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When I was a pre teen and teen
by dbcmale at 10/31/2016 7:48:32 PM

Hawk and Animal were my heroes at least 2 of my many heroes.It was 1986 when I first noticed them.I had never seen anything like them two powerfully built very strong men, with mohawks, facepaint and spikes coming to the ring Ironman beating the hell out of their opponents and manhandling them.They were bouncers prior to and you gotta be physically and mentally tough for that.RIP Mike Hegstrand aka Hawk 1957-2003 with Joe Laurinaitis aka Animal considered by many greatest tag team.Only team to held tag team belts everywhere they been.Won Crockett Cup and million dollars in 1986 and so many great matches and feuds.Admire the toughguys true bad a** personnas fit Hawk and Animal.Animals son James Laurinaitis plays for Saints in NFL.