5/23/2008 1:43:02 PM |
American;s thought about us |

Clairmont, AB
59, joined Feb. 2008
just read a thread from a u.s. er saying canada is a joke &good for nothing & wondering how many other;s feel same way & if they know they get majority of gas {heat & fuel from canada } proud to be canadian know it should not bother me but sometimes it   not trying to cause trouble
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5/23/2008 2:37:26 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Fort Frances, ON
50, joined Apr. 2008
What thread, and where? I'll take care of 'em!
5/23/2008 2:49:02 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
wat a jerk... sum ppl are just a**holes but i don't want this turning into an thread war i know at least 1 american who is really great Ya matt thats u... lol
[Edited 5/23/2008 2:52:47 PM ]
5/23/2008 2:53:56 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Fort Frances, ON
50, joined Apr. 2008
I can't seem to find the thread. Boy, someone's gonna get an earfull if I do.
5/23/2008 3:16:19 PM |
American;s thought about us |

Clairmont, AB
59, joined Feb. 2008
i looked for it ut could not find it it was on the login page at bottom his handle was south or something like that because i was going to give him a piece of my mind i have us nieghbours &ia;m almost positive that they do not yhink that way but this guy just made my blood boil
[Edited 5/23/2008 3:18:38 PM ]
5/23/2008 3:23:27 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Fort Frances, ON
50, joined Apr. 2008
Made mine boil as well, I live on a boarder town, Fort frances is a boarder town with International falls, Minn. I do not hate americans in general, just the ones that bash Canada, and us canadians.
5/25/2008 12:35:20 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Woodstock, ON
69, joined Apr. 2008
If it wasn't for us "Canadians" the "Americans" would all be speaking "German" they have never won a War in there History....OH..yes they did....the Civil War...they couldn't lose!!!
5/25/2008 12:50:30 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
ROFLMAO really? don't tell them that... wat do u mean? i thought that the americans entered WWII and turned the tides... maybe i didn't pay enough attention in history.
5/25/2008 12:52:37 PM |
American;s thought about us |

Sterling, CO
72, joined Apr. 2008
My dear, dear northern neighbors...............we share the same piece of land: America.........in my travels, I have met and worked with a lot of Canadians.......you all, are just like me..............we speak the same, for the most part, unless you speak French, accents are the same, we eat the same foods, and share a lot of the same history...............trust me...........we love our northern neighbors.............we have a peaceful border, always have had, and I think, we always will have a peaceful co-existence. Take care and don't bash us too badly...........
[Edited 5/25/2008 12:53:29 PM ]
5/25/2008 1:02:27 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Woodstock, ON
69, joined Apr. 2008
Sorry jwp..just venting, we also have our share of, bad apples, a few make it bad for the majority. No disrespect intended, I would want no other people to be our neighbors, our border has, and always will be open to our friends. 
5/25/2008 1:12:58 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
My dear, dear northern neighbors...............we share the same piece of land: America.........in my travels, I have met and worked with a lot of Canadians.......you all, are just like me..............we speak the same, for the most part, unless you speak French, accents are the same, we eat the same foods, and share a lot of the same history...............trust me...........we love our northern neighbors.............we have a peaceful border, always have had, and I think, we always will have a peaceful co-existence. Take care and don't bash us too badly........... 
no ones bashing but we have separate identities and separate histories. no one is better than the other but im very proud that canada won its freedom without bloodshed that alone may not seem significant but everything holds some significance JMO
[Edited 5/25/2008 1:22:41 PM ]
5/25/2008 2:57:56 PM |
American;s thought about us |

Urbana, OH
76, joined Dec. 2007
Ters, Where did you get that info? Russia and Germany was bombing the crap out of Europe, then we stepped in. Tell what you just wrote to the 60's where you have a Thread about Canada.
To Canada, We are proud to have you as our neighbors. We have got along so well, don't let a few try to spoil it. Let me know if you find that Thread. Thanks
5/25/2008 3:39:28 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
i think we should all be proud of our heritage but we should also remember who payed the price for that heritage no?
5/25/2008 4:28:44 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Woodstock, ON
69, joined Apr. 2008
teddy..I apologize, spoke out of turn, the real story of Vimy Ridge, still upsets me !
I support all the troops from the United Nations, especially, United States and I tip my hat to your, Memorial Day ! Peace. ters
5/25/2008 5:14:54 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
i thought thats wat u were getting at. its good to remember our past but if we focus on only that then how will we build a foundation for future generations?
5/25/2008 5:48:34 PM |
American;s thought about us |

Sterling, CO
72, joined Apr. 2008
Teddy Ters Pedro................Oh Teddy, from what I have seen Ters write in the threads, he does support the military people of all of North America..............I think sometimes that tongue-in-cheek conversation is misconstrued.
History is a great teacher if people would listen to the mistakes and the triumphs shared between the pages of time.
We taught our children, to question and then to act, in a sensible matter regarding peace in this world. Unfortunately, at the moment, most of you are too young to take the reins of government. Once you are there, then the answer is simple: just keep the peace.
This applies to dealing with those who are the "bad apples" anywhere in this world. Best to just recognize them for what they are and ignore them. If the majority does this, then peace will resume.

