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wow...what happened?
by thebullrdr at 3/11/2010 12:04:20 AM

I seriously doubt anyone will read this but it might be good for me to put it down.
Just a short time ago, I was in love, applying to medical school, making money, the world was my oyster...so what the hell happened? Well, issue number one was the woman. The relationship didn't work out due to some major chemical imbalances on her part. After months of doctors, medication, and violence at home, she finally left. That was for the best. Item number two was medical school. With a 3.75 GPA and decent scores on the MCAT, I can't get in anywhere. Item 3 is the economy. Lost my job and I'm now remodeling bathrooms and welding to get by. Frustration is seriously starting to set in. When I was discharged from the Army I thought I was in the perfect position to take life on and really go somewhere in a short time. Turns out I'm an idiot. And here I thought I was so smart.
I am trying to fix these issues. Obviously, I'm on this site so I'm looking for love once again. I know, we all think, in public anyway, that internet dating is about the worst way to go about it, but why not try to widen the pool of people to meet. If there was someone in my social circles that I could have a go with I would have tried it by now. Secondly, I'm on my way back to school. In talking to a professor at UW, through the strangest of cercumstances, I've discovered I have a keen understanding of the world of physics far above my teaching. So, I'm to be a physicist. I'm applying for masters programs now. Within a couple years I could be back on top financially. Until then, I have to keep grinding it out with the bathroom/welder.
What is the point to all this you ask? No real point. More of a collection of thoughts that have led me to both a dark place, and eventually to a new begining with a small ray of hope. Now, if I could just find someone else who has fallen to the level of internet dating and blogging I might be able to have an actual conversation with someone of the fairer sex that doesn't involve the latest glitter nail polish, club scene, or release by the newest disney singer poluting the radio. Does she exist? Here's to trying. But sometimes I think about those days just a short time ago and think...wow, what the hell happened.