI
44, joined Jun. 2012
I'm attracted to a man who has their children in their lives period. Rather it's every other weekend, every other month or everyday. When he puts his children first , it tells a lot about him as a person. I know not all situations allow men to see their kids when they want so IM understanding of that.
8/14/2012 11:53:52 AM |
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Ypsilanti, MI
25, joined Aug. 2012
I'm a single dad with 1 year old. Work 48 hours a week own car own house 3rd year of college going into nursing get at me I'm 21.
8/14/2012 1:23:17 PM |
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Republic, MO
36, joined Dec. 2010
Heaven forbid your kid ever gets verbally or physically violent with your supposed significant other...
If you're sure you will always choose your kid over your partner/spouse, then im not sure why you guys are lookin for relationships in the first place.
Seems like you're fighting a losing battle.
Like it or not there comes a time when you have to teach your kid how to stand up for themselves and what they want.
But just how can you do that when you prostrate yourself as their personal slave put on earth to serve only them?
Seems to me you guys are either HUGE liars when it comes to putting yourself last or you are seriously delusional as to the effects that will have on your kids in the long run.
[Edited 8/14/2012 1:24:19 PM ]
8/14/2012 2:29:16 PM |
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Milan, IL
38, joined Aug. 2012
Putting kids first has nothing at all to do with the garbage u are speaking. Thats what most of it is complete garbage. There is a difference in putting kids first and teaching them right from wrong. Its not rocket science to figure that out. Kids do something wrong they know and they will be taught whats right. I would rather be single than with someone who takes and thinks they should be put before my kids. Thats why they are called kids not adults. If there is a parent that puts themselves before their kids then i feel bad for the kids.
8/14/2012 6:42:42 PM |
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Republic, MO
36, joined Dec. 2010
Again... Im wondering wth you even try looking for someone.
The reality of the process is
Meet a woman, fall in love, get married, have kids.
The unspoken rule being that your wife came first and therefore always will.
Now obviously speaking, you have fu*ked up your process or else you wouldnt be single.
And im thinking you are seriously delusional if you think you are going to get a woman to willingly accept that fu*ked up process and then agree to NEVER come first in your life.
Might as well get comfortable being single...
[Edited 8/14/2012 6:43:41 PM ]
8/14/2012 6:58:20 PM |
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Milan, IL
38, joined Aug. 2012
Yet you sit here and berate half the people who post. I would rather be single than have a woman think she would come before my kids. Maybe u should do a check in the mirror. Half of what u say comes out of someones rear.
8/14/2012 7:29:43 PM |
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Lima, OH
31, joined Jul. 2012
I completely agree...no man will ever come before my daughter. What is good for her is the most important thing. Her being around a bunch of different guys just because it's more convenient for me is not good for her. Sorry, but if a guy can't accept that my kid comes first then they aren't the kind of person I want to be dating anyway.
8/14/2012 8:42:57 PM |
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Loxley, AL
43, joined Mar. 2012
Same here"
......... ..............
8/14/2012 8:49:05 PM |
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Payette, ID
36, joined Jul. 2012
I agree. A child should come first. At least until they are adults themselves and no longer rely on your support. I admire all selfless parents who put their desires on thr back burner. my mother and father were too busy putting me somewhere around 16th most important. I would rather be proud I succeeded in parenting than proud I got a date. However, it would be great to do both. Its just so hard, and frankly kind of scary.
8/14/2012 9:38:41 PM |
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Republic, MO
36, joined Dec. 2010
I agree kids are VERY important.
But I also believe that people are inherently selfish animals.
And in expecting someone to be selfless when it comes to you and you arent willing to give that much in return, you wont ever stand a chance at finding a love that lasts a lifetime.
Im not looking for love right now.
And since there isnt anyone who can return any logical introspective, I guess these posts are more like an ongoing conversation in my own head.
Hey colts, I get that you personally feel attacked by my posts.
But my lack of response to your trying to bait me is because honestly, you have very little bearing on my thought process.
I see what has come from you as nothing more than the wounded howlings of a hurt animal.
And I take that only to mean that what I have posted must have hit very close to home for you to be trying so desperately hard to insult me.
(P.S. Ask around, I dont insult easy. Nor do I back off quickly. In the end, your attempts make me laugh more than anything else.)
