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The world is spinning and I can't find the ground!
by whisperingrays at 10/24/2015 6:27:23 PM

Ever wonder if your world will stop spinning around you long enough for you to find the ground and brace yourself before it starts spinning again? I have felt this way often lately and it makes managing my life very difficult. It seems the daily events require much more of me than I have available and before I can take care of one demand another issue presents, and then another and another. Before I know it, I can hardly see straight and I can't find the ground that's supposed to be beneath my feet! How do you focus upon the truest of importance when you can't decipher up from down and everything blurs together? How can I find my footing when there appears to be no base? Shake my head, take a cold eye opening shower, get drunk, or what?????