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Single Women Greeley, Colorado, CO, Light Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
 Location: Greeley Colorado
 Zip Code: 80631
 Age: 35, Leo
 Height: 5 ft. 4 in.
 Hair, Eyes: Light Brown, Brown
 Body: Average
 Ethnicity: Hispanic
 Religion: Catholic
 Politics: Didn't Say
 Education: High School
 Income: Didn't Say
 Job: Administrative
 Smoke: Don't Smoke
 Has Kids: No
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About Me
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I'm just me?! I have a bubbly personality. Some people say that i am too friendly because i talk to ramdom people wherever i am at! LoL! I cant help it though?! I love to make new friends! I hate mean people so if you gota mean attitude please dont try to contact me!

Want To Find: A man ages 23 to 31 to date
I Like:
dance, dinners, go for walks, hang out with family, hang out with friends, play on computer, play with dogs, shop, sing, talk on phone, watch movies, write
My Posts: view all of my forum posts (4)

My Featured Friends (15 total friends)

My Gifts
Teddy Bear

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