8/15/2012 8:06:47 AM |
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Lima, OH
31, joined Jul. 2012
Anna...no offense but you're ignorant. All colts is saying is that what's good for his kids will always be most important. The person you date comes after that. Obviously you don't have kids, because you don't understand. If you do have kids, I feel sorry for them. Dating is so much easier if you're selfish and do what you want to do when you want to do it, but it ends up hurting the kids in the long run. No man will ever tell me to take time away from my daughter or give me an ultimatum like it's me or the kid. You need to grow up and realize life isn't all about you.
8/15/2012 9:35:06 AM |
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Boston, MA
51, joined Aug. 2012
I can't believe what I just read. A single mom posted a request for a man with no kids on the single father's forum. I understand it's a free world, but we exist and through no fault of her own my daughter has me to raise her. Regardless of what happens on this site my daughter is first. 
8/15/2012 10:56:00 AM |
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Republic, MO
36, joined Dec. 2010
Anna...no offense but you're ignorant. All colts is saying is that what's good for his kids will always be most important. The person you date comes after that. Obviously you don't have kids, because you don't understand. If you do have kids, I feel sorry for them. Dating is so much easier if you're selfish and do what you want to do when you want to do it, but it ends up hurting the kids in the long run. No man will ever tell me to take time away from my daughter or give me an ultimatum like it's me or the kid. You need to grow up and realize life isn't all about you.
Umm... Yeah. Where did I say ANYTHING about dating????
Seems to me like you need to do a little more reading before you close your mind to what I have said.
You little one, are the one who needs to grow up.
I am not interested in dating atm.
I AM looking for logical introspective feedback which seriously seems to be lacking in this forum.
What? You guys check your brains and ability to debate at the door just cause you have kids?
I guess I AM over reaching in expecting ANYONE in this forum for whiny b*tches, who like to blame their perpetual single status on the fact they have kids, to actually have anything interesting to say in response.
I am simply trying to debate common conceptions about being a parent and finding a love that lasts a lifetime.
As far as I know, the way yall are going about it hasnt worked for anyone... Ever.
If someone managed to come up with a logical reason for believing the way they do I would be open to hearing it and might even change my stance on the subject.
But unfortunately I just keep see the same BS reasons and excuses bouncing back and forth between people looking to validate their own reason for being single.
But in the long run that isnt going to get you anywhere.
A mind could shrivel up and die in here, without anyone even noticing!
Where oh where is my Shakespeare, Plato, Socrates!
8/15/2012 11:12:12 AM |
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Lima, OH
31, joined Jul. 2012
You really are a moron Anna. I'm not blaming my being single on being a parent. I have a very busy schedule and I'll admit that. Maybe it's you who needs to do the reading. Most people on here have not said that their kids are the reason they are single, just that their kids come first. It's a lot harder to date when you aren't selfish, but that doesn't mean that I'm blaming my daughter for being single.
8/15/2012 12:52:47 PM |
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Rogersville, MO
39, joined Jun. 2012
Single father if two bubbling kiddos and yes FULL time but hey it is what gives me drive determination and ultimately success 
8/15/2012 4:24:34 PM |
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Coldwater, OH
38, joined Jul. 2012
I have 2, 12 out of 14 days, and 1 every other weekend because of distance

8/15/2012 4:37:04 PM |
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Republic, MO
36, joined Dec. 2010
You really are a moron Anna. I'm not blaming my being single on being a parent. I have a very busy schedule and I'll admit that. Maybe it's you who needs to do the reading. Most people on here have not said that their kids are the reason they are single, just that their kids come first. It's a lot harder to date when you aren't selfish, but that doesn't mean that I'm blaming my daughter for being single.
As of this post I am no longer interested in responding to you. In fact if I had known you had some sort of learning disability I wouldnt have responded in the first place.
I truly believe there is someone out there for everyone.
Keep the faith!
Good luck in all your future endeavors.
8/15/2012 4:48:01 PM |
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Lake Hopatcong, NJ
38, joined Jul. 2012
im a single dad and i dont think it stops women from approaching me at all
8/15/2012 6:12:36 PM |
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Montgomery, IL
24, joined Aug. 2012
I tend to like guys who have kids better because they understand what im going through with my daughter definately talk to me guys 
8/15/2012 10:01:37 PM |
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Rosemount, MN
42, joined Jun. 2011
I'm single. Being a dad is the greatest thing I've ever done.
