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Good lord....some people
by lyndymoon at 1/3/2013 8:23:24 PM

Just needed to rant a bit, don't care if I offend anyone right now.... is wrong with folks these days??? I mean seriously, if you don't like someone who is a different race, or religion, or, God forbid, sexual orientation, you do not need to broadcast it to the whole damned world. Just look the other way if you don't like what you see in front of you. If your life sucks a** that badly, time to change something about yourself, the way you live, who you are friends with, or better yet, find a way to become slightly more intelligent than you presently are...cause folks, let me tell you, ignorance is NOT ignored any longer by those of us who were raised by parents who do not believe in judging people by anything other than their actions. Have a good night.


1/3/2013 11:43:39 PM