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What point to lying?
by makeusmile34 at 1/29/2014 6:08:18 PM

I don't get why people get on here and lie.I see it alot...I see people complaining about it alot.It serves no purpose-save for the scammers,and shills.
Everyone is capable of it,but there are limits.You can tell a cop you didn't know you were speeding.It is another thing entirely to tell 'em the soot on your clothes and the gasoline smell,have nothing to do with the fire down the street.
I don't lie out here,I want to meet someone.If i can't back-up what i say,I'd be worse than useless.It serves no purpose.
What say Ye' people of DH?


1/29/2014 6:13:09 PM

People lie becouse there l ers in real life. Stritching the truth is one thing but some make it a life style.

1/29/2014 6:18:27 PM

Ppl lie cause its the internet and easy to get away with One lie leads to another and keeps spreading like the plague I see no point in it but then again I can't speak for everyone else

1/29/2014 9:51:58 PM

I'm honest as the day is long. And I've gotten out of two speeding tickets because I admitted that I was.

1/29/2014 9:52:20 PM

Every thing I have ever lied about was the truth

1/29/2014 10:35:06 PM

lol @ Pirate "everything I have ever lied about was the truth"

1/30/2014 3:59:49 AM

What Rodney said

1/30/2014 12:28:40 PM

"...I'm not just a memeber...I'm the president-Yeah, that's the ticket."