If I don't find a great match to enjoy this great life with, I'll still be very, very happy. I'll miss out on a few things, but I'm good with all that I have and what I work towards. 
8/16/2012 1:27:10 AM |
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Middleburg, FL
36, joined Aug. 2012
hello im a FULL time father is there any ladies want to talk let me know im bord
8/16/2012 12:05:20 PM |
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Jacksonville, FL
33, joined Aug. 2012
hey you should message me when you get on. I'm new to this and to jacksonville. if interested, message me
8/16/2012 12:06:12 PM |
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Jacksonville, FL
33, joined Aug. 2012

8/16/2012 1:17:04 PM |
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Poulsbo, WA
35, joined Jan. 2011
Im a single dad with 2 girls ages 6 and 7, looking for a lady who doesnt mind kids and lives in kitsap county perferably. Im handsome, have a good job. A great daddy, have a house and the whole 9 yards. Anyone interested? 
8/16/2012 2:22:08 PM |
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Charlotte, NC
41, joined Aug. 2012
Full time dad!
8/16/2012 3:17:38 PM |
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Saint Augustine, FL
41, joined Jul. 2011
Single weekend dad of a beautiful 14 year old angel. I'm not ashamed to be a weekend dad.
I'm glad to have that, when I first got divorced my x took off across the country and I didnt get to see my girl for 3 years. My x is an awesome mother, we just didn't get along and she did that to spite me. I could of pushed for custody, but im about keeping the drama to a minimum, and to drag my daughter through an across country custody dispute was not something i wanted to put her through. Now that my x has grown up some, she moved back and I get to see my daughter.
Just because I only get my daughter on the weekends, doesn't make me any less of a man, and damn sure doesn't mean I love her any less.
Every custody situation is different. Take each with a grain of salt.
8/16/2012 4:18:25 PM |
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Jacksonville, FL
35, joined Aug. 2011
Just checking in, single full time dad here with 2 beautiful children 8yr boy 11yr girl. Wouldn't change it for anything! Very cool post for us. 
8/16/2012 8:59:17 PM |
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New Bedford, MA
53, joined Nov. 2011
24/7, full time dad
of a 16 year old daughter
8/16/2012 9:29:19 PM |
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Republic, MO
36, joined Dec. 2010
Single weekend dad of a beautiful 14 year old angel. I'm not ashamed to be a weekend dad.
I'm glad to have that, when I first got divorced my x took off across the country and I didnt get to see my girl for 3 years. My x is an awesome mother, we just didn't get along and she did that to spite me. I could of pushed for custody, but im about keeping the drama to a minimum, and to drag my daughter through an across country custody dispute was not something i wanted to put her through. Now that my x has grown up some, she moved back and I get to see my daughter.
Just because I only get my daughter on the weekends, doesn't make me any less of a man, and damn sure doesn't mean I love her any less.
Every custody situation is different. Take each with a grain of salt.
No but it sure as hell means you dont have NEAR the same responsabilities!
I mean cmon! You JUST admitted you went 3 years without so much as even TRYING to see your daughter.
Forget that bs about being anti drama, sounds like you didnt care enough to make the effort.
8/17/2012 5:05:13 AM |
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Saint Augustine, FL
41, joined Jul. 2011
No but it sure as hell means you dont have NEAR the same responsabilities!
I mean cmon! You JUST admitted you went 3 years without so much as even TRYING to see your daughter.
Forget that bs about being anti drama, sounds like you didnt care enough to make the effort.
I do have the same responsibilities, just for 60 hours, my x gets the other 108. That doesn't mean I love her any less. Why are you constantly putting down every man that doesn't have 100% custody of there child? Do you have some inner personal issues you need to deal with? Your father never see you? You have kids with deadbeat fathers? I'm not honestly going to give you the time of day to look at your profile to see. My x wife took my daughter. I couldn't do anything about it. Well I could, but really, within 3 years she bounced from Oregon, to Texas, to arkansas. I looked into it, there was no where in the divorce that said she couldn't leave Florida. I always was told she would be back In 6 months. Always running to her mother whenever she had a problem, never wanting to work anything out. She did it to punish me because of her own deep seeded issues with her father. Well her mother screwed her over in the end and she realized I was really the only one she could trust and moved back to florida, close enough where i could see my daughter on a regular basis. Ive gotten into enough details, but like I said EVERY custody dispute is different. I care for my daughter, see her when I can, pay over the amount I'm supposed to in child support, I'm there for my child, I support her, give her guidance, tell her I'm proud of her, wipe her tears, she's daddy's little girl. Don't come on here and judge me. You have no idea what I do to make sure my x-wife's new little "family" always has a safety net. I'm not apologizing for my daughter not living with her mother and myself both 100% of the time, that's just not possible.
