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ditching for dutch...all of the f**kery lol
by dark_gable0585 at 8/9/2016 6:51:35 PM

A few months back...a friend of mine send me a link of a video about a lady who giving advice for women...so I checked it out....and she was giving women advice about ditching men who wants to split the bill...so I decided to have a chat with her...well it didn't go so well in her part because she was making excuses that women's biological clock is ticking and they don't have time for games and all the shit.....and I said that men don't have time either unless it is simps...and I also said that she wasn't entitled to shit because she didn't earn it....and needless to say...she started to attacked me lol saying I look unprofessional because I have a profile pic where I have a wave cap...I'm not looking for a job or anyone's approval lol....but my work was done...anyway she has other videos as well telling how to let her men cheat....how to get a rich guy, all of that f**kery...so that's all