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by sadlsticsienna at 6/2/2017 9:10:14 AM
New 70L aquarium.
Orca 8-12mm Black gravel
Marina 5-8mm Black gravel
Orca 3mm Black Gravel
(decided against sand - white or black/glass) because it is messy. Food and waste stays above it and it's bad for plant root water circulation. Also the black sand was basically glass and was rough on bottom fish. Found out this crap with my 55g which has had the tahitian black sand/glass, and recently white sand.
White sand always goes a tinge of yellow or something, just so annoying. Have to clean too much, and yeah poop so obvious.
Also decided against Active substrates like Up Aqua or any of the more marketed brands like ADA AS.
Basically They're like dirt and when it's disturbed it makes a dust cloud in the aquarium that takes ages to settle. Testing Up Aqua in my pond but too messy for aquarium. Also seems kinda compacting like dirt, I'd be worried about roots rotting due to lack of circulation. Also worried about spiking ammonia and affecting fish with that kind of cloud. Can't be good.
With larger pebbles and Tabs that won't happen.
Cryptocoryne wenditti var. Green (already have)
Some non ID plant I collected at river.
Anubias on wood. (need to get later).
Amazon sword (hopefully).
Substrate Ferts:
Osmocote Pond
Seachem Flourish Tabs
Laterite DIY Tabs
for the crypt, non ID plant and sword.
Water Column Ferts:
Seachem N, P, K (not as much K). N and P less needed when bare cycle is complete. Must dose N and P atm since there is no fish etc.
And some Flourish comprehensive and Iron, low dose of Excel.
Aquaone Reflex 70.
I did want to have CRS shrimp but that filter is inbuilt is really fast so uuuh I'll have to either rip it apart and put a slower one in or put a HOB or sponge filter.
Kinda thinking of having Neon tetras as main fish.