8/17/2012 8:29:25 AM |
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Republic, MO
36, joined Dec. 2010
Its laughable that you chalk it up to "daddy issues" or that you rationlize to yourself that you have NEAR the same responsabilities as a full time parent.
You get your kid on the weekends. You dont have to deal with yelling at her to clean her room, or trying to get her to eat her dinner.
I have guy friends that only have their kids on the weekends but I dont see them EVER giving some bs excuse for not seeing their kid on a regular basis, let alone for THREE years!
"Oh I could have tried to see her but I didnt. I knew she was a flake and would come crawling back eventually"
Meanwhile you got to live your life kidfree for 3 years. No REAL parent ever has that option.
No one could ever take my kid away from me for that long without me planning a murder. And I know several fathers who feel the same way.
You're an embaressment to REAL dads everywhere.
8/17/2012 8:55:03 AM |
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Loxley, AL
43, joined Mar. 2012
Stop b*tching" 
8/17/2012 9:51:08 AM |
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Newark, OH
27, joined Aug. 2012
well im a new single dad myself have my kids most of the time in the last 6-7 weeks there mother had them for 2 days so i consider myself a full time dad i have a beautiful daughter shilo and a ladies killer son zadian i named both of my kids (f,m,l) i am a father before anything else and work on top of it at 22 i don't have much time for a social life but i never give up on love if a woman cant accept my kids obviously she cant accept me i want a woman with a beautiful mind i love a good conversation no matter how deep or controversial i look at personality before looks but dosent mean i don't have my standards everyone dose
8/17/2012 12:45:00 PM |
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Saint Augustine, FL
41, joined Jul. 2011
Anna, you still take every post and twist every negative out of it. I really feel sorry for you and your kids for the negative outlook you have on the world. I am done debating my worth as a father to you. The people around me know I'm a good father. You see the world in black and white, not the 1000s of shades of grey it actually is. You should do us a favor and actually look at yourself before you start being judge jury and executioner. Judge not lest ye be judged yourself. I for one, and I'm sure most on this thread are done with your negativity, this is supposed to be a positive thread, let's keep it that way.
8/17/2012 5:09:03 PM |
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Henderson, KY
41, joined May. 2012
I used to be a deadbeat--but after Aug. 20, 2007 I have been in my two teen daughter's lives. They even moved from Michigan with their mom to stay with me. I am a full time around the clock dad. No space for relief and I love every waking minute. God gave me the opportunity to raise them in their stages before becoming a women. I am grateful to be in their lives responsibly. 24/7---Commend all the father's keep it up. I come with a package it;s three of us ladies no negotiation all or none.
8/17/2012 5:56:41 PM |
New single dads check in here 4 ladies | Page 3 |

Coolidge, AZ
32, joined Apr. 2012
Newly single dad in AZ looking for someone that doesn't mind I have dull custody of my 2year old son the fact that I have him has already made someone on this site change their profile to tell people "not to contact if you have kids" 
8/17/2012 6:30:54 PM |
New single dads check in here 4 ladies | Page 3 |

Kunkletown, PA
55, joined Feb. 2012
I know how u feel im in the same boat im a full time dad with no time for myself i havent had a break in 6 months
8/18/2012 3:32:30 PM |
New single dads check in here 4 ladies | Page 3 |
Cleveland, OH
30, joined Jul. 2012
Everyone just needs to ignore her! Some are just bored and on he to stir up drama on social media. Its called date hook up. If u ain't trying to date or hook up... then I don't understand why some ppl r in these forums... boredom.
8/18/2012 3:34:35 PM |
New single dads check in here 4 ladies | Page 3 |
Cleveland, OH
30, joined Jul. 2012
As long as ur emotionally n financially supporting ur child/children, ur a good dad. Why let some stranger define something they know nothing of