........as for building foundations..........the entire world needs to get off the oil addiction, then maybe we don't have to invade other countries to cover the dependance.
Cheers to my Canadian neighbors and hope you all enjoyed your Victoria Day holiday. 
[Edited 5/25/2008 6:05:47 PM ]
5/26/2008 7:55:30 AM |
American;s thought about us |
Petrolia, ON
73, joined Jan. 2008
I'm with you on this one, Jwp. I have been all over the US and always was treated kindly--in fact better than kindly by everyone I met. However, I have heard derogatory remarks made, usually by younger US citizens. But, for sure I have heard many Canadians sound off about their feelings for our more powerful neighbours. The majority of both our citizens realize how important our peaceful and friendly border is. Many of us have relatives on both sides of that border and I personally also have many friends that are American. I guess like neighbours everywhere we find things we like about each other and still there are things on which we don't think alike.
5/26/2008 8:15:13 AM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
moreover we still have those primal fight or flight urges that cloud our judgement. This certainly makes peace a difficult thing to achieve. That said, however, it is also very human to try and rise above such animosity, to become more than we are or ever thought we could be. The world can become paradise or hell on earth and we will be the heralds of such fate. So much power for change i hope it will be for the good
I certainly intend to work for peace
[Edited 5/26/2008 8:16:31 AM ]
5/26/2008 9:33:00 AM |
American;s thought about us |
Petrolia, ON
73, joined Jan. 2008
Pedro, it's good to hear from someone so young. Your generation is going to be our next heads of state. Sometimes, old-timers like myself, have trouble seeing how high our youth aim, and how patriotic they are. Thanks for re-newing my faith and hope for the future.
5/27/2008 10:57:43 AM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
thankyou for ur kind words there aren't many of us out there but we'll do our best not to crack under the pressure lol me personally i plan to become a teacher
5/27/2008 8:33:39 PM |
American;s thought about us |

Urbana, OH
76, joined Dec. 2007
ters, all is ok
5/27/2008 8:42:41 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
between CA & the US maybe... but the world is sure in rough shape...
5/28/2008 7:34:59 AM |
American;s thought about us |

Sterling, CO
72, joined Apr. 2008
Teddy, you are a fine lady............. 
Shn Pedro
[Edited 5/28/2008 7:36:30 AM ]
5/28/2008 7:16:13 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Woodstock, ON
69, joined Apr. 2008
Well, I here Colorado, is a great place to vacation, would be a nice change, but I would need to own a gas station these days.
5/28/2008 9:33:20 PM |
American;s thought about us |

Sterling, CO
72, joined Apr. 2008
Everyone.............Ters, gas is cheaper here than in Canada...........
5/28/2008 9:39:44 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Petrolia, ON
73, joined Jan. 2008
I wouldn't what to discourage "anyone" from visiting Colorado (it's well worth the trip) but, Jwp, the price of gas in the US is not much cheaper than here in Canada.
5/29/2008 12:03:53 AM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Feb. 2008
nope, all us westerners are pretty much in the same boat...
7/13/2008 5:07:26 PM |
American;s thought about us |
Oshawa, ON
72, joined Feb. 2008
If you are not blowing thier horn then don't matter to them. They don't know to much about us , land our ways or language , look at so of the programs when they are asked about Canada, . When I went to school I learned about the states and remeber a fair amount still, they are south of us. , and the states and the capital in Washington, ask them the same question
8/10/2008 9:53:12 PM |
American;s thought about us |

Leeds, MA
58, joined Jul. 2008
Please don't take what those ignorant people say seriously. We are ALL not like them.
They are a disgrace to our country, I LOVE the Canadian culture,
I only wish I could have been lucky enough to have been born and raised in Ontario.
My last female partner was from Perth, and she the best girlfriend a guy could ask for, her family and Canadian friends were the best, and I think she is the best woman I have ever been with. Canadians are the BEST ! And if any of you ever come to the USA, get any grief, or hear any grief from any Americans PLEASE do not pay any attention to them. It is pretty obvious those people are so ignorant they have no idea what Timn Horton's is, what Harvey's is, what a Canadian Tattoo is, don't know what the Beer Store is, don' t know what a two four is, no idea who Red Green is, and probably can not skate or curl.

8/19/2008 9:09:36 AM |
American;s thought about us |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
u seem well informed, if only all canadians and americans could find this middle ground we'd all be better off.
9/12/2008 12:50:42 AM |
American;s thought about us |
Hamilton, ON
42, joined Apr. 2008
I'm with you Tony.Kick that SOB's